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Thursday, May 19, 2011

steel rifle targets

steel rifle targets. highpower rifle targets.
  • highpower rifle targets.

  • osustudent
    Sep 22, 11:06 PM
    There is nothing wrong with shopping at Wal-Mart, whether it be for school supplies, tv for a college dorm room, or toothpaste.

    To the point, there are documentaries and sociological studies that exist documenting Wal-Mart's "bullying" ways in the marketplace. Just like the vacuum story - they demand lower prices from their suppliers so they can provide lower prices for customers. If they don't get what they want, they'll go to China. I hope they finally get caught. Wal-Mart is an easy target right now, but at least my toothpaste is cheap. :)

    steel rifle targets. Steel Rifle Cleaning Rod
  • Steel Rifle Cleaning Rod

  • MXDT
    Nov 6, 10:54 PM

    Apple has dropped the ball here. Now that most laptops ship with the same chips, Apple can't claim the "Mhz Myth" or anything like that. They will have to keep up to speed, no pun intended.


    You want intel chips.... well you're gonna have to keep up with the intel's fever paced processor upgrades Apple!

    steel rifle targets. rifle targets,
  • rifle targets,

  • Shin3r
    Nov 2, 07:36 PM
    I'm on the fence about the whole iPhone Flash debacle. I believe Apple is not adding flash to try and get standards changed. They have a habit of doing this type of thing. In fact, I think they tried it with MMS by replacing it with email. However, consumers thought different, and now we have MMS.

    I agree Flash is terribly inefficient, but has been around a long time. That being said, there are those times when being able to use a flash website would be convenient. It's not really hurting me though, so time will tell what they do.

    steel rifle targets. Stages with only three targets
  • Stages with only three targets

  • MacNut
    Sep 12, 04:40 PM
    Question for everyone.
    I was playing with itunes 7, and I realized that if i hit the yellow minimize button (with scale effect set) it minimizes into the dock like normal, but when i try to bring it back from the dock it does nothing for a second and then it just appears. I don't know if the way i wrote that makes sense, but give it a try and see if it works for you.its a genie glitch, or thats how it seems.

    steel rifle targets. Steel targets that move will
  • Steel targets that move will

  • sturm375
    Oct 11, 11:37 AM
    Apple computers are primarely sold to very practicle users. "We don't need 3 Ghz to read email." Most everything done on an Apple runs fast enough, plus the UI (user interface) is so exceptional, that many times you can do more with an Apple, than a PC.

    You have to ask, "What drives inovation?" Consumer demand is usually the answer. Apple consumers, by and larger do not over clock, game, or generally tinker with it. If a standard hammer works to drive in a nail, why try to inovate on performance. Instead let's inovate on style, something the PC world is seriously lacking.

    For a long time, Apple's products were pretty much closed to 3rd party vendors. Whether this was intentional on Apple's part, or just not financially fisible on the 3rd party's part, is up for debate.

    In the PC world, there is a signifigant portion that: Game, overclock, and tinker. Also Hardware is fairly open to 3rd party vendors. There is a signifigant portion of PC users (probably equal, or greater than the total market share of Apple) bent on getting the absolute fasted rig they can possibly muster. And that is there prime goal, not using the functionality of the computer, just making it fast. Or if they use it for anything, it is gaming.

    Basically what I am saying, lack of compitition in Apple's market, has squashed most of the performance inovation.

    steel rifle targets. Caldwell Magnum Rifle Gong
  • Caldwell Magnum Rifle Gong

  • ender1122333
    May 5, 01:19 PM
    Can anyone think of ways that 3D on an ipad could actually be useful or benefit the user experience and interface, other than being a cool (or potentially annoying) effect for games and movies?
    Usually apple doesn't use a technology in one of its devices if it doesn't *do* something to improve the device... I'm blanking on this one.

    steel rifle targets. Tactical Rifle Match
  • Tactical Rifle Match

  • mikeapple
    Apr 2, 02:20 AM
    U Mad? :confused:

    I'm not the one that is mad... I am just tired of seeing people on here hoping for a mediocre upgrade... such as no design change and little speed bump...not referring to this thread in particular, but i see it in others..

    people have literally admitting to it. I just think we shouldn't be hoping for small advancements in tech

    steel rifle targets. Our targets as well as Sonny
  • Our targets as well as Sonny

  • vniow
    Oct 11, 12:29 AM
    Okay, by now you should realize that things between the PC world and the Mac world aren't so black and white now.
    XP & 2k are much more crash proof than 9x, have become more user-friendly and have become a better value than the Mac in some ways.
    The major issue right now betwen PCs and Macs isn't any of those however, it's raw speed.
    With Intel approaching 3Ghz by November, the fastest Mac at 1.25Ghz (duals or not) is just not loking very speedy by comparison.
    Granted, they're not THAT slow, but they're far from where they could be.

