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Monday, May 9, 2011

X Ray Hand

X Ray Hand. Ancient Egyptian mummy hand X-
  • Ancient Egyptian mummy hand X-

  • toddybody
    Apr 5, 01:56 PM
    Thanks MR for generating discussion around a pretty lame topic. That said, Id rather have Toyota spending their extra time perfecting that little acceleration/braking glitch that affected a "couple" of their cars, than making a lame a$$ Scion theme for Cydia.

    X Ray Hand. Normal handle with an X-ray of
  • Normal handle with an X-ray of

  • Stella
    Apr 18, 04:24 PM
    NO It's not, are you crazy. That looks horrid. iOS icons have unique look to them, placement is not patented. The look is.

    The lawsuit goes after Samsung trying to replicate and confuse customers into thinking that it's an iPhone.

    I said *conceptually* they are the same, they both share the same common properties and looks - i.e., grid, shortcuts, status bar etc ( as I pointed out ), yes, the placement it different - but that is irrelevent?

    It doesn't matter if it looks 'horrid', thats an opinion - by today's standards OS9 looks 'horrid' - IMO.

    X Ray Hand. An X-ray of a hand.
  • An X-ray of a hand.

  • firestarter
    Apr 21, 02:34 PM

    It would be great if there was an even smaller one, now that Thunderbolt allows high speed expansion outside the box.

    X Ray Hand. X-Ray Hand and Wrist Pinch
  • X-Ray Hand and Wrist Pinch

  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 06:19 PM
    They�re not making any assumptions. You are.

    The results of this poll are sad.

    What is my assumption?

    They are assuming that all the engineers know the right answer, and that math is a language that is the same all over the world.

    Cry then if it makes you sad.

    X Ray Hand. normal hand x-ray
  • normal hand x-ray

  • tivoboy
    May 9, 09:31 AM
    I'd be so pissed/happy if it were to become free... 1 year of .Mac and 2 years of MobileMe.

    Pissed, I spent $99 for 3 years

    Happy, more people will have access to MobileMe's benefits.

    If one paid for MM, and it went free, apple would most certainly push this money towards either itunes or whatever addtional premium services a FREE MM would offer, which of course they would

    X Ray Hand. X-ray of the wrist and hand:
  • X-ray of the wrist and hand:

  • woodsy
    Apr 21, 02:27 PM
    Not gonna happen

    X Ray Hand. X-ray image of hand
  • X-ray image of hand

  • zed
    Apr 25, 09:23 AM
    I spent two weeks in Ireland with my iPhone 4 and had location services + data and cell service turned off and it did not track my location at all during the entire stay. I did use wifi almost every day while there... and really only had my phone b/c the camera in the iPhone4 is much much better than my old Fujifilm point-and-shoot.

    X Ray Hand. photo of Xray hand
  • photo of Xray hand

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 14, 09:51 AM
    Take that, fivepoint. Where has he been btw? Haven't seen him around here in a while.

    X Ray Hand. see an Xray to know that
  • see an Xray to know that

  • Merkie
    Mar 27, 07:30 AM
    18 is correct.

    6 WiFi only models:

    X Ray Hand. ray-von-kollikers-hand[1].
  • ray-von-kollikers-hand[1].

  • fruitpunch.ben
    Mar 29, 04:31 PM
    The plant with mass rates of suicide is in China.

    wired had an article about this a couple months back. The suicide rate at the Foxconn plant is lower than the suicide rate in the rest of the Chinese population (possibly lower even than in the US, I can't remember the article exactly).
    So basically, as sad as the suicides are that happened, the "mass rates of suicide" is/was a media beat-up. As is, quite possibly, this whole article come to think of it. Someone looking to bring down the price of Apple shares, a so-called shortage of some obscure component that of course can only be manufactured in Japan is a good way to do it

    X Ray Hand. a CD with my X-rays that I
  • a CD with my X-rays that I

    Jul 21, 02:47 PM
    With the more frequent processor changes/speed upgrades that goes along with switching to Intel, what is Apple going to do with all the "left overs" of old versions of products?

    X Ray Hand. stock photo : x-ray film of
  • stock photo : x-ray film of

  • Eldiablojoe
    May 3, 10:06 PM
    I'm okay following DP for the moment. I'm not so sure that the sequence is as pivotal as portrayed. I think it would be an obvious place, the first starting room, to place vital objects, so exploring is a must. I'm not sure I agree that the "Move, Explore" sequence is more advantageous than the "Explore, Move" sequence. Keeping in mind that we get attacked the moment we move into a room, so we would want to explore it after a monster is vanquished.

    Now that she's mi esposa, maybe I can get Beatrice to finally make me a sandwich.

    PS-- The BLOWjoe joke is not really as funny as you think it is. It's easier to refer to me as either Dante or EDJ.

    X Ray Hand. Rontgen hand X-ray
  • Rontgen hand X-ray

  • Gatesbasher
    Apr 6, 05:29 PM
    100,000 seems about right. You have to consider what the potential market would be.

    For years it was: "Apple must make a tablet or they're DOOOOOMED!!!!" As soon as they did, the same people were screaming about how it couldn't run Final Cut Pro�"Epic Fail!!! LOLZZZ!!!"

    Then when the iPad started selling like hotcakes, they had to start touting every sort-of-similar contraption that came down the pike, even though they do the same kind of things the iPad does and they were already on record bitching about what a worthless device the iPad was.

    Anybody who thinks that they are then going to run out and spend >$800 for something they've already ridiculed in advance needs to take a reality pill.

