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Thursday, May 19, 2011

horseshoe crab blood

horseshoe crab blood. The Atlantic horseshoe crab
  • The Atlantic horseshoe crab

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 13, 10:22 AM
    I think it may be useful for the lock screen. For home screen I don't think it's much more effective than just launching separate apps to look at mail or calendar.
    Anyway, I don't think that it's bad to have widgets or customization, I just think that it's not that important. It will make iOS better, but only a tiny bit better, it won't be any huge step forward.

    Widgets are meant to get you in and out faster. Meaning if you want to just unlock you phone to click next on your media player you can unlock and not have to open an app but just click next.

    It gives too much irrelevant information and it's too easy to make it messy.
    For example, if I run Word on PC and click open file, then it will show me the whole filesystem with thousands of browseable folders, but only few of them actually contain any Word documents. Ideally, what I should be able to see instead is list of all Word documents on my computer and all connected devices in a very organized way that makes it easy to find any document in less than a second. I shouldn't care that one part of a report is in my local folder, another part is on flash drive and some other part is written by another dude and is on a network server, but file system wants me to care of these irrelevant things. I can think of hundreds other examples where file system gets in the way of organization and productivity. Basically, it's not the best way to manage documents and media and it should be superseded by something entirely different. And IMHO for Apple moving forward is so principal that they are willing to reject archaic ways of doing some things even if it's currently the ONLY way of doing them. Apple is like - do it the best way or don't do it at all.
    Your confusing best way with simplist way. The way that windows does it allows you to hide, move, and keep your documents organized. As you being the creator of the document should know where said document is.

    As far as I remember, iPhone 4 still is smaller, has better battery life and screen resolution than comparable Android phones. What specs do you mean?

    The Motorola Atrix which does have best battery life of all smartphones. Screen resolution will only be a matter of time. Any other specs that apple dominates at you can think of. I'll wait....

    horseshoe crab blood. a horseshoe crab (limulus
  • a horseshoe crab (limulus

  • NathanMuir
    May 1, 10:24 PM
    Good news but I wonder what the scope of the reprisals will be?

    This does not look good for Pakistan/ ISI who just made a big deal about getting the US prescience out of the tribal region/ Pakistan. Wouldn't be surprised to learn that the senior leadership at ISI was trying to shield him.

    ABC News is reporting that US boots on the ground were responsible for the kill. It'll be interesting to learn where exactly he was killed.

    horseshoe crab blood. the horseshoe crab blood
  • the horseshoe crab blood

  • -aggie-
    Apr 27, 08:34 PM
    Anyone else find it odd the way jav has been acting?

    Pot meet kettle.

    im gonna follow with ucfgrad and throw -aggie- out there

    Wow, maybe there�s something to Appleguy�s theory about you.

    Anyway, I�m going into the hospital tomorrow morning and I�m not sure when I�ll be posting again. So, I�ll just leave it at:

    The village would be making a HUGE mistake to vote me off, if it comes to that. One of these two, Eldiablowjoe or nies without the bun is probably a WW.

    horseshoe crab blood. Horseshoe crabs are amazing
  • Horseshoe crabs are amazing

  • samcraig
    Apr 29, 04:56 PM
    I'm willing to bet you'll see Amazon's share price take a jump again as the media starts to say that Amazon is going to steal iTunes market share. Wall Street just loves market share. I think they just enjoy the controversy. They'll connect Android's growth rate with lowered mp3 costs and figure through some immediate impact that Amazon will steal away iPhone and iTunes customers away in the long run and pull them to the Android platform.

    I say that it's not wise to just lower prices if you're going to lose money on every sale. I still believe Wall Street will let Amazon get away with it. I'll stick with Apple's pricing model since I'm sure they know how to balance their books the best. Since the record companies approved of Apple's tiered pricing model, I think Amazon might be sticking its neck out again if this new pricing model isn't approved by the record companies.

