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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

i love you mommy poems

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 13, 08:29 AM
    I've been wondering about this too. Surely they have the source code (or most of it) written in a high level language, right? If I'm not totally mistaken, there shouldn't be that much more work involved than a re-compilation for x86. Even if some filters or other stuff are hand coded in assembler, they already have that code in x86-assembler in the Windows version.

    Adobe is weird...but I think they have a lot more up their sleeve than just universal. I think they want it to run extremely well on intel macs, and perhaps continue work at the same time on making more of their features take advantage of quads.

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  • levitynyc
    Apr 9, 05:15 AM
    I would consider myself a hardcore gamer and I'm not ashamed of it. I went to PAX East the last 2 years and own all 3 home consoles plus a PSP, 3DS, DSi, iPhone and iPad. Gaming kept me away from all the drugs and alcohol that my friends were doing in high school. I'm almost 30 now and I'm married, have a good job, have a beautiful home and a beautiful wife, so lets not get stereotyped.

    True, some iPad/iPhone games are "casual time wasters" but there are also some FANTASTIC games. Dead Space iOS is fantastic and guess what, ITS WAS 10 DOLLARS. True, its not as good as the console versions, but those sold for 60 DOLLARS.

    Get off your friggin high horse when saying that App store gaming isn't real gaming.

    The gaming industry is upset with Apple because Apple is finally giving customers the option to pay what customers think a game is worth, not what a console manufacturer thinks a game is worth. If Pilot Wings 3DS was an App store game, it'd be AT MOST 10 dollars. I bought it, I enjoy it, but I feel ripped off by the price.

    This scares the hell out of Nintendo as their mandatory priced 40 dollar games are being compared not only in quality, but in PRICE to iOS games.

    Tiger Woods golf is another great game on the consoles, but that game is 60 dollars. The iPad version is very very similar (doesn't have Augusta and online modes and a few other small things) but its only 10 bucks on the iPad and I'm sure it'll be on sale shortly.

    Last year I picked up the iPhone version for 99 cents. I had more fun with that than the 60 dollar console version because at any time I could play a hole or 2 when I had a few minutes of down time at work.

    EDIT: Sorry for the double post

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  • VPrime
    Apr 6, 05:46 PM
    My main issues when I switched was no
    -cut/paste files in finder.
    -No maximise window
    -red x didnt quit program.
    -enter/return renames instead of opens
    -No directory location bar in finder (to tell you the folder structure/where you are)
    -Plus a few more that were already mentioned

    But after a few weeks all the problems went away. These "issues" are not really issues, it is just a different OS and you are still in the windows mindset. Once you accept things are different you learn and adapt.

    Cut and paste in finder, sure it would be handy sometimes.. But the UI of OSX is built around an alternative. you can click and drag any file, hold t over a location and the folders spring open. Its not a perfect replacement (sometimes quite slower) but it gets the job done.
    Or you just get accustomed to having more windows open and drag between them (usually the case especially because expose is awesome)..
    This being said, I still want cut/paste in finder.. But the alternative is quite usable.

    -Maximize.. Really this is just a different OS. You cant expect it to behave the same way. OSX is a great multi tasking OS. Having multiple windows open is much easier to manage (especially because of tools like expose). The "maximise" is really a fit window to contents button. It will increase the window size to make sure everything fits. So a web page will get as big as it needs to fit with out scrolling... The only problem I have with this is that it isn't consistent with every app.. Some programs don't enlarge the window to fit the contents. It is up to the developer.
    But after using it for a few weeks you get used to it, and actually like it comapred to taking up the full screen (usually...).

    -return/enter renaming.. This is just a different OS. you have to re learn some hot keys. It's the way of life. Instead of enter, you press command+o.