    That's assuming they have any money to spend on it. The screamers aren't buyers�they're howler monkeys. The 100,000 units were probably sold to teenage boys (who got their parents to buy it for them, that is) who saw the commercials and said: "Cool! I wanna morph into a robot!" That market is probably saturated, and I don't think their parents are going to go for any of the fantabulous new tablets that are "coming soon"�not this year and probably not next year.

    X Ray Hand. x-ray hand holding a bulb
  • x-ray hand holding a bulb

  • Grakkle
    Nov 26, 03:16 PM
    i'm digging this idea! i love macs, home cinema and home automation! the one thing is i feel that the screen should be at least macbook size, although the 8" from previous rumours may be a tad small, although i think i'm already sold...

    Yes, if the screen was some tiny affair it wouldn't be nearly as useful. I say at least 10" or so minimum.

    X Ray Hand. X-ray Left Hand
  • X-ray Left Hand

  • Ja Di ksw
    Apr 10, 08:20 AM
    What a thread.

    The premise is incorrect from the start - this is not a mathematical problem, it is a problem of noting a very simple formula using ASCII characters only, and deciding how that sequence of ASCII characters should be interpreted.

    The "PEMDAS" rule was quoted, which is apparently used to drill children in the USA and remove any inkling of mathematical talent from their tiny little brains. PEMDAS has nothing to do with mathematics. It is about interpretation of a textual representation of a formula.

    Someone went so far to ask "do you think you are more intelligent than a calculator"? What a stupid question. Even the most stupid poster here on this thread has an intelligence that is far superior to that of any calculator.

    When you write down a formula, it is essential to write it down in a way that doesn't leave room for interpretation, and in a way that survives the limitations of the medium involved. This wasn't done here. Whatever the original poster wrote went through some major textual manipulation. It went through a web browser, a "POST" command, was interpreted by the MacRumors server software, translated into HTML, and then displayed on my screen. There is no way for me or anyone else to know what the user actually posted. And to the majority of posters here, whatever rules are tought to children in the US school system don't apply.

    Trying to give an answer to the question is just stupid, when it is clear that nobody knows what the original poster actually meant when writing down the formula. It would have been very simple to either write (48/2) * (9+3) or 48 / (2 * (9 + 3)) where in each case there would have been agreement how to interpret this. That didn't happen; any attempt of interpreting the text as given is pointless.

    Want to guess where I stopped taking you seriously? Or were you trolling right from the start? The equation is written fine if you know how to read it. And the rambling about the interpretation and going through HTML and whatnot was no more relevant than babbling on about how you can't argue with a person speaking to you b/c the air went from their lungs over their vocal cords and had to deal with the pressure changes in the surrounding atmosphere and vibrate your blah blah blah. S/he wrote it, it's obvious what it meant with the 2 or 288 answer choices, and if you know how to do math the answer is obvious.

    X Ray Hand. X-Ray of a Hand with a Screw
  • X-Ray of a Hand with a Screw

  • YS2003
    Nov 26, 12:01 PM
    I think a successful device would need

    1.2 GHz processor equivalent
    80 GB storage
    1 GB RAM
    8 hours of battery life (5 playing an iTunes movie)
    estimated cost to consumer $699.

    I bet that won't happen with that price range. It would be more close to $1500 to $2500 level. I don't think Apple is looking for low end markets with this rumored product.
    I prefer Apple Tablet would be the low-volume high price products.

    X Ray Hand. by Backscatter X-ray.
  • by Backscatter X-ray.

  • goobot
    Mar 28, 10:21 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Didn't they find an iPhone with a a5 chip in the 4.3 firmware? There is gana be a new One

    X Ray Hand. x-ray hand
  • x-ray hand

  • SockRolid
    May 7, 12:50 PM
    I agree, nuckinfutz. I signed up for the old, free, iTools during Steve's MWSF 2000 keynote (and got a great email address.) Basic services could easily be made free again, advanced services could cost a little. Apple makes most of their money from hardware sales, so it's possible that the free MobileMe component could add enough value to generate more hardware sales for Apple.

    Even if the extra initial cost to Apple outweighs the increase in hardware sales, it could be beneficial for Apple in the medium to long term. Because there's another potentially huge long-term benefit for Apple. If all or nearly all Apple customers join MobileMe, they will create a larger MobileMe market to sell into. By 'sell' I mean iAds. It's entirely possible that MobileMe could become completely free if you and I and other users are willing to put up with the fancy new iAds that Apple is working on.

    So what would make us put up with the iAds? Great content. We could stream movies, TV, and even audio when we're away from our Macs. Apple may not want to go 100% "cloud" since the "cloud" may never be 100% reliable. Apple no doubt wants to avoid the kind of disaster that Microsoft / Danger users experienced if at all possible.

    But if Apple does a few more deals in Hollywood, I wouldn't be surprised if MobileMe gets renamed to "The Apple Channel" or something like that. As internet media streaming becomes more popular, Apple will be able to use its MobileMe infrastructure to become even more of a media powerhouse. iAd commercials and all.

    X Ray Hand. his left hand (see X-Ray
  • his left hand (see X-Ray

  • dhc
    Nov 26, 10:47 AM
    I see this being used as the interface remote for iTV. As a full-blown PDA device, no.

    I think this is likely, too, though I'm sure it would have additional functionality that has yet been discussed.

    Apr 20, 12:32 AM
    Why do we still call it iPhone 5? Everything points to iPhone 4S.

    May 4, 04:45 PM
    And goodness, Beatrice makes me feel like I'm 100 years old.

    It's closer to 700.

    Neo Utopia
    Apr 24, 07:08 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Can't wait, a MBA with double the res, drawl.

    Apr 25, 08:59 AM
    It's a non-issue.

    Sent from your iPhone.

    Apr 20, 09:54 AM
    Because Europe > USA.

    Texas > USA > Europe :p

    Ok...not really.