    I wonder what your response would have been if Apple had reduced their pricing model and Amazon had the higher one....

    I'm guessing you'd praise Apple for the strategy. Maybe I'm wrong. But I am sure plenty here would.

    horseshoe crab blood. Horseshoe Crab ~ DRIED AND
  • Horseshoe Crab ~ DRIED AND

  • CristobalHuet
    May 3, 07:37 AM
    There it is


    horseshoe crab blood. of a female horseshoe crab
  • of a female horseshoe crab

  • pcb
    Jan 29, 11:07 PM

    To add to my earlier post....delivered today, 2008 Honda CBR1000RR; custom paint work, rear tire hugger, Taylormade exhaust, hot bodies under tail, power commander, shorty shift levers, custom pegs, etc and many more yummy upgrades to come. :D

    That is sick. I want one so bad but my folks are being difficult. I am allowed to have one I just cant park it anywhere on their property and seeing as I still live in their house that makes it tough to own one.

    horseshoe crab blood. MA horseshoe crab landings
  • MA horseshoe crab landings

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Aug 15, 04:44 PM
    What's the next logical step in a computer interface? I used to say "Computer, show me the money" to open Quicken back in pre-OS X days. More of a gimmick than anything else, but imagine if the Finder and maybe even other apps became "speakable."

    Me: "Check mail"

    Computer: "You have nine new messages. Would you like me to read them?"

    Me: "No, thanks."

    (clicks on an email, reads message)

    Me: "Reply to this message"

    Computer: "Type or speak?

    Me: "Type"


    Me: "Computer, I'd like to add a photo of the kids to this email."

    Computer: "iphoto has 6,813 pictures of the kids, which one would you like?"

    Me: "One from the birthday party last week."

    Computer: (a strip from iphoto appears) "Here are 23 from last week. I've highlighted the one where your wife fixed the red eye. Is that the one you want?"

    Me: "Yes, that will be fine."

    Computer adds the picture to stationery in the email, other pictures go away.

    Me: "Send the email"

    Me: "...and order me a pizza."

    This kind of thing can't be too far off. A 75 mhz Performa could do it in a rudimentary way. Imagine what a modern Mac may be able to do. "Speakeasy" has a nice ring to it.The funniest post i've read all year! You're a genius. :D
    (That and the one someone here wrote about Rosanne and Giselle in the new Mac ad)

    horseshoe crab blood. A Horseshoe crab.
  • A Horseshoe crab.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 24, 03:20 PM

    Where the McDonald staff doing the write thing, where they obeying McDonald's policy?

    Should they be fired?

    I think jumping on McDonald staff for this is pointless because what would the average person on the street do. Guess what stand by and do nothing and more than likely stare not sure what to do.

    Reason why is that is not something we see very often if ever in our lives and it is so outside the norm that we are not sure what to do and we get stuck in a loop trying to figure out what to do. Normally by the time we finally decide to act it is all over. Look at the length of that event. It was over in matter of seconds.

    In my personal life I had neighbored who would go at it sometime go at it and one night when I was getting home down the street I could see them yelling at each other and it did not look pretty. I kind of hide out of sight and watch trying to figure out what to do because A) I did not want to be dragged into it as I had to live near these people B) I was not sure what was going on. I saw what look like the guy threw a punch and I knew it took me a good 30 secs to even process the fact of did that really just happen.
    Now quickly called the 911 and stated what I saw but I did not want to make a statement to the police as they lived above me and last thing I wanted was people around me being pissed off at me. I just wanted it to end. Cops showed up and I went inside the fight ended and no one was ever the wiser on who called. I never even gave my name to the police.

