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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

queen elizabeth 11 coronation

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  • Gurutech
    Oct 26, 06:44 PM
    On the video front, crushing video down to mp4 files is a two stage process which each use 3-4 cores. Hosing an 8-core Mac Pro will be no problem. Those of you who think that 8-cores is a lot and crazy have no experience with multi-core applications and the idea of running multiple instances of even single core applications simultaneously. You are going to have to begin to RETHINK how you execute your workflow - i.e. the ORDER in which you initiate processes - to get the most bang out of an 8-core Mac Pro and to begin learning how to get more work done in far less time than you do today.
    Thank you for both those posts. I have felt pretty alone on these 8-core threads thus far. Glad to finally see someone else who understands and can explain so well why 8-cores is still not going to be enough joining in on these discussions.

    Any of you who don't think a 16-core Mac Pro will be a hit in a year can really only be into word processing. :p

    Mac Pro is only true desktop offering from Apple. That's the problem.
    Not that many individuals really want that much power.
    However, they do intensive enough tasks requiring more power that exceeds what iMac can offer. The price and power ratio of iMac is just not enough.

    Apple really needs something between "Pro" and "Consumer".
    If iMac offered the ability to work as monitor, I wouldn't be disappointed by this much.

    This is getting old already, but what I need is a decent Conroe Desktop with around 1500 USD price tag.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 10:53 PM
    It was not a Latin sentence, so it was certainly meaningless in Latin. If you look up "sign", as a noun meaning signification, and instead choose the first person singular of the Latin verb meaning "sign a letter", you are not off to a very promising start. Cicero would be rolling in his grave.
    I know the difference between a sign and what it signifies. But even if a group of words doesn't form a sentence, that group differs from the proposition the writer is trying to state with it. That's why you can translate a sentence from one language to another language. If I'm only beginning to learn French, I may say something that may be ungrammatical literally meaningless. But my teacher or another expert in the French language may know what it is I'm trying to say with it. Skunk seems to be talking mostly about a signifier, the group of words, when I'm talking mostly about what Caocao intended to signify with it. When someone says something I don't understand, I'll ask the speaker or the to rephrase it. I just realized that I misspelled CaoCao's screen name. But I'm sure you guys knew whom the misspelled name stood for.

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 15, 12:09 AM
    Even allowing for the possibility of a complete core meltdown (an unlikely event given the current situation, though not impossible), the structures were designed to contain such an event. The release of dangerous levels of radiation is extremely improbable, even given a situation significantly worse than that currently faced by Japan. Link (http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/03/14/6268351-clearing-up-nuclear-questions)

    very informative link ... this is likely another 3 Mile situation and will get under control. The expanded evacuation seems to be added precaution and not an indication of Radiation sweeping the area.

    I feel for the people that have been displaced and wish them well

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  • guzhogi
    May 5, 02:21 PM
    Two weeks ago my service was flaking out. Couldn't make calls or get to 3G all day. Wasn't too happy. Wentthe AT&T store to go vent and the hottest clerk, I have ever seen, was working. She was so hot, she should have been over at VS in VS modellling something for me. wink, wink. nudge, nudge. ;) She said they were working on a go-live of 12 new towers. The engineers had screwed up the configs. So the new towers and some of the old towers weren't playing nice with network. I live in mostly Verizon country. AT&T has been making improvements out the whaz. They finalized the deal for Centennial Wireless. Alot of those towers flipped to ATT recently. So for me, my piece of the network got bigger & better. Now mind you this girl was so good looking she could have told me to set my iPhone on fire and I would have given it serious consideration. It seems like AT&T is trying to act like it cares. So back to mis hottie. I asked for her phone number. ANd she told me, 1-800-331-0500. I think she likes me.

    Pics of her?

    My sister keeps asking when the iPhone is coming to Verizon. She really wants an iPhone, but hates AT&T.

    And just so you know, my sister's married. Sorry guys.

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  • GeekLawyer
    Apr 15, 10:06 AM
    So basically, fat kids deserve to be bullied! Crying themselves to sleep every night is sure to burn extra calories. We should give the bullies a medal for helping reduce our public health care costs.

    But hands off the gays!When I was younger, I was bullied for both. No one is better or worse than the other. This campaign is about telling gay kids to stick it out, that it will get better as you get older.

    It sure did in my case. And I think kids coming up need to hear this message.

    Fat kids, too. But that's for a group other than The Trevor Project to organize. Maybe you'd like to do it??

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  • firestarter
    Apr 24, 12:16 PM
    I'm not trying to further some Christian agenda or proselytise. I'm saying these things because I would rather support Christianity/Judaism/Atheism/whatever than Islam.

