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Thursday, May 19, 2011

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  • theBB
    Jul 21, 02:56 PM
    Let's face it: Apple is a monopoly, but with such a small market share, it is a monopoly that we have freely chosen to deal with. We Mac consumers cannot go to the DOJ and claim we have no alternatives (just because your alternatives suck doesn't mean you don't have them.) If Apple were wildly successful and exceeded this threshold market share, their business model may be interfered with by the government.
    First, being a monopoly is not a crime. Using your dominant market power to eliminate competitors in your or other fields could be a crime. It is called "Anti-Trust Act", not "Anti-Monopoly Act."

    Yes, Apple is the only supplier if you want to run OSX, but OSX is not a "market." It is one of many operating systems out there. That's like saying Ford is a monopoly, because Ford does not let you buy a Ford from another manufacturer.

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  • paul4339
    Apr 22, 02:10 AM
    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    Suing one of your biggest customers isn't?


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  • localoid
    Apr 14, 02:46 AM
    "iX" = "Ix", which is the nickname for the character Ford Prefect in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

    Obviously, the new Apple device is either a digital watch or a towel.

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  • PghLondon
    Apr 29, 04:06 AM
    That's a very nice spin you put on it there ;)

    You actually gave the exact reason why the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS sell more than any android phone. Android offers you so many more choices, that there is no way any single one of them would sell as many units as the two options you have for a phone with iOS.

    If by spin, you mean "reporting of facts without any opinion injected at all", then yes.

    Here's an opinion: You don't have the foggiest grasp of economics.

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  • Juan007
    Apr 12, 09:58 AM
    iPhone 4 is at least one year ahead of the competition, and several years ahead when comparing HW quality / build quality. Even with dual core processors the Android UI speed compares unfavorably to pre-3GS iPhone. The Android UI itself is garbage compared to IOS 4.

    It's perfectly fine to hold off a release of iPhone 4 for a few months. The competition is not catching up, not even close. The ONLY problem with delay is that there is some perception that iPhone 4 is an "old phone" even though it's the best on the market. If you find some guy who's been in a coma for the past year and ask him to choose between iPhone 4 and the latest and greatest Android spin there's no doubt which he'd choose. But ask someone who had a pulse and they know iPhone 4 was released almost a year ago. Even though it is clearly the best phone on the market, the perception is that it's old.

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  • deputy_doofy
    Apr 28, 10:56 AM
    .....About the the mentality of the people who buy a two year old phone just so they can say they have an iPhone.

    Not much different than people who get cheap/free (and crappy) Android phones to say they have a phone that's "good enough as the iPhone." And those phones, though they may be recently manufactured, generally run Android 1.6-2.0. Not exactly high quality...

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  • macrumormonger
    Apr 11, 01:33 AM
    This photo made me thirsty for some Sprite. That is a cool tree right there. Liking the colors on it alot. Could care less about the fountain. : )

    The fountain made you think of clear water. Clear water + lime = Sprite.

    Interesting choice of focal point and depth of field. It makes me wonder what what it might look like with everything in focus.

    I took half a dozen pics of the same scene, it never occurred to me to actually take one with a smaller aperture.:D

    And speaking of badly focused shots. This one I thought I took f/8, but EXIF says f/7.1 making the foreground daisies OOF. Still kept it because I'm a secret admirer of bright super-contrasty sharp everything colorful landscape pics.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5227/5602404398_9c1677930e_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/dailymatador/5602404398/)

    Camera Canon EOS REBEL T2i
    Exposure 0.003 sec (1/400)
    Aperture f/7.1
    Focal Length 35 mm
    ISO Speed 100

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  • tbealmear
    Apr 12, 10:40 AM
    I think that's the case with a lot of phones in the UK, regarding updates. However, State side that's not true. HTC is the best at keeping most their phones up to date, but the carriers really put a strong hold on what one, and when. There are still some phones/carriers running 2.1, with no sign of 2.2 any time soon. Yet 2.3 is out.

    I agree; of all the add ons for phones, sense is the best. Moto-Blur and Samsung [not sure what they call theirs?] are no where near as clean or responsive.

    I agree. My friend has an HTC with Sense and I love it compared to my slow Samsung TouchWiz interface. It's gotten better with Froyo but still very sluggish.

    As soon as Apple fixes the damn notification system and...preferably gives us some kind of option of customization of a home screen or something (just so its not just a bunch of useless icons), I will switch back to the iPhone. I kind of miss my 3GS.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 22, 04:52 PM
    No thanks.

    4.0 max whilst retaining current size. It's a phone not a tablet.
    This is unique to a large number of Apple users that must have small hands.

    My 4.3" HTC incredible is only 4mm wider than iPhone .

    25.4mm = 1.0" so how can a measly 4mm be such a big deal?

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  • 63dot
    Mar 2, 11:01 AM
    Well, his kids have been taken out of his custody. Wonder what's next?


    That's a trip, and it's so sad. However, I think it's best for the kids. With experts seeming to rule out mental illness (which probably doesn't just come on), there seems to be a very strong appearance that he's on drugs.

    The thing is I don't know how he allegedly passed a drug test. The guy rants and raves like either a very late stage alcoholic and/or a person on hard drugs. He has openly admitted to lots of drinking and drug use so it's not a stretch to think he's still using and it's a good reason to take the kids away. But more than feeling sorry for him, I really feel sorry for all those who he had hurt.