    Point is even though I saw saw the yelling the punch still took me 30 secs to process and I still was not willing to risk my own body to get involved. I have feeling I was among the few out there who would of even really called the cops instead of just walking inside and pretending not to noticed.
    As an added bonus the fights above me in the apartment did seem to stop and no more what sounded like someone being slammed around making me wish I called the cops sooner.

    horseshoe crab blood. Anatomy of the Horseshoe Crab
  • Anatomy of the Horseshoe Crab

  • GetSwole37
    May 4, 12:17 AM
    so why would his subsidized date be pushed back? why should it matter if iPhone isn't being released? maybe they want a Matrix or something else. that made no sense to me

    horseshoe crab blood. horseshoe crab blue lood.
  • horseshoe crab blue lood.

  • marksman
    Apr 28, 05:41 PM
    If apple got their dual-band world phone out a year earlier, for all carriers, it would have made a huge difference!!!! I can't believe apple is delaying the iPhone 5!!!!!!!!!!

    I am not apple, so I am probably wrong, but delaying the IPhone 5 seems like the worst business decision ever!!!!!!!!!

    The iPhone 5 better be a major upgrade that makes it better than all the other devices out there, and better be on all carriers!!!!

    They have the number 1 and number 2 top selling smartphones out there.

    Bringing out the iPhone 5 now would be a mistake when you are sitting at the top of the heap with your current hardware.

    So you push it back a bit and make the devices even better, giving you an even bigger advantage in the next generation.

    Imagine the iPhone 4 sitting in the 3GS position a year from now. It will be amazing you can get a phone like that for the price it will be available for...

    The android handset makers don't jump up and down with glee because Android has more overall users. It is not good for any of them individually. In fact it is bad for them.

    horseshoe crab blood. Horseshoe crab is having blue
  • Horseshoe crab is having blue

  • MarximusMG
    Apr 13, 07:50 PM
    Anyone actually planning on buying this? Especially with a refresh right around the corner?

    Have you been reading the recent rumors regarding the next iPhone release? That's the whole point of releasing the white iPhone 4 now, IMO. It's tying people over until iPhone 5, which will almost definitely not see the light of day at WWDC.

    horseshoe crab blood. What is horseshoe crab blood
  • What is horseshoe crab blood

  • NickZac
    Jan 1, 05:51 PM
    So I concede. You guys are right, and I am wrong.

    Why concede? I think we are examining obesity pretty well as a group. Furthermore, the current level of obesity is really everyone's problem, as the level affects our society as a whole.

    This lady in question though blows my mind as the article has framed it to appear that her goal is to gain weight. Perhaps the article misinterpreted what she meant.

    horseshoe crab blood. The horseshoe crab#39;s glowing
  • The horseshoe crab#39;s glowing

  • Xenomorph
    Apr 14, 12:31 PM
    Can anyone confirm if the 4.2.7 CDMA release contains the Safari update from 4.3?

    Why would it?? It's not a feature release.

    #.#.X releases are bug fix releases.

    horseshoe crab blood. horseshoe crab blood value
  • horseshoe crab blood value

  • Chaszmyr
    Jul 25, 08:20 AM
    They ditched all signs of the BT regular mouse!

    Excellent, this means the myth about Macs not using multi-button mice will be forever vanquished.

    horseshoe crab blood. horseshoe crab skeletons.
  • horseshoe crab skeletons.

  • dwd3885
    Apr 29, 03:28 PM
    Apple has proven that market share does not = profitability. I think Apple's focus is right.

    I don't see how market share helps Amazon, in this case, if they are losing money on it and have no off-setting profit generated by the loss.

    Also, I wonder when this comes into effect. I was just at the Amazon store and most the music I looked at was at $1.29 or $.99 a song - I only saw one $.69 song. Of course, my tastes don't trend toward a lot of pop.

    Right. You need to look at new releases and top charts, there you will find mostly 69 cent tracks.

    horseshoe crab blood. horseshoe crab care
  • horseshoe crab care

  • aristotle
    Oct 2, 10:45 AM
    If you want to lay the blame at anyones feet, it should be Apple. They should have made a CDMA version and split the load between the networks.
    I can just imagine the lawsuits from clueless american consumers complaining that their iPhone from verizon does not work in Europe like their friends AT&T iPhone.
    CDMA is a dying technology. That is why verizon is switching to LTE (4G GSM).