    -No Directory path... Well there is. inside of finder you can turn on 2 options. One to show the folder structure at the bottom of the finder window (like a status bar) and navigate up/down a folder tree. open up finder, go to View> select show PAth bar.
    2. customize the finder tool bar and add a path icon. This adds a trop down button which shows the path and lets you jump back.
    3. Terminal command which shows the directory path right at the top of a finder window. This replaces the current directory name with the path.

    Really, there are changes. Some annoying, but that comes with the territory . You are using a different OS after all. Most of the annoyances or frustrations are early on and mainly because you are not familiar with the OS. But after survive them, you really do tend to work faster and more efficient in OS X.

    I have been a windows user since 3.1, grew up with windows. Windows was work.
    But A few years ago I took the dive and switched to OSX.. I love every second of it and don't think I will ever go back to using windows full time..
    My brother who was even a big gamer and used windows exclusively.. even said he would never use another OS full time other than windows (used linux ont he side..) has switched to OSX. Bought a macbook for school (due to large battery and build quality). Now he plans to buy an iMac to replace his desktop because he likes OSX so much (which he didn't at first).

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  • AoWolf
    Aug 29, 03:25 PM
    To be honest I really don't care what green peace thinks. I wonder if you took all advancements that have benefited humanity made on macs versus all the work greenpeace has ever done who would come out on top. We definitely need to watch out for the environment but we need to do it logically not emotionally. Greenpeace is nothing but a group of eco-terriests in my opinion.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 22, 09:29 PM
    The atheists I've spoken to, here in the UK and various European countries, tend to not back up their atheism with reasons of any sort.

    Once again, it's the believers who haven't backed up their beliefs with reasoning or proof.

    Atheists simply shake their heads and think, "You folks are really gullible, aren't you?"

    If you're going to assert that something exists, the burden of proof rests on you, not those still waiting for proof, that hasn't surfaced, after more than 2,000 years.

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  • ChrisA
    Sep 26, 01:40 AM
    So say I�m using my 8-core Mac Pro for CPU intensive digital audio recording. Would I be able to assign two cores the main program, two to virtual processing........

    That is not the way it's done. One does not asign threads to cores. What yu do is crate threads and let the operating system shedle cores to "ready" threads

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 11:45 AM
    Yes, I strongly disagree that students need to learn Windows in order to thrive in the workplace. Nowadays work is being done in browsers more than anywhere else, and that trend will continue inexorably as we move to the cloud future. Kids need to learn how to use a computer. Which one is not that important any more. Times have changed.

    And on the topic of laughing at OS X market share, keep on laughing. Apple is the most profitable computer company on the planet. Dell and Microsoft wish they had Apple's problems.

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  • ct2k7
    Oct 7, 11:12 AM
    This is by far far the most ridiculous request I have ever read.

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  • r0k
    Apr 5, 09:48 PM
    For a while I used pathfinder more than the built in finder. It was my "crutch" going from Windows to OS X.

    BTW, if you click an item in a long finder list, then hold shift and click an item near the bottom, everything in between gets selected.

    I absolutely hated the start menu because the IT knuckleheads at our office had it so badly messed up, it would often take 90 seconds to load the list of programs after I clicked on it. What I like on OS X that beats windows with a stick is Spotlight. You click the magnifying glass and type the first few characters of a command and it is already highlighted and if you hit enter it opens. The closest thing to this on windows was freeware called "launchy" that ran like an old slow mangy dog.

    Of course there's (rare) times Spotlight gets slow. It happened earlier this evening. I got tired of force closing things so I just rebooted and now all is well. Another annoyance is that darned time machine that spins whenever I want to do some work. I've put it on a strict schedule (using time machine editor.app) and it only runs at 2 in the morning while I'm asleep and 2 in the afternoon while I'm gone to work.