    These days you'd be hard pressed to find someone being charged in a Western democracy for blasphemy but it's an almost every day occurrence in the Muslim world. The only time it happens in the West is when someone insults Islam, then it's classed as hate speech.

    Blasphemy is only one aspect of religious control and oppression in society.

    While faith is used as the reason behind the denial of rights associated with sexuality, family planning, education, electoral representation, it's ridiculous to pretend that Western Christianity is any more benign than Islam. You just notice it less, because your culture is steeped in it.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 23, 05:14 PM
    im not a phone genius but i am pretty sure the Android is cross-carrier. If it surpasses the iPhone any time soon, it will be because of that. But i guarantee that if the iPhone went cross-carrier as well, we would see a HUGE jump in sales in which Android will plummet. Think about it. a REALLY BIG reason a lot of people go with the Android is because the iPhone isnt available on their carrier.


    iPhone has already gone cross carriers in other parts of the world and we did not see a huge jump.

    Android is going to pass the iPhone because of choices and on multiple types of hardware. Some people want a hardware keyboard other want all touch screen, Some want smaller sizes and so on.

    iPhone is take it or leave it. Android phones you have a lot more choices on hardware.

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 28, 09:09 PM
    That's hilarious! Do you really believe that? Half of the people I know started out with Windoze, and have since migrated to Mac. They've never looked back. None of them would think of contaminating their Mac with Winblows. I don't know a single person that started out Mac and moved to PC. Not one. And none of them feel any need to run Windows.

    Do you think the people you know represent a fair sample group? You don't know anyone who needs Windows for work?

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  • sbarton
    Jul 13, 09:03 AM
    930 is a netburst-CPU (P4) and those are absoluitely dirt-cheap these days, dual-core or not. Intel is basically donating them to OEM's these days. Not so with Conroe.

    So Dell has a system with dirt-cheap CPU and that vaunted Dell-"designed" case for under $1000. And you are now expecting to get an Apple-system with kick-ass case and considerably more expensive CPU with just $200 extra?

    That said, I would like to see a Apple minitower-system that uses the Conroe. It wont be as cheap as Dell, since whereas Dell might cut corners everywhere, Apple simply does not. Even their cheapest system (Mini for example) are very refined. Could you imagine an Apple-system that is made from cheap plastic (like this HP-system standing next to me)? I sure as hell can't.

    Fine what would you pay? Whats fair? Seems like Apple's product line says 'take it or leave it with the imac' or 'cough up a lung for the Pro line'. There's nothing in the middle.

    Yes, I appreciate the Apple design considerations. I'm willing to pay a premium for it. The question is - How much?

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  • Iscariot
    Mar 25, 01:28 PM
    I did not miss the fact that you tried to expand the discussion point. ;)
    Had a more conservative member of this board attempted to 'stretch' the original point
    A conservative member of this board has already narrowed the discussion from "hate" to "specific acts of violence linked diretly to the catholic church".
    I've already presented my views on why I think that speech is different from physical acts.

    This is a thread on the Vatican's position regarding homosexuality and homosexual marriage, not violence, correct? Please correct me if that's not right.

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  • calzon65
    May 5, 08:38 PM
    Great phone, crappy AT&T service, Apple should develop a version to run on Verizon.

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  • Thanatoast
    Sep 20, 03:16 PM
    Why in the world are so many people complaining about the lack of a DVR and DVD?

    In the case of the DVR, what the heck are you people watching? The last time I saw cable (Dish Network) there were over two hundred channels, and not one thing I wanted to see. I'd much rather pay for a season pass for the one or two shows worth watching than around $60 for cable + Tivo every month.

    Yes, I know, that puts me outside the norm. But I can use the time to read a book, cook a good meal, or go running/work out. All better uses of time than sitting in front of entertainment programing that is 1/3 ads and 2/3 not worth watching.

    As for the DVD player issue, Apple wants you to buy your movies from them. They neither need nor want a DVD player on this device. If you already own a movie on DVD, rip it for goodness' sake. Large collections of DVD's look impressive, but really all they do is take up space.

    My conclusion: drop the cable + Tivo - save money, time and brain cells. Only watch the content you're willing to pay for rather than letting Hollywood/Madison Ave shove whatever they wish down your throat while you slowly vegetate.


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  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 11:32 PM
    the mind can play many illusionist tricks ... even the most faithful does not "know" for sure

    It depends on what you mean by 'know' I guess.
    I cannot even know that my mind is perceiving reality as it actually is. Yet I still have to trust that this perception is valid at least on some levels. In the same way that I know gravity pulls me to the ground, gnostic theists know there is a god.
    It's easy to demonstrate, too. Would an insurgent give up the only life he knew for something about which he was uncertain? I certainly wouldn't.

