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Thursday, May 19, 2011

food chain examples

food chain examples. information food chain is
  • information food chain is

    Nov 15, 03:31 PM
    I recently sold my PC for $1,750 because the only thing keeping me with windows was the games/software, and the fact is that PC gaming is in a sorry state today. Sure, the hardware is there, but where's the AAA games to justify the cost? It just isn't there anymore. I found I was upgrading my hardware just for the sake of upgrading it, not becuase I needed it. Plus, I just don't have time for games like I used to.

    About a year ago I bought a powerbook (1.25ghz, 15") and I absolutely loved it, but I realized that I dont have much need for a desktop AND a laptop, so I sold it before it lost it's value. I loved the damn thing though.. The OS, the style, everything..

    I also found I have become to attatched to the world of computers / the internet. I want to take a step back and enjoy the better things in life. The biggest draw to me right now is the garage band app in iLife '04.. I'm always recording stuff on my computer from my guitar and mic and I think this app looks great.

    Portability would be nice... however, it's not required.. Right now, I think the powerbook line is a little overpriced (compared to what you get in the ibook line) and I know it's going to go to g5 very soon (in the next 6 months.) I also like the g5 imac's (is it me though, or was the g4 design way cooler?)

    I can get an educational discount, so $1674 can net me a 12" ibook (Airport / 80gb.. I'd buy another 512MB of ram somewhere else), .mac, garage band jam packs 1 and 2, m-audio 61es keyboard and the m-audio mobilepre usb audio interface. That's a lot of stuff for my $.. But, I'd also have to later on buy an external HD and an external DVD-R drive.. So we're talking almost another $300.

    Or I can get an imac g5 17" w/ 250GB, airport, superdrive, 512mb (i'll double that later) and the Maudio Keystation 61es for $1886. Also a good deal. However, I'll have to wait on the jam packs if I do this option.

    Now does the g5 imac have both line in and microphone inputs? or will I need the m-audio mobilepre usb audio interface for that too? If so, that's another $150. How does the quality between those and the hardwired apple ones compare?

    How does the speed between the 1.2ghz g4ibook and the 1.8ghz g5imac compare? specifically, will I notice it with garage band, and day to day use? I'm also a photoshop wiz, and eventually plan to get into digital photography (another reason I'm drawn to apple.)

    And my last question, right now I have a 2.1 set of klipsch speakers that I absolutely love.. But does A) the imac have a good speaker out (or any?) and B)honestly, black speakers will clash like crazy with an all white apple, so are there any white speakers that sound anywhere near as good in the $100-$150 range? I know the built in imac speakers wont do it for me.

    thanks guys..


    food chain examples. Changes to food chains
  • Changes to food chains

  • acfusion29
    May 3, 08:03 PM
    maybe it's in recovery mode?

    try kicking it out of recovery with tinyumbrella


    food chain examples. food chain concentration
  • food chain concentration

  • guccigucci88
    Apr 7, 04:07 AM
    me likey. the black is hot, id like to see other combos. althouh i would never use the kickstand it doesnt bug me as long as it isn't flimsy/comes out easy. (no iphone 4 here btw lol)


    food chain examples. foodchain.jpg
  • foodchain.jpg

  • Kyffin
    Dec 29, 05:36 PM
    Its great when hobbies start paying their way...


    food chain examples. animal food chain examples
  • animal food chain examples

  • gnasher729
    May 7, 03:03 AM
    One thing that bugs me about the illegal tethering situation:

    If AT&T knows who is illegally tethering, why do they allow it to happen? Why not simply prevent tethering packets from reaching the Internet?

    AT&T obviously can differentiate between data to the YouTube app and data through MyWi because they meter legal tethering to 4Gb limit.

    Is it just a big tease? And why not simply back charge everyone who used MyWi/PdaNet in the past?

    When I talked to the AT&T rep, she said I had tethered illegally. But she could not tell me the specific times I had tethered. Lame.

    AT&T would want a "solution" that is legal and makes them money. The best outcome for them if someone is tethering without permission is to telll the person, who then changes to a plan that allows tethering, paying money every month. If it works that way, perfect for AT&T: It is legal, and it makes money.

    Backcharging would be a _huge_ legal problem. There is no contract that allows them to charge for tethering. They would have to take people to court. Which is expensive and really pisses them off, so they wouldn't be customers in the future. AT&T would rather you pay for phone and tethering for the next ten years, rather than backcharging you for the last year and losing you.

