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Thursday, May 19, 2011

black eyed peas the time

black eyed peas the time. Black Eyed Peas quot;The Time (The
  • Black Eyed Peas quot;The Time (The

  • Lord Bodak
    Nov 8, 08:14 AM
    These are really tempting... everybody talks about the GPU being disappointing, but coming from my 1 GHz 12" G4 I am sure this thing would still run WoW a whole heck of a lot better than what I have now!

    But I still hold out hope for a reincarnation of the 12" form factor. I love the portability. Maybe it'll be an iMac to replace the aging desktop and keep the PowerBook for travelling...

    black eyed peas the time. The Black Eyed Peas
  • The Black Eyed Peas

  • balamw
    Sep 6, 08:25 AM
    Anyone else notice that the low end iMac (1.83 Ghz) now has the 950 chipset for a graphics card?
    This should have been clear from the EDU iMac which also sported the 950.


    black eyed peas the time. The Black Eyed Peas - The Time
  • The Black Eyed Peas - The Time

  • cadillac1234
    Apr 14, 10:59 AM
    "switchers" ... plain and simple :D

    Buyer satisfaction with other Apple products is clearly filtering down into Mac sales. This trend will only continue to strengthen.

    I made the switch in 2009.

    The race to the bottom in the PC world made it a fairly easy decision.

    Also the fact that the web apps that are available now makes it a lot easier to make the software transition from PC to Mac. A lot of us had software that we didn't want to re-buy in Mac format so it perpetuated the cycle.

    I know people in my limited sphere of influence are now switching to Macs because I can no longer provide any windows tech support :D

    black eyed peas the time. Download : Black Eyed Peas
  • Download : Black Eyed Peas

  • Cameront9
    Aug 24, 05:17 PM
    I finally got through again.

    First time, it came back and said both the computer and battery were ineligible. After checking the Pbook's serial number again, I realized I had a digit wrong. Fixed that, and it came through and asked for my address. I then got a confirmation page, and got an email a few minutes later. So keep trying.

    For the record:
    15 in. Powerbook G4 purchased in June 2005
    Battery serial number started with: 3K521

    black eyed peas the time. Black Eyed Peas - The Time
  • Black Eyed Peas - The Time

  • calzon65
    Nov 3, 09:52 AM
    Apple is a self absorbed organization that loves to publically bash other companies like Microsoft for not being responsive, open, hip, etc., then when it comes to incorporating a technology that people want/need, they drag the butts, remain non responsive and basically do nothing. I applaud Adobe for throwing this right back in Apple's face.

    black eyed peas the time. Black Eyed Peas The Time
  • Black Eyed Peas The Time

  • Slurpy2k8
    Mar 23, 06:00 AM
    The basis for any good relationship is communication. And I am not sure what kind of money you make, but $500 is a pretty big wad of cash to throw down and it should merit a conversation with your spouse. Its not like you threw down a $1 on a cheeseburger, or $2 on a scratch off, or heck $20 of beer. You spent $500, thats like a whole months utilities. Thats a car payment. Thats a few hours of tuition for your kid's college one day. Its no chump change.

    And household income should be considered just that, household. It does not matter who makes more money, it should be community, and if you're spending $500 on an iPad, then you're lady should be able to spend $500 on a coach purse. How would you feel about that?

    Non-necessities, expensive purchases should always be discussed. There is a need for open, honest communication in a marriage. If you don't have that, and you are running around buying ipads without consulting them, well unless you got a fad wad of cash, you likely wont stay married long.

    Its about respect. If you don't respect your wife enough to discuss a $500 purchase with her, then you don't deserve to have the companionship of a female.

    Eh, you misunderstood me. The main point I was making is that the wife should not be able to prevent such a purchase IF THEY CAN AFFORD IT. In many cases, money itself is not an issue in such a purchase, as the wife would not blink twice in spending that amount on something SHE wants. My point was that sometimes they refuse things simply because they dont see it benefitting THEM- and that is something selfish, and shows a lack of respect. Of course if the guy is blowing $$ on an iPad when they're having trouble putting food on the table, thats an issue. My post wasnt centered on these cases. It made the assumption that it could comfortably be afforded, but which the wife doesnt see the value in it for herself, which is the sole reason of the refusal or the demand that it be returned. And Ive seen this on many, many occasions. I know this guy that brings in 6 figures a yr, yes his wife (who brings in nothing) controls the bank account. The guy has no balls, his wife dictates the purchases, buys whatever the hell she pleases, and gets upset when he spends on anything without consulting her. She doesnt let him buy **** he wants, the cost of which is a drop in the bucket compared to the income he makes, simply because SHE doesnt see the value in it. But like I said, the guy has no balls and takes it, while she spends thousands on shoes, etc without needing to consult him.But hey, some people love that ****. Sometimes you need to do things that give you individual pleasure in a marriage, not always 'pleasure as a unit'.