    There was a time when the Mhz myth was valid, then CPUs started to hit Ghz, then twice that, now at 3Ghz.
    If I'm shopping for a speedy computer right now, what looks fastest, a dual 1.25Ghz G4 or a single 3Ghz PIV?
    Even Photoshop, long favored on the Mac platform is going to render faster on a top of the line PC.

    Now, don't get me wrong, there are a lot of reasons to choose a Mac over a PC at the moment, but speed is not one of them.

    My question to you is, whose fault is it that we have this problem?
    Is it Apple's for not pushing Moto to make faster chips?
    Is it Moto for not giving any intrest in making faster chips?
    Is it Intel, for making consumers think that Mhz is a valid measure for performanance?

    Could Apple have threatened Moto with moving over to IBM chips much earler to get them to crank out some killer chips, or does Moto not care too much about selling chips to Apple because they make more money in the embedded chip market?
    Could Intel have resorted to a better marketing move than cranking up the Mhz every chance it got?

    You decide.

    Sticking the blame on someone and complaining about what should have been done isn't going to do much now, but in the future we can hopefully use this knowledge to make sure that this doesn't happen again.

    steel rifle targets. ACCURACY AND TARGETS

  • CHINAdeals
    Oct 28, 01:29 AM
    'fixed' for me.

    ironically the DAY they released the update.my macbook started shutting down intermittingly..

    instaleld it..works fine so far.as for the fans..they still go 'nuts' when i run a few videos on youtube..is THAT normal?

    like they get pretty loud ugh

    steel rifle targets. RemChoke stainless-steel
  • RemChoke stainless-steel

  • Sydde
    Mar 29, 05:59 PM
    The issue that always seems to pop up in these affairs is the OIL. Well, yeah, that is important. Though we have no vested interests in Libya per se (apart from, perhaps, the Lockerbie incident, and possibly the Achille Lauro), it has been mentioned periodically that oil is "fungible". Even if we are not actually consuming Libyan oil, its absence from the global pool would affect us, so really, there is a significant interest there.

    More importantly, though, the oil-soaked nations draw a lot of income from their fields, which allows/forces them to acquire the most sophisticated martial paraphernalia available. In this respect, they represent the most serious potential threat to everyone else in the world. Hence, Kuwait and not Sudan, Libya and not C�te d'Ivoire.

    Really, though, I have this nagging feeling that the right-wing indignation over this action is partly being fomented by Halliburton and Blackwater, who stand to make no absurd profits in Libya.

    steel rifle targets. steel targets from MGM.
  • steel targets from MGM.

  • Benjy91
    Apr 2, 06:38 AM
    I was expecting an 8MP Camera in the iPhone 5, Im just glad it could be a top quality company like Sony doing it.

    No offense but its obvious you know nothing about photography. Your statement is 100% incorrect.

    I guess these are bad pictures then if good pictures can't be taken without top of the line equipment:

    Those are good, famous photos, even though the one on the left is staged, the kids are hiding their faces because they couldnt stop giggling at the idea of having their photo taken. Powerful photo though.

    steel rifle targets. x2 2.25in spinner targets x1
  • x2 2.25in spinner targets x1

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 03:41 PM
    Full screen playback of videos now has Quicktime-style translucent controls.

    You can properly tag TV shows.

    steel rifle targets. SWIFT TRAINING RIFLE TARGETS

  • Source
    Oct 13, 04:54 PM
    Originally posted by tfaz1
    But we (rumor-heads) are the few, and PC marketing no longer seems to focus on speed. And I believe that Apple is slowly turing more heads out there.

    You're kidding, right?

    Unfortunately, most people are NOT computer savvy and when they see an Apple Mac at 1GHz and a PC at 2.5GHz and two thirds the price, which do you think they will pick?

    It's the same reason people will pick up a Gamecube over an Xbox - They don't take time to find out what comes with either, they just pick the cheapest. Nemo: "Well it does the same thing, dunnit?"

    Originally posted by Spike Spiegel
    all of the mac users i know are casual to hardcore gamers. to say that the mac gaming community is a minority worth ignoring is not true. also, ALL of the mac users i know are more tech saavy than any of the PC users i know, who only use the internet, mail, and counter strike. In my experience, mac users are more apt to tinker with their machines(RAM,hard drives, video cards etc.) I think apple needs to re-evaluate its priorities and put performance before style.