    I sometimes get tired of missing a "cut" function in finder. I still kind of miss explorer for dealing with files but I don't miss the slow response and lack of a credible quick view. BTW, after spotlight, quick view has to be the second best feature of OS X. Rapid, and I do mean rapid previews of almost every type of file in existence. Very nice. Next is preview. I know, it sounds like quick view but preview is actually like adobe acrobat reader for OSX (but it does a lot more and handles more than just pdf files). Don't dirty up your Mac with adobe reader when you have preview. Preview can mark up pdf files, move pages from one pdf to another. Very nice and it came free with the os.

    I have mixed feelings about iTunes and iPhoto. They have their good points but they both can get very slow at times. Whatever you do, don't let iTunes or iPhoto copy files to their respective libraries unless you want to create monster files. At one time my iPhoto library was 67 gig. Now it's a somewhat more manageable 5 gig but it contains metadata (faces and places and etc) for about 100 gigs of photos.

    Don't depend solely on Time Machine. Manually copy stuff you care about to another location such as dropbox or mobile me.

    One thing that's a bit annoying is the single button mouse (even if it's smart enough to respond to right clicks). Don't bother with Apple mice. They are nice but I could never quite get used to them. I have logitech V470 bluetooth mice on my windows box at work and my Macbook at home.

    Customization? Skins? There are some settings in system preferences and there are a lot of third party programs for things like reskinning the dock. I've decide all that stuff is a distraction. OS X isn't perfect but it works well as designed by Apple and I no longer feel the need to re-skin it. That's a windows habit that died hard. I could make my Linux and Windows boxes look like OS X but not vice versa. But you know what? That's where the similarity would end. OS X is so much nicer I have no desire to make it look like one of those other OS.

    Add/Remove programs? That's what the trash basket is for. Simply drag something.app from Applications to the trash and it's (mostly) gone. There will sometimes be a few plist files left lying around but I don't think it's nearly as bad a mess as the windows registry.

    Maximizing is one of my least favorite things about windows. The last time I wanted to do one thing at a time was when I was running DOS 6.22.

    I never close windows to quit apps any more. I've gotten used to going to firefox->quit firefox rather than leaving bits of the program running in memory.

    @toxic: How is a journaling filesystem like HFS+ prone to corruption? To me, it's every bit as good as EXT3 or NTFS and all 3 are better than FAT 32. I immediately reformat any external drives to HFS (journaled) before using them for the first time. I leave usb sticks alone as fat32 is good enough for them and I want to be able to view stuff on both windows and OS X on usb sticks.

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  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 06:09 PM
    Sheesh, where does the OSX 10.2 developer tools CD install gcc to, or under what name? The older dev tools gave me a compiler. Grumble.

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  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 21, 09:48 AM
    1. Android phones beat the iPhone to the punch. FACT.
    2. Android ALSO helps the needs of those who do not afford to buy an iPhone but need a smartphone. FACT.
    3. Android manufacturers are making more money than ever. [Samsung, HTC are a proof] FACT.
    4. Android has been a blatant rip off of the iPhone from day 1 OR day -1. FACT.
    5. Android provides a very fragmented experience compared to the integrated experience on iOS. FACT.
    6. Android is devoid of any viable OR any ecosystem. FACT.
    7. Apple makes more profit through the iPhone than all of the competitors combined. FACT.
    8. iOS with iTunes, Mac OS X, AppleTV and cloud services provides the best ecosystem available. Arguable. BUT FACT.
    9. Apple DOES care about the marketshare; Apple DOES care about the money; APPLE does care about the user experience. FACT.
    10. Android fanboys are comparitively bitter and are very rude to the fellow commentors and especially Apple and Steve Jobs. FACT.

    That's all I could come up with.

    1. What "punch"? If we're going to use arbitrary words, iPhones beat Android to the "desert". FACT
    2. Phone carriers selling Android devices and offering incentives helps the needs of those who do not afford to buy an iPhone but need a smartphone. I fixed it for you.
    3. No, they aren't. Please link some sources stating so?
    4. Sure, I'll give you that if you want to say it's a ripoff. This is a whole other issue.
    5. Sure. It's bound to.
    6. That tends to be the way of the Open Source area.
    7. I'd hope so. Any competitors selling iPhones should probably be sued, since you know, that'd be a blatant rip off.
    8. Sure.
    9. Yes, yes and yes.
    10. They're really just as bad as Apple's fanboys. I've noticed that the only difference in comments from the huge Apple fanboys and anti Apple fanboys are generally the words "Best" and "Worst" get flip flopped.