    Preventing tethering is difficult as well. Right now they might know enough to send you a letter, and if you get one of those without ever having tethered you just tell them. Their recognition doesn't need to be perfect. If they try to cut tethering off, they have to be one hundred percent sure (not 99.999% sure) that they don't cut off anything that isn't tethering. Again, they will lose customers otherwise. And of course they don't make money doing this.

    When you called it "lame" that the rep didn't know any exact times: Why would they? First step is identifying customers who are likely tethering and sending them a letter. You either sign up to tethering or you don't. If you don't, they can then watch your connection a lot, lot more closely. That is the point where it costs them money, and if you are tethering, it may cost you money. Your legal position has become a lot worse if you lied to them about not tethering and they can prove it, because then it isn't breach of contract anymore, it is suddenly fraud. A real crime.

    Because they are using the illegal tethering issue to force people off grandfathered unlimited data plans. And to collect the legal tethering fees. You just put a block on there and they've got no leverage.

    Depends on how hard they try. So if AT&T asks you (politely) to sign up for tethering, what can you do? You can say "Oh, I didn't know that wasn't allowed, sign me up". Good for AT&T. You can say "Oh, I didn't know that wasn't allowed, I'll stop tethering". Kind of good for AT&T. You can say "I've never tethered", and if that is the truth, nothing they can do. You can say "I'm tethering, but I'm not going to pay" and they can cancel your contract for cause, which is likely bad for you. You can lie "I've never tethered" in which case you may be in _real_ trouble if they follow it up and can prove you are tethering.


    food chain examples. Food chains are short. Why?
  • Food chains are short. Why?

  • bobsaget
    Apr 7, 01:10 PM

    Any criticism very much appreciated!

    Thanks for watching!


    food chain examples. animal food chain examples
  • animal food chain examples

  • tim2006
    Apr 14, 10:07 AM


    food chain examples. These food chains are
  • These food chains are

  • Chisholm
    Jan 17, 12:49 PM
    This is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen.

    I think that IS the stupidest iAccessory I've ever seen. Surely someone is just squatting at a no-show booth.


    food chain examples. food chains which make up
  • food chains which make up

  • GGJstudios
    May 6, 07:29 PM
    Just tried a small file. No go. It won't let me get that far. I go to the picture, copy..."clunk". I go to the forum, type in and click paste. Nothing. Why the "clunk" when it wasn't there before?

    BTW...I have no trouble with youtube videos or "attachments".
    That's not how you do it. Follow these directions:


    food chain examples. in the food chain - DDD
  • in the food chain - DDD

  • hewmiri
    Jan 29, 03:45 PM
    Thank you very much!


    food chain examples. Food Chains and Webs.
  • Food Chains and Webs.

  • Dagless
    Mar 21, 05:54 PM
    Is this the one by Hudson too? They don't normally develop poo. Another game I wasn't planning on getting gets a bad score :o I wish they stuck this into a Wii- generation game (Wii Fly?), gave it a decent multiplayer and then it might have appeal.


    food chain examples. An example of a food chain is:
  • An example of a food chain is:

  • GekiRed
    Dec 31, 11:18 AM
    Go legit. You answered your own question, then, un-answered it.

    "I have no problem buying legitimate copies of these Apps..."

    "how I can fix this problem short of... ... buying the legitimate versions..."

    Now, un-jailbreak your phone so you can stop ripping off software for juvenile kicks ( oooh, boobies!!!), like you said:

    "most of them were ones people paid a small fee for"

    But not you, 'cause you're special.


    Of course I'm special; I'm the founder of "The Church of the Anti-Jobs!" *points to his signature and wonders if dmz was even bothered to read said signature*

    BTW, what's wrong with Boobies? Boobies are cool! [if anyone can get which show this show is a homage to, they'll have my respect!]

    On another note, have you always been an unhelpful hypocrite of a troll or does it come naturally?[/sarcasm]

    In case you're wondering,I have EVERY intention of uninstalling the Apps that I want to buy legally, but I have no intention on uninstalling the others; especially the ones that I paid for legally in the past and which I can't get access to any more legally.

    It's like this... How would you feel paying good money for certain Apps only to find that "Herr Jobs" in his infinite wisdom has suddenly decided that these Apps are a bad thing after Apple has gotten their 30% from the sale of each App.

    Also, I want to keep my iPod Touch unbroken because I want to use Cydia Apps like WiFi Sync and WinterBoard.