    No offense, Spike, but that is a joke. You simply can't configure your hardware in a mac as much as you can in a PC. I know people who are hardcore PC "tinkerers", who barely touch their mac (with regards to messing with the hardware), because there's simply nothing interesting to do with it, except maybe upgrade it.

    Can you buy a 5 fan aluminium case for a mac? No.
    Can you buy cooling systems, fan regulators and lights? No.
    Can you buy wrapped IDE cables and cut a hole in the side of your mac to show off everything inside? No.
    Do you have different types of hardware manufacturers, competing for your money? Well yes, but not as much as PC users.

    The very market Apple has always played for and still plays for today, to some extent, is people who are computer illiterate. Nearly all of their advertising campaigns say: "Macs are easier to use that PCs." Thereby trying to attract those who can't use PCs, or at least, find them difficult to use.

    Mac users are the most disillusioned people that i've ever seen. You guys lie and lie and lie to yourselves time and again, just to make yourselves feel better about buying a Mac.

    In general, if you want a computer for gaming, you DO NOT buy a Mac, unless you're very stupid. I'd say about one tenth of the games that come out on PC, also get released on Macs, and even when they do, it's a few months to a year after the PC version is released. Granted, Apple is doing an amazing job of getting more games developers to release OSX version of their games, but still, most of the time Mac users have to wait for the game to be release after the PC version. Although, basically all of the best games do eventually get released on Macs. The words "Mac Gamer" is an oxymoron and the words "Hardcore Mac Gamer" is just a myth.

    A Mac is a great computer, so stop bull****ting yourselves about all of the things you think it can do and just accept that Macs are still more stylish and more stable than PCs and have, in my opinion and i'm sure yours, a much better looking and interesting to use OS. PCs are slowly catching up to Macs in that department, especially with regards to stability and if you really want a stylish computer, it's easy to find as long as you have someone that can build it. I'd personally, rather have a well build, aluminium case (NOT Lian Li cr@p) cased computer than a white, plastic Mac that anyone can buy.

    It's been proven that more intelligent and richer people buy Macs. And that is the most moronic thing i've ever heard. OF COURSE the people who buy macs are, in general, going to have more money and be more intelligent, for the simple fact that Macs are far more expensive than PCs. That's like saying:

    "People that buy Mercedes cars are more intelligent and richer than people who buy Skodas."

    Macs are more expensive, therefore you need more money to buy them, - the people who buy them have more money because they have better jobs and they have those better jobs because they have college degrees or a better education. GET IT?

    Considering that statement says Mac users are more intelligent than PC users, Mac users sure do buy into a lot of stupid, ************, sensationalized advertising.

    I believe that Apple WAS turning heads, but with the advent of the 3GHz Intel CPU, i hope Apple will finally start to realize that they need to do something, and fast, but i don't think they will.

    Now don't get me wrong, i love Macs. What i HATE is Mac users who continue to lie about what Macs can do, what people who use Macs are like and spout crap like: "Mac users are sooo much better than PC users!". Just grow up!

    And the sadness of it all is that, in my experience, PC users don't really give a crap about Mac users, but Mac users continue to insult PC users at every chance they get. It's childish.

    It's Apples fault. If they can't run their company properly, they can't expect anyone else to do it for them.

    Now when are the fricking new Macs going to be released?

    steel rifle targets. OUTBACK WELDING steel targets
  • OUTBACK WELDING steel targets

  • daneoni
    Aug 24, 03:38 PM
    Looks like im defo affected. Sigh....there is nothing wrong with my battery it works fine and has good recharge cycles. Looks like it's time to call Apple BUT might wait till waaay down the line when majority have done theirs

    steel rifle targets. range targets in the field
  • range targets in the field

  • *LTD*
    Apr 17, 12:04 PM
    Dude. You need to get out of the house and out from behind your iDevices.


    neither cast ye your pearls . . .

    That's the only advice I really need to follow around here.

    steel rifle targets. funny air rifle targets
  • funny air rifle targets

  • JPark
    Mar 29, 09:53 AM
    This would be nice. I'd like to be able to tell my phone to read an email or text to me when I receive one while driving. However, I get into arguments all the time with the Siri app. We weren't on speaking terms for about a month after the last fiasco, (she kept telling me she couldn't help me because she didn't know my home address even though I wasn't at home and I couldn't see how knowing that would help me find a Taco Bell), but we recently made amends and the relationship, although tenuous, is improving.

    steel rifle targets. Re: rifle targets- what do you
  • Re: rifle targets- what do you

  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 13, 07:44 PM
    Back in the final days of Logic Pro 7 I was considering buying it. It was incredibly powerful but really deep and with a clunky GUI to boot. My procrastination paid off.