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  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 05:00 PM
    What are you even talking about?

    I simply commented on the fact that you must ask Google why they abandoned MS Windows for commercial use and that Google knows better.

    You come with an insulting post claiming they know more than me.

    Good if they know more than me and I don't have an issue but mind your own business sir.

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  • NewSc2
    May 5, 01:58 PM
    Two weeks ago my service was flaking out. Couldn't make calls or get to 3G all day. Wasn't too happy. Wentthe AT&T store to go vent and the hottest clerk, I have ever seen, was working. She was so hot, she should have been over at VS in VS modellling something for me. wink, wink. nudge, nudge. ;) She said they were working on a go-live of 12 new towers. The engineers had screwed up the configs. So the new towers and some of the old towers weren't playing nice with network. I live in mostly Verizon country. AT&T has been making improvements out the whaz. They finalized the deal for Centennial Wireless. Alot of those towers flipped to ATT recently. So for me, my piece of the network got bigger & better. Now mind you this girl was so good looking she could have told me to set my iPhone on fire and I would have given it serious consideration. It seems like AT&T is trying to act like it cares. So back to mis hottie. I asked for her phone number. ANd she told me, 1-800-331-0500. I think she likes me.

    :D:p:D lol

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  • pink-pony115
    Aug 30, 01:01 AM
    ooooooooooh no is the world coming to a end?

    R-E-L-A-X fello MR peeps :cool:

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  • teasphere
    Apr 13, 12:24 PM
    I've just gone and read through the tweets from @fcpsupermeet, which describe the event. From comments like this (I pick this one as an example, loads of people are expressing the sentiment) I was expecting something really consumer-focussed, rather than:

    Now, I'm not a video pro. I'll admit I'm a hobbyist: I was part of my university's film making society, and I've done various projects myself, but it's not my professional gig. But I can't see anything here that shows Apple moving away from the pro market. As far as I can tell they've done a really ambitious ground-up Cocoa rewrite of FCP, streamlining the workflow to make it quicker to use (no more render dialogs!), and at the same time building in loads of new tech like colour matching throughout.

    Is the only thing people are bothered about the fact that they changed the UI? Because other than that, I just can't see what the complaints are about. We haven't heard any actual confirmed statements of features being removed, so why assume that any crucial ones have been? They'd have been nuts to switch away from a timeline-based system like iMovie did, and so of course they didn't do that. They rewrote everything from scratch to remove a bunch of legacy baggage (like the lack of multithreading, and the Carbon UI that prevented it going 64 bit), which is awesome, but I completely can't see any evidence of a change of focus.


    Just to clarify, I was speaking more to true high-end pro scalability... and I tried to be clear that while the product is still "pro" software alone is not the whole story. Many products in the truly pro arena are highly scalable and it just seems that Apple is moving away from this and back to single computer apps. No servers, no farms, no virtualization, etc. and as I said I am an IT professional and have and do support many systems like I mentioned and Apple is becoming essentially impossible to utilize in an environment like that.

    We're talking about two different things. You are talking from an end-user/single user "pro" side and I am talking about multi-user, large-scale, modern datacenter, "pro" side. And also, I'm saying that I'd LOVE to see Apple more in that space, not less as it is going.