    The blame does not lay with Apple. The blame rests solely on the entire wireless industry who have been claiming "unlimited" data on phones that were too crippled by a lack of features or crappy software like browsers for people to even bother trying to use a lot of data bandwidth. The iPhone changed all of that and AT&T should have offered capped plans but then a bunch of american consumers with a sense of entitlement would have complained that Verizon were offering unlimited data on their crappy phones.

    The iPhone was such a major game changer in how people use wireless data that no carrier in the US would have been prepared for the load. In Europe, where the Nokia smart phones are more popular, there was higher data usage long before the iPhone came to the scene. In North America, most phones offered texting and WAP internet access. Smartphone usage was much lower in our region compared with Europe.

    horseshoe crab blood. Horseshoe crab fossil.jpg
  • Horseshoe crab fossil.jpg

  • KPOM
    Apr 21, 02:06 PM
    Which would be better for video editing -- the current MBA or the upcoming Sandy Bridge MBA? (just family videos, nothing hardcore)

    Likely the Sandy Bridge. Editing uses CPU power.

    Consider that the Sandy Bridge chip has several advantages over the Core 2 Duo:

    horseshoe crab blood. Horseshoe Crabs
  • Horseshoe Crabs

  • milo
    Aug 15, 01:58 PM
    The new features look pretty cool...but I generally think it's worth getting the upgrades just for fixes and optimizations.

    And from what people are saying, even this early beta of Leopard brings teh snappy.

    horseshoe crab blood. diminutive horseshoe crab,
  • diminutive horseshoe crab,

  • LastName
    Mar 31, 11:57 AM
    That is really, really ugly. Like, really ugly. I cannot imagine having that brown turd interface open on my second monitor all day... blargh!

    +1. I like the unified layout but the color would make me gouge my eyes out to make it stop.

    Apr 14, 12:48 PM
    Are people firing up their lawyers because Apple does not update their iPhone 3G that came with iOS 3 when they bought it in june 2010 ? Doesn't the licence flyer in the box say Apple will supply the current iOS version +1 ?

    Yeahhhh... iPhone 4 came out in 2010. The 3G came out in June of 2008 and ran until June of 2009. Any purchases after June of 2009 was as the "cheap" last years iPhone model just like the 3GS. And since iOS did originally come on the device as 2.0 and then released updates until 4.2, that's more than covering their agreement of iOS +1.

    Apr 1, 07:04 AM
    This is the absolute worst winter in the New England states that I can recall. I am disenchanted by any more snow and look forward to some warmth. The symbolism is in the image!

    Jul 25, 08:40 AM
    In response to the ebay comment, why are they seemingly so dumb? I wanted to buy a new canon lens recently and i always buy my photography equipment from B&H (probably the most reputable place on the planet) but first i looked on ebay to see if i could get a used one for a lot less. None of the auctions went for significantly less than new at B&H (especially when you factor in shipping) and at least one auction ended of about $30 more than retail. I dont get it! Don't people do ANY research?


    Apr 22, 05:59 PM
    do you know how dumb that is? He's moving on to a new company. Along with multiple other people. Also, he was dead on about the Verizon iPhone a YEAR before everyone else.

    Dude. 1/2 the population GUESSED Verizon would be next to get iPhone... Are they all epic analysts?

    Feb 28, 05:53 PM
    No, I read that the show actually generates around $160m per year for ABC through advertisers.

    You may not like him, but I suppose he is underpaid for the money he can generate...

    Oh, and Youtube clip of the Tiger blood/Sinatra/"Dying is for Amateurs"/"I'm bi-winning" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BZA5bOZ6To) interview. :eek: :p

    Between him and Cryer, that's still half of what the show brings in. And you're still not factoring in production costs.