    Before I forget, I do have a lot of legitimate Apps including RxmindMe which I use for my Epilepsy medication so don't accuse me of having all my Apps be jailbroken ones as the majority of them are legit ones downloaded from the App Store!

    Look at it this way, if you want your iPod Touch to look as generic as the millions of others; be my guest, but I'd rather be a rebel than a person who's willing to be one of the iPod Touch owners afraid of change...


    food chain examples. Food chains and pyramids
  • Food chains and pyramids

  • bousozoku
    Dec 6, 02:06 PM
    On a fully updated install of 10.4.3 on my latest rev iBook, I have never seen myspace freeze. I was going to use firefox until I found out that when I visited myspace in firefox CPU usage spiked. For some reason it doesn't do that in safari, so until that changes, I'm staying with safari.

    But the point of all this was, I have no problems at all on safari.

    I do not have WMP installed, therefore I get that plugin not found message, I just hit cancel, never once has myspace frozen on me.

    That's probably why it's not frozen on you. The lack of the WMP plug-in doesn't cause nearly as many problems for any browser as it might. Firefox, Shiira, Safari, Camino--they all do it--since it's one place for all plug-ins on Mac OS X.

    If I go to the profile pages of almost any of the Filipinos, they have literally hundreds of videos, one in each comment and they all play at once. It's possible to turn the things off or to stop the behaviour through settings but apparently, anything goes and if they don't see it, it's not happening. :eek:


    food chain examples. levels of a food chain.
  • levels of a food chain.

  • macingman
    Apr 8, 08:13 PM
    I had a similar problem when I sold mine on eBay just refuse to complete the refund. If you are 100% certain you sent him i5 then he is scamming you. It appears he had a Core 2 Duo and wanted to get an i5 so he bought your i5, is asking for a refund and will send you back his Core 2 Duo and keep the i5.


    food chain examples. Example of a food chain in the
  • Example of a food chain in the

  • crazzyeddie
    Dec 6, 01:12 PM
    Is it really that big? It measures about 1.8" by 1.8", and the package includes both GPU and 128 MB RAM. I forget how big 9700 was, but X1600 should be smaller.

    If it is only 1.8" x 1.8" then Apple will probably try to use it. Many people are angry with Apple for not using the Radeon 9800 in the Powerbooks, but those chips are huge (almost PCI card sized!) and hot. We'll have to see how cool running this chip is, since NVIDIA already has some pretty aggressive mobile offerings (NOT the 5200).

    Edit: I just noticed AnandTech has a preview of the chip, I'll check it out and let you guys know what the possibilities of this finding its way into a Powerbook are...


    food chain examples. Jungle food chain
  • Jungle food chain

  • NoStopN
    Mar 12, 06:41 PM
    Some people had said that their 3G iPads were showing messages saying that AT&T required a data plan whenever they tried the switch.


    food chain examples. A more complex example.
  • A more complex example.

  • Joshuarocks
    Mar 25, 01:29 AM
    Although not found in the BETA version, I hope they put Rosetta back in. Such a small program which doesn't take up too much space. I don't see why not as snow leopard has Rosetta support.


    food chain examples. But it is a little more
  • But it is a little more

  • rich2k4
    Jan 15, 04:32 PM
    i have a bunch of audio wav files that i imported into garageband and then i made another track with midi drums.

    there is a point in the song where the tempo drops 10 bpm, and then goes back to the original tempo.

    doing the master tempo automation is fine, but the problem is that when i change that section of the midi track and drop it down, all the audio files shift with it.

    i want the audio files to not shift and stay where they are on the timeline. I only want the midi track to change tempo.

    is this possible?


    food chain examples. Large food chains that are
  • Large food chains that are

  • pound4pound30
    Oct 28, 09:21 AM
    Not a very good picture, but this is my pumpkin this year. It says "iScare."

    Oct 15, 10:04 PM
    yeah Cleo was fun... ah well.

    Apr 29, 01:23 AM
    Yep, but I always keep it on.

    which carrier do u have? have data plan?

    Oct 26, 01:17 PM
    Oh how I wish it did :(

    Feb 12, 12:29 PM
    I think I actually found a video of the OP while he was creating this thread: here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS7nqwGt4-I)


    Feb 16, 02:46 PM
    I'm using Firefox with adblock right now and it seems to work fine, despite the fact that the page says it's not available for version 1.0+. I changed that to 1.0 and got the version that works.

    Also, you might try Shiira. It uses the back-end that Safari and OmniWeb use to render pages and run JavaScript but it has its own distinct look.