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  • dcranston
    Sep 21, 04:30 AM
    I'm glad to see at least a few people get it. Obviously iTV isn't for everyone. But let's take a look at the 6 most common complaints on this board:

    1. I can already do this with a Mac Mini!

    This may be true, but remember those are the same arguments against the iPod when it was released in 2001. You could already use a Creative MP3 player. Last I checked, the Mac Mini was still $300 more expensive, and is way overkill for a TV setup, not to mention the fact that you have to maintain a machine designed for mouse & keyboard use. Software Update comes up? Looks like you need to plug in that keyboard and mouse. Sure you can get most (if not all) of the functionality of the iTV on a Mac Mini, but who wants to spend $300 extra, lose some nice features like HDMI, and have to system adminster their living room!?

    2. I don't need another box cluttering everything up.

    First of all, perhaps you missed the size part of the presentation. This thing looks like a small hot plate. Second, if you don't have a need to get content from your computer to your TV, don't buy this. If you have a need, you're going to be forced to plug *something* in...

    3. It doesn't have DVR functionality. I'm so mad.

    I own a TiVO and I love it. And for the forseeable future, will continue to use it. But the point that needs to be reinforced over and over on these forums is that a TiVO fills a need because content is not delivered how customers want it. As this model adapts, TiVO will become irrelevant. It seems silly to try to enter this market late in the game with a product that would be comparable at best. Remember, iTunes sells content, and this market is just beginning to come out.

    4. Apple wants to lock you in to their proprietary iTunes world.

    While I'm sure Apple would be more than happy if you bought all your content on iTunes, I don't think anyone realistically expects that to be the case. Does anyone here think that iTV would only play iTunes content? I'll eat my left shoe if that's the case. You will still be able to subscribe to rocketboom and rip your dvds and make your own iMovies... I'm sure they'll play on iTV.

    5. There's no hole that needs to be filled with this product.

    Perhaps your habits are strikingly different than mine. I have an entire hard drive full of content: photos, movies, music, podcasts, and every free tv show iTunes has ever given me. But didn't I just spend $800 on my new TV in my living room? I did! I want to share this content with my friends, my family, and just have a better viewing/listening experience myself. The living room is designed for sharing and passively intaking content. The computer is designed for actively managing, organizing, and receiving. This product marries the two concepts.

    6. iTunes downloads aren't economically sound vs. TV

    Obviously this statement depends greatly on the user. For myself, I watch only a few TV shows. I love the Daily Show, I enjoy Monk, I recently got into 30 Days, and I enjoy the occasional mythbusters. Daily Show is $10 for 16 episodes, or about a month. TDS is often in re-runs, which I don't have to pay for. It comes out to around $70 / year. Monk has only 4-6 shows per season, and 2 seasons / year, or about $20 / year. I've watched maybe 5 episodes of 30 Days at $2 each or $10 (in the last 4 months), and I've purchased 7 mythbusters this year, or $14. So if I continue at the same rate, I'll spend $140 this year on TV shows through iTunes. My basic cable bill with Comcast was $60 / month or $720 / year. (And I know many friends who pay over $100 / month for cable, including HBO or Disney) Whoa! I cancelled Comcast and feel very liberated to only spend money on shows I find interesting. The free shows allow me to check out and be engaged by new series as well. I'm sure many of you watch much more TV than I do, but I have to say, you'll be surprised at how much crap you're paying for, and how nice it is to choose what you want only. Again, if you watch 4-6 hours of television / day (excluding old rerun shows or just turning on broadcast television), perhaps this model is not for you. Even still, multi-pass like Daily show/ colbert at $10 /month (or less) could give you 3 hours a day for $60 / month. Sweet. Time well spent :)

    So is this the be-all-and-end-all of devices? No. But if I can walk into Best Buy, and walk out with a $300 no-hassle device that lets me play all of my content passively and easily in the living room, that lets me manage and choose content in an interface designed to do that very efficiently (iTunes), and without the need for any other support hardware, installations, hours of configurations, or monthly subscription, I'll be pretty happy.

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  • D4F
    Apr 28, 08:45 AM
    Uh, not even close. Nice try though.