    black eyed peas the time. Download Black Eyed Peas - The
  • Download Black Eyed Peas - The

  • Menge
    Apr 2, 12:28 AM
    One last April 1st jab?

    black eyed peas the time. Black Eyed Peas-The time
  • Black Eyed Peas-The time

  • Imhotep397
    Jun 29, 01:13 PM
    This is a play to get more of the millions and millions of people using iPhones and iPods and now iPads with Windoze to make the desktop switch. It's cool and should work well for that demographic if they can drop the price a bit. The big positive is that Apple has developed this technology to the point where their implementation on the desktop will be more intuitive and smooth operating than any of the Windoze solutions available.

    I only wish if they did do something like this they wold incorporated pressure sensitivity as it would make it more useful for designers and open doors for other uses. I don't know whether Peratech has developed anything quite as sensitive as Wacom's technology, but they certainly seem to have developed something that could be useful for a lot of people. If QTC lives up to half of the hype the parent company should definitely be on Apple's acquisition radar.

    Peratech (http://www.peratech.com/qtcapplications.php)

    black eyed peas the time. The Black Eyed Peas - The Time
  • The Black Eyed Peas - The Time

  • MattInOz
    Mar 31, 06:28 AM

    oops... your right I'd missed the ITU's back flip.
    So I guess 4G means whatever, or nothing....

    I guess the real 4G will be 6 or 7G but the time the marketing departments get their way.

    black eyed peas the time. The Black Eyed Peas - The Time
  • The Black Eyed Peas - The Time

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 11:00 AM
    I would pay 250. For somethings, Windows is the only viable OS. Like the commercial says, Macs are good for fun stuff, but PCs are for working.

    What are the other viable alternatives? OSX and ????????
    LINUX? Besides I use my Mac for my reasearch since I cant afford having M$ screwing me one more time. If you need 100% stability and security (as some professionals do) you go with with the safest system out there... and that my friend is NOT Win XP.

    black eyed peas the time. Black Eyed Peas Had #39;Time of
  • Black Eyed Peas Had #39;Time of

  • Detektiv-Pinky
    Nov 8, 08:57 AM
    Actually I like being a consumer with choices. I've only used my powerbook to burn DVDs maybe thrice. If I had to buy another computer. I'd probably go with a Combo drive since I'd have the powerbook to burn DVDs.

    Plus why make everyone's computer more expensive when some people don't want it.

    Can you tell me what the price difference between a ComboDrive and a Superdrive is? ComboDrives are probably more expensive now than a simple Single Layer burner, because nobody makes them anymore...

    Every 599€ Notebook now has a DVD burner. :eek:

    black eyed peas the time. The Black Eyed Peas The Time
  • The Black Eyed Peas The Time

  • MacFreak2011
    Mar 25, 02:08 PM
    Is anyone else having the issue with the double vibrate when you get a text?? I had this issue with 4.3 and I have heard no complaining about it. Everyone I know who has 4.3 has the double vibrate so it's not just my phone, but I haven't heard anyone else say anything. It's pretty annoying. Anyway, I was just wondering if this fixed that issue or not.

    black eyed peas the time. The Black Eyed Peas - The Time
  • The Black Eyed Peas - The Time

  • Shake 'n' Bake
    Mar 7, 06:01 PM
    The capital region got a bit of ice last night. It was heavy enough to take down a tree about a mile from my house, and of course the power went out. So we came to a hotel for the night. This was taken about 100 yards down the road from the hotel.

    black eyed peas the time. Black Eyed Peas, The Time
  • Black Eyed Peas, The Time

  • aaronb
    Sep 4, 08:04 AM
    So when are these Merom MBPs coming out? I really don't care too much for an iTunes Movie Store. Some of us have been waiting since January.

    black eyed peas the time. Song Title, Black eyed peas
  • Song Title, Black eyed peas

  • jungeliest
    Jun 29, 05:19 AM
    I doubt 10.7 will be such an overhaul. Probably more like Mac OS X 11.0 or a totally new naming scheme.