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  • Axegrinder
    Jul 11, 05:07 PM
    I know this is an Apple site and having recently "switched" I'm in no way knocking Apple or their products, but at the risk of getting flamed, why do people buy the video ipod with its tiny screen when there are other, better, video players out there already?

    I have one of these (http://www.cowonamerica.com/products/cowon/a2/) and its fantastic. Great battery life, large vibrant screen, 30GB hard drive, plays movies, audio and records off the TV. Works great with my nice new 20" intel iMac too using handbrake and VisualHub.

    I know brand loyalty plays a major part in peoples purchasing decisions but buying an ipod to watch video on a screen as small as that? Don't think I could stand it for long.

    IMHO, both Apple and Microsoft will have to go some way to beat the COWON A2.

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  • dreary
    Apr 24, 03:47 AM
    watching the vid made my eyes swell with tears :( i cant believe how cruel people can be. they should all be fired for not ending the crucification of that poor lgbt person. wat does it say of mankind when they not offer a helping hand to a person in turmoil and pain? so so sick

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  • Adidas Addict
    Apr 15, 03:02 AM
    They are already out in the wild. How do I know? Read below :)

    I was in a restaurant in the bay area earlier this week when a lady walked in to pick up her takeout. She was yakking on a white iPhone. I got a nice look at it from about 3-4 feet away. It wasn't a black iPhone with a white cover, it was clearly a white iPhone with no cover. Saw the silver Apple logo and the engravings very clearly. It did strike me as odd, but I haven't been tracking all-things-apple closely, so didn't know if the white iPhone was in the market or not.

    And yes, it could be that the lady had paid mega bucks to get a custom white skin, but that honestly seems more far fetched.

    You realise that it's been possible to buy the conversion kits to make your iPhone 4 white for over 6 months right?


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  • MacRumors
    Jul 28, 07:13 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    ZDNet reports (http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-6099299.html) on Microsoft's recently revealed audio player initiative known as "Zune". Last week (http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1040_22-6097935.html?tag=nl) Microsoft confirmed that they were entering the music player market with an integrated solution for music, called Zune:

    "We do need a more consistent experience," Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in a January interview. "That doesn't mean it's bad to have a variety of devices. I think that's great. But there are some things we need to make sure are more consistently delivered across the portable devices."

    In the latest article, Microsoft's president of the Entertainment and Devices Division states that the Zune initiative is a long term effort with tie ins into other Microsoft projects including the Xbox, Medica center and Live Anywhere gaming.

    Bach didn't offer new details on Zune but said creating a sense of community and making it easier to find new music are central to it. "We're not just introducing Zune to do the same thing other people do," Bach said. Still, he said, the company expects it to take three to five years for the effort to really pay off.

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Nov 3, 10:02 AM
    Where's my email? :(

    Its in the post! :D

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  • aperry
    Apr 26, 04:12 PM
    If it is as good as Ping, I'm IN!

    Hahahaha, nice one.

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 03:59 PM
    Hasn't Apple's success helped you think about your wallet? Companies are just now being able to price-match the iPad.

    It really has become apparent that the iPad is priced aggressively. Even if other companies are price matching it, they aren't making much of a profit on their tablets. That is a big plus for Apple.

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  • adcx64
    Apr 14, 02:37 PM
    UPDATE there has been news that Apple will release a "smart TV" in the near future, this could be their 9th product (ix):apple:

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  • godrifle
    Mar 31, 10:50 AM
    Just what I wanted to see.

    Bye Bye UI Guidelines.

    This is going to be huge for Mac OS X. UI Guidelines were great but could stagnant the look. The OS needs to look rich in colour.

    Very happy with the change and the development.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Dear God! Eliminate the consistency that UI guidelines create and usability goes out the window. Net result - Mac OS X becomes no different than Window.

    I'm hoping these are red herrings by Apple, because these are just ass ugly.

    Apr 24, 05:19 PM
    I can't read the words on the display. Is seems to say something about confidential and proprietary. I guess this is where the internal location tracking comes in handy.

    Banyan Bruce
    Mar 31, 01:53 PM
    The brown leather looks hideous..if I'd wanted a leather calendar, I'd buy one. :confused:
    Even worst than the awful wood background that appears in several apps. :mad:

    Apr 14, 07:09 AM
    Wouldn't be surprised if this isn't a new marketing scheme by Apple to get all the tech sites talking.....

    Jul 12, 01:34 AM
    If Apple dumped FireWire IEEE1394 for the sake of slimness, it is highly doubtful that they'd re-clutter and fatten it up with Bluetooth (which, after trying for many years (with other devices) I have now considered to be worthless crap).

    Huh? Bluetooth absolutely kicks ass! I have used it extensively with my laptop and my cell-phone, when making data-calls through the phone. No need to have any wires, no need to even take out the phone. Just turn on Bluetooth on the computer and dial. And it just works. Granted, few years ago Bluetooth had all kinds of problems. But it works very very well these days.

    Now, it might be that operators in USA cripple Bluetooth (I have heard that they do that). Luckily in Finland they don't do that, and things work very well indeed.

    Mar 31, 03:12 PM
    Presumably there'll be a cheaper version with faux polyurethane?