    Good lord, you so far away from the point that you may never find it. Holy crap.

    Those darn little desktop computers are never going to replace our minicomputers! They're little toys! *SNORT*

    Yeah. Those machines that they were running to create Avatar? They aren't PCs, smart guy.

    Those minicomputers will NEVER be able to do the work of our mainframes! Enjoy your toys!

    Another one...

    You didn't even read that article did you?

    Those "servers": each server has two Intel Quad-Core Processors running at 50W, 24GB of memory and a 120GB disk drive. Sounds like a nicely packed PC doesn't it?
    oh wait...
    What IS a server??

    Definition: A network server is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to other (client) computers over a local network or the Internet.

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  • tigress666
    Apr 9, 12:36 AM
    I got far more enjoyment out of Infinity Blade for 6 dollars than I did out of Pilot Wings Resort 3DS for 40 dollars...just sayin.

    They want 40 dollars for *that*? I went to go play with a 3DS and it had the pilot wings resort game. It came off as a very cheapy game (I was wishing they had something more interesting as a demo *sigh*)...

    I have several games on my iphone that I'd play for a lot longer including some puzzle games (boxed in, Sudoko, Myst), some that were ported over (Final Fantasy II, Prince of Persia, Assassin's Creed), simulators (Asphalt 5, Need for Speed Shift). The most expensive of those was FFII at 8 or so dollars (and I got it on sale for 5!), and some were free (Sudoko, Boxed In) and many were .99 (on sale. If you like Gameloft games such as PoP and Assassin's Creed and Asphalt 5, if you wait and watch you can generally get them for a buck *grin*).

    And that's just the ones I've started (Squaresoft and Gameloft both had sales recently so I picked up 5 or 6 games, mostly rpgs, all for less than 20 bux plus still have some other Gameloft games i bought I haven't gotten to, like Hero of Spartan II. Plus I got Riven for 3 dollars).

    Yeah, sure, no touch controls. But the controls are decent enough that they don't take too much away from the fun and the games are still fun and I'll take the slightly less good controls for the much bigger difference in price. Especially if they are charging 40 dollars for something like Pilot Wings resort, something I'd probably only put on my iphone if they had it free for a day.

    Anyways, I won't trade my iphone for the 3Ds even just for gaming purposes. Unless the 3DS actually gets good games, but in general I usually find Nintendo gets cheesy crap. I think I'd be much more excited over Sony's new handheld whenever it comes out. But, my iphone is good enough and it is a lot more portable (it's smaller than either and will fit in my pocket) and the games are cheaper so I'm happy enough with it. If i had disposable income I might consider the Sony as well (maybe, it looks kinda sizable and I honestly like my iphone as a gaming machine partly cause it is small enough to go everywhere with me as it fits in my purse. Shoot, all the games can easily come with me too cause I don't have to carry a bunch of cartridges, they're already loaded in).

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  • Aduntu
    Apr 23, 02:44 PM
    Genesis 1:13 And the evening and the morning were the third day

    That phrasing occurs throughout the creation chapter in Genesis. It looks more than slightly unambiguous WRT the meaning of "day".

    Genesis 1:5: "And god began calling the light day, but the darkness he called night." In that same verse, "there came to be evening, and there came be morning, a first day." In this single verse alone, "day" is used to define two different lengths of time. You can't conclude by the use of the word "day" in Genesis 1 that those days were strictly 24-hour periods.

    Apr 5, 10:14 PM
    Can't just hit Delete? Can't move up a level in the directory structure? Yikes.

    Ya know what? These may all be little things individually, but collectively as a whole I think they'd drive me nuts.

    I'm still on Vista... maybe going to Windows 7 might be the smarter move in my particular case.

    Thanks for your help everyone, I sincerely appreciate your input.

    Gotta do some serious thinking about this...

    The delete thing bothers me a bit. What do you mean you can't move up? You mean with backspace? There is a preference in finder to show entire path so I never have trouble navigating up folder structure. If you are used to Vista and leaning toward 7, perhaps OS X isn't for you.