    Within months Logic Pro 8 came out and they simplified the GUI to be like GarageBand (and oh how all the "Pros" did moan...but only for awhile) and cut the price from $999 to $499. I jumped on it and never looked back.

    And now the same sort of thing is happening to FCP. All the power (fingers crossed) but with a much better GUI (yes, sort of like iMovie but only on the surface....just like with Logic Pro and Garageband).

    Jumping into this will be a no-brainer for me whereas with the old FCP I would have never "bit".

    Give the "Pros" time to come around. A lot of the resistance evaporates over time. Yes, there are actually some people who like difficult programs because then they join the "priesthood" of "those in the know" and get all puffed up.


    steel rifle targets. Applying semi-automatic rifle
  • Applying semi-automatic rifle

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 12, 06:42 AM
    Unfortunately not. This extremely tired and overworked theoretical man cannot ask his boss, because the freelance work conflicts with the corporate work. He also just uses photoshop. He's looked for cheaper tools - really wants to love pixelmator, but it just falls too short, and doesn't offer the compatibility he needs to work with his colleagues. He'd love to buy an older version of the suite - CS3 would be fine - if he could find it at a reasonable price, which he can't.

    This guy - like I imagine many other "pirates" - isn't a bad guy. He WANTS to buy it, but it's tough to swallow that kind of an asking price. One day soon, when he can afford to, he'll pay the price. He just can't right now.

    Look, anyone can make up stories to try to prove a point. You won't change my mind and I still think your over emotional made-up scenario is pure bunk to try to tug at the strings of the heart. My empathy meter is barely reaching up to "couldn't care less" levels. The people who "pirate" Creative Suite are talentless hacks who probably pirate it for the sake of saying they have it (hoarders, what most software pirates are), not to use it in any meaningful way.

    I stick by my gross over-generalization which makes anyone saying they will pirate it not matter at all in the grand scheme of things and should not be something to get worked up about like the initial post I was responding to was doing. Just ignore the people who think Adobe's prices are outrageous, they are what they are because they sell the best tools and anyone who can take those tools to make something worthwhile doesn't give a damn about the price.

    steel rifle targets. shooting, steel, targets,
  • shooting, steel, targets,

  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 6, 07:41 AM
    Merom. Boo.

    Well I won't be getting one of these iMacs. Merom and rubbish graphics cards. Great.

    Where's my tower, Apple!?

    Apr 26, 11:01 AM
    I don't know the answer to question one, but the answer to the second question is yes. On top of that, the rate of conviction of blacks is higher.

    If you are applying this to the UK, you are bang on wrong.

    Eastern Europe and southern US, you may have a point.

    Oct 26, 05:11 AM
    Yep. That is the subwoofer for the Harman Kardon Soundsticks. :)

    I thought you had a siren under your desk for a moment :p

    Apr 14, 01:01 AM
    No clue. I bet it would run but not all that well. I hope these comments on the rest of the Studio will calm some of the "sky is falling" pessimists. I'm not saying that FCPX is a home run yet but I'm more than happy to leave my torch and pitchfork in the shed based on what's been demoed so far.

    Don't know what these people are talking about. It will run fine on a maxed out 13" air. It's not nearly the same as a maxed out Mac Pro, but it will work fine. These people are just blowing steam without a clue. No one really knows but you should be fine. That's what I have after all!

    Aug 2, 10:09 PM
    Well, they find a problem and Apple responds in less than a day! No matter whose fault it was, Apple's computers had an obscure security hole and I applaud them for fixing it... not sure why everyone is getting all defensive over this one. Apple has already fixed the problem with the latest OS X security update, and I would guess Microsoft has done the same thing:

    The update to WebKit resolves an issue where a maliciously-crafted HTML document could cause a previously deallocated object to be accessed, leading to an application crash or arbitrary code execution.

    Really seems like a non-event to me as Macbook users (I wouldn't be scared to claim 100% of them) use their internal airport cards, not the silly USB one that opened up a security hole before this seurity update existed.

    I mean if you install ARD and give someone the password then they can have complete control over your computer maybe that should reach front page as the main headline.

    Nov 4, 07:14 PM
    And as far as Safari being the fastest browser, you believe in ads way too much...

    No, I believe the benchmarks...

    You'll notice that only the Chrome beta is faster than Safari 4, and only on one specific processor. Everywhere else Safari wins.

    And when has there ever been a Safari ad?