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  • dgree03
    Apr 21, 09:07 AM
    Look Android lovers... this is an Apple site. You don't need to call us "Fanboys" in a condescending way here. We are here because we love our Macs, iOS devices or we develop for them and like to keep up on the news. Yes... many here are "fanboys".

    We don't care about your customization, your 4G, your ability to steal music or video. It's stupid. You do know you can do all that on an iPhone too (with the exception of 4G - but who cares, very little markets have it). Yes, iTunes manages our music, apps and video, but I can add songs and videos from anywhere... just like you. If I want to be a geek and customize, I can jail break my phone and do all sorts of crazy things. You do realize the average consumer out there could care less right? They just want it to work.

    So, anyway... go love your Droid device. It is a nice platform. But sorry to say, it's not going to kill the iPhone or iOS. Apple is good at what it does and consumers love it. Their sales continue to show it.

    And, like it or not, Apple is the most influential high-tech company out there right now. They've done more for the PC and the Mobile industry than any other company in the last decade. You should be happy Apple exists as they've woken up many manufactures in the market as to what consumers care about. Quality product. Consistent experience and superior service.

    Please... if you want to impress your friends with your customized HTC Thunderbolt, go over to the Android forum and beat your chest and stop the pissing contest here. There's pluses and minuses on both sides and we could argue all day with no productive end result.

    I generally agree with your post. My problem is, people comment on stuff they have NO IDEA about on this site. When anybody makes false claims, they should be called out, period. My annoyance is with "fanboys" as they seem incapable of thinking that "their" product my not be the best or the only fish in the pond.

    I will defend apple on many things, I will defend android on many things, I will defend windows on many things, I will defend sony, samsung, monster(beats headphones), protools, BMWS, Dodges etc....

    I wish more people here can be objective about most things, so we can have a real discussion and like you said NOT "a pissing contest." But sometimes a pissing contest is needed to shut people down who are spreading falsehoods.

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 23, 02:37 PM
    lol, in all of the classical arguments for the existence of God, God was defined as being in the possession of the same attributes as he is in the Bible. If you could define God in any way you wished then I'm sure it'd be a lot easier to prove his existence.

    The Bible, as you may or may not know, is the basis for Christianity, and the Old Testament is the basis for Judaism.

    Hindu theologians take a different approach to these ontological problems.

    The Bible? I don't think I've ever heard of it. :rolleyes: No one can prove the existence of God in any form, let alone some specific God as described in the Bible (a compilation of edited stories mostly derived from hearsay).

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  • awmazz
    Mar 11, 09:35 PM
    "10.45pm GMT: Now there are reports from nuclear plant operator Tepco that the Fukushima No 2 plant has lost cooling to three of its reactors.

    So that's 2 reactors at #1 plant and 3 reactors at #2 plant? Chernobyl was only one reactor, wasn't it...

    Fukushima Daiichi (No 1) plant

    - has six reactors, three of which were shut down for maintainence. Two of the remaining reactors, Unit 1 has significant problems with a rising temperature and in another the operator says it has lost cooling ability.

    – the Unit 1 reactor has seen radiation levels inside its control room rise, and slightly higher radiation levels have been detected outside the reactor. Pressure inside the reactor is twice the normal level, and the operator has been forced to vent radioactive vapor to relieve the pressure.

    Fukushima Daini (No 2) plant

    – has four reactors, and in units 1, 2 and 4 of them the operator has said it has lost cooling ability.

    – Tepco says pressure is stable inside the reactors of the Daini plant but rising in the containment vessels.

    The massive irony of nuclear power plants actually having no power to run their cooling systems. The backup diesel generators are flooded and the backup backup batteries are depleting. They are a power company after all, they should be able to find some spare batteries while they get the diesel generators back online.

    Edit: Of course, you'd think an oil company would be able to cap off a leaking oil well...

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    Apr 13, 01:43 AM
    I think I'm supposed to feel insulted by your ignorance. but I don't. If you want to make a counter argument, you can start by being honest about what I was saying.

    you made a mistake. you should have said. "I think I'm supposed to feel insulted by "MY" ignorance. and I would have said. yes you should because no one in their right mind would think to use an application's automatic feature and call the results suitable for delivery.
    AHAHA you have me laughing... only an Idiota would think that there is an application with one-click color correction and use such feature in a professional environment. You should change your user name to something else. usually when geeks speak they know what they are talking about. you obviously do not. do not bother to answer I do not have time to read your childish, uneducated or uninformative posts.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 10:49 AM
    Yes. What part of it is a result of a scientific study?
    I guess none of it resulted from a scientific study, but at least tests show that the relic contained human blood.