    It's really not about how I delete things, nor is it about the pretty colors. It's about how much of my time I have to spend futzing with stuff like broken drivers, missing printers, yada yada yada.

    I will admit I wasted a few hours this week chasing a Time Machine issue but that's about all the futzing I've had to do since about November. I'm willing to deal with the limitations and quirks of OS X because OS X doesn't waste my time. And it wasn't something I had to do in order to send my taxes or print out show tickets. I did it when I felt like I had the time, unlike so many windows problems that crop up on the way to an important meeting. I haven't seen an "are you sure" on my Mac since I got it. To me sometimes it seems like Windows was written to harvest clicks while OS X was written to avoid unnecessary user intervention.

    Sure there are some quirks. Like the way copied folders are replaced, not merged with destination folders. Like the missing "cut" and "delete" features. But for me these quirks are no big deal and I look forward to sitting down in front of my Mac after suffering with 7 all day at work. But what we say in this thread isn't necessarily relevant to your situation. Based on what we have described, you can get a sense as to how "different" OS X is. To me, it's really not that much different. What is more important is how different it is to you and whether it bothers you.

    Mar 20, 12:39 PM
    We've had this dictionary discussion before.

    And apparently it needs to be had again, since people STILL don't understand what the word means!

    But when a book author finds somebody using a photocopier to make a copy of their book instead of buying it, the word used doesn't matter as much as the fact you got something they were selling without paying.

    The word does matter, since the word carries with it certain meaning and different acts (described by different words) carry different penalties. If you hit me in the face, could I claim that you were trying to murder me? after all I could have died. Or are you saying that all of a sudden the word does matter?

    Copying copyrighted material against the will of the copyright-holder is wrong, I'm not disputing that. What I am disputing is the notion that it's stealing. It's not, fair and square.

    Same logic: Musical artists aren't selling you round bits of plastic. They are selling you a copy of their music. Same logic: When you buy PhotoShop, you are buying more than the CD and some packaging. You are buying a license to use it, and even if you download a copy without taking something away from somebody else, you are getting something worth money and the owner/producer has reason to expect payment.

    What you are describing is copyright-infringment, not stealing. Of course, RIAA and the like would just LOVE to label those who download music as thieves, since that word has such strong negative connections. But they are not thieves and they are not stealing no matter how much RIAA tries to claim that they are.

    Sep 26, 05:38 AM
    very interesting . . . . .. .

    so where are the new notebooks ?

    or mac mini/macbook with a lowest end ati or geforce would be cool too
    just not the shared graphics ram scheiss
    gives me tons tons of errors in 3d programs

    Apr 14, 06:47 PM
    If you felt confortable with Linux and its command line, Mac OS X should be no real change for you. Its command line interface is no different. If I remember right, Mac OS X's standard Shell is in bash, but you can change it to the many other popular shells that are used with Unix and linux and even install your own.

    Once you are using the shell program in OS X, you will find the not much has changed UNIX wise but remember that OS X is based on BSD and not linux so I guess there are some small (very small) differences.

    The shell that interprets your typing into the command line is just another program. There are several different shells and you can install many of them and switch between them if you like. If you see difference between Linux and Mac OS X it is likely because on one system the default shell is /bin/sh and the other it is /bin/csh or /bin/tcsh or whatever. The defaults on both Mac and Linux at set on a per user basis so each user gets his favorite shell. Difference in syntax are subtle and mostly are noticed only if you write shell scripts. It's not a BSD vs. Linux issue, either OS can run either shell or even run different shells in different windows on the same machine

    Apr 22, 10:32 PM
    Because it is the third longest example of drift on PRSI (for now) and since appleguy123 started that one, of course he wants it to continue.

    Caught! :D
    Knowing how the PRSI works one naive bump could help me achieve the record.