    Mac OS X 11.0? Seriously?
    You mean Mac OS XI?

    black eyed peas the time. Black Eyed Peas The Time Dirty
  • Black Eyed Peas The Time Dirty

  • Multimedia
    Aug 9, 12:24 PM
    Well, I think you said "maybe," but it's all good now. I will put the Plextor DVD-RW Drive in the bottom bay. Question though, I have Toast 7 for Power PC, but will it work alright under rosetta, or do I have to buy a Universal Binary?No I most certainly did not say "maybe". I said "definitely". The Toast 7.1 update is UB. It's FREE.

    black eyed peas the time. Black Eyed Peas The Time
  • Black Eyed Peas The Time

  • asphalt-proof
    Sep 4, 09:34 AM
    That's HOT (figuratively and literally)!! I think the only way you could pull that off is with an external tuner, just like laptops have an external power supply.
    Does a TV tuner add THAT much heat? Plus, with 23" of real estate to play with I would think that they could find a way to keep the heat down

    black eyed peas the time. The Black Eyed Peas - The Time
  • The Black Eyed Peas - The Time

  • crackbookpro
    Mar 29, 09:54 AM
    It is really pending on whether AT&T will be up to par with Verizon's LTE by this fall... This is why I still think that the iPhone 5 will have no LTE(coming in June again), and the iPhone 6 will be coming out in June/July of 2012 offered with 4G(LTE) from either Verizon or AT&T...

    black eyed peas the time. Black Eyed Peas - The Time
  • Black Eyed Peas - The Time

  • hulugu
    Aug 2, 06:05 PM
    ...I can tell you as someone who works with hackers (half of my buddies are at BlackHat this week) that OS X is NOT inherently secure, and that there are plenty of vulnerabilities that surface on it that are well-known in the "hacker" community long before they are made "public," and also long before they are also repaired by Apple.

    OS X is definitely inherently more secure than Windows, but the near-complete lack of viruses/use of other exploits for them is definitely not because they are ironclad in terms of security. That should be abundantly clear from a cursitory reading of the kbase article on the latest security update. Many of those fixes were to rootkit holes! As in, god-sized sized security holes...

    I've always told, or at least tried to say, that Macs were more secure than Windows and did not have the same vulnerabilities, nor the number of viruses and other associated bits of malware. Macs are immune to many things, but you're absolutely right, they're not invulnerable.

    One thing to note is this particular vulnerability also affects Windows, so if we're still comparing the two against each other this vulnerability doesn't exactly tip the scales.

    Sep 6, 09:31 AM
    Is it just me, or a 24" iMac would've been nice to show on stage with whatever that "Showtime" thing might be? That would, at least, have made some sense to at least start by showing that.

    Which means the september 12th presentation must be really packed with new stuff if they couldn't even announce the 24" iMac at that event. They've also bumped the CPUs on the Mac mini today, so that makes two updates on the same day too.

    It's also weird to see new releases on a wednesday...

    Chris Bangle
    Jul 23, 07:12 AM
    does anyone else feellike the ipod needs to be quicker? some times it takes like five to ten seconds for it to start playing songs of movies, maybe the interface is so simple that i tell it what to do too fast and get ahead of it? also if you listen to music and browse your pics some times the music skipps. maybe the nvidia chips will cure this?

    I feel the same... My sisters 5g takes days to play a video... My mini on the other hand takes splitseconds.

    Sep 12, 05:35 PM
    Example: I have a song by Joe Blow, a song by Suzy Suck, and a song where they collaborated.

    If I add an artist tag "Joe Blow, Suzy Suck", it's one tag. It's not Joe's tag, and Suzy's tag, and it's also not the same as "Suzy Suck, Joe Blow" ... though, to the user, it should be. A search for Suck and Blow should turn up any song that has both artists in the Artists tag[s].
    That was exactly what I expected from this new "Album Artist" tag. but no luck.

    Especially important for Genre tags. Many tunes could be classified as several genres, but if I put Joe's tune down as "Blues Rock", it isn't "Blues" and it isn't "Rock".
    I use the "grouping" tag for this purpose. I use the "genre" tag for a general genre clasiification, and I just pile the sub genre's, moods and stuff in "grouping". Then I can call them by creating a smart playlist that looks in grouping tag.

    Sep 12, 01:26 PM
    Love the new podcast download page :)

    Mar 18, 05:31 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Classic ain't going anywhere until they have product that could replace it. Right now there is nothing in the lineup that is close.