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 04:04 PM
    Give an example, please.

    Finance -> interest -> Loans

    There are "Sharia-compliant" loans.


    Mar 18, 08:45 AM
    I see nothing wrong with AT&T cracking down. You signed a contract that specifically said you had no interest in tethering. But if you use it, then you lied when you signed your contract which means AT&T has the right to modify it.

    Hey, it's better then them blackballing you and making you pay the remainder of your phone's cost.

    Mar 18, 02:57 AM
    Big Thumbs up AT&T. I am glad they are just taking it to enroll people into the 2gig plan and add tethering, saves people the trouble of having to do it themselves!

    Plus I won't have to subsidize their data usage from their stealing bandwidth and access from AT&T.

    I can't wait though, in a few weeks / months, though, when we start seeing people complaining how AT&T screwed them and changed their dataplan even though they did nothing wrong and weren't using MyFi and AT&T is horrible and a crook.

    It is coming...

    By the way the supposition as to how they are detecting this is likely way off base. It is probably pretty easy for them to determine it. I suspect Apple has included some kind of method for them to determine it. People who think it is not detectable just don't understand how it works/what it is doing at the device level.

    Mar 20, 07:01 AM
    The "Apple first" nuts in this thread are the the ones that give the Mac community a bad name. "Digital rights management" blows.

    Oct 30, 08:59 PM
    I don't want to seem judgemental, but the last thing I ever plan on doing is selling my G5 Quad. I mean like I will have my G5 Quad until I DIE. Why would you do that? It runs classic. It runs Adobe native. It is pretty fast for email and word processing. ;) And it runs dead silent. It's the perfect backup for when the Mac Pro goes down. At the very least it makes for a great HDTV player and recorder with EyeTV 500 or Hybrid attached.

    What was your reasoning?

    And what's up with you not knowing the 8-core was coming? This is very old news. Some of us have known since early this year. :confused: :eek:

    i wish i could have kept the Quad for some of those reasons mentioned, but it's purely down to financial reasons, i simply wouldn't be able to afford keeping both. I'm a film-maker just starting out, so i'm not getting a very steady income that is related to work done with a computer to be able to justify such expenditures etc.. firstly i got a decent price for my quad, i wouldn't have sold otherwise, it'll only be a few hundered pounds for me to upgrade to a mac pro, but i sold partially because i'm one of those who likes the newest etc.. but main actual reasons are
    1) I mainly use HDV with Final Cut Studio, so the performance bump would be very useful for me, obviously more of a luxury, FCP worked fine on the quad, but anything better is worth it. 2) I use adobe but any of the few deadlines i have don't really rely on the use of adobe software, but i know in a few months the use of adobe stuff will be much more important to me and i'll have to buy a license, CS3 will probably be out by then as well as other Universal Binary converts, and i imagine the Quad will only be worth having for people needing a backup machine, the value of it will drop like anything, no?? rather sell now while the value of it is still fairly high, and especially because they are out of stock everywhere. 3) I get a windows capable machine that is powerful enough to let me use some software i wouldn't have been able to use before on my 2.4ghz, 1gb PC, as well as run games properly on my 30". Buying a seperate similar specced Windows PC wouldn't be worth it for me, but the situation with bootcamp is just perfect for my needs.

    If i was running a steady business, no way would i have sold the Quad, but i'd rather sell now while i can afford to be sans mac, rather than down the line when i know the mac pro will be extremely sought after and get bottom dollar for the quad.

    oh i knew the 8-core was coming out, i just didn't know it would be this soon, i've only recently started getting into the 'underground' gossip of macs, and i don't know where i got the idea from but i thought the octo would be around Q1/2 of next year, and i would just have just done the upgrade myself if it warranted it. Anyway i was able to finish all my work this weekend before i shipped it today, so in a strange way i have a sort of holiday thanks to this news, though as a recent mac convert i can't believe i used to live like this, already missing her. :(

    Mar 18, 08:55 AM
    Not AT&Ts fault for selling unlimited data that they've violated and chose to limit?

    Stfup, you have no idea what you're talking about.

    AT&T, you've stepped over the line. I've contacted my attorney about this issue months ago letting him know something needs to be done about this flagrant misuse of the word unlimited, and AT&Ts attempts to back out of their commitment.

    Forcibly changing my plan with zero evidence of anything is illegal and they will pay for it. Tme to start blasting them on Facebook, twitter, everywhere possible.

    Please start swearing at me. They aren't limiting your data, they are limiting where in their contract you signed, they said you could use said data. Good luck spending money on a lawyer that's not going to do anything for you.

    Grow up.