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Saturday, May 14, 2011

wind turbines on fire

wind turbines on fire. But SWIFT#39;s rooftop turbine,
  • But SWIFT#39;s rooftop turbine,

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 10:55 AM
    Dont bash his/her religious beliefs. They could be right or wrong...its up to each person to decide, and make true in their lives. Personally, I believe in a powerful God of love and grace. Just my 2cents:)

    You're entitled to your own beliefs. You're not entitled to your own facts, however.

    It's not "up to each person to decide, and make true in their own lives." God either exists or not; full stop. Even if it were "up to each person", how does telling other people that they will burn in hell for their beliefs fit in with this? If it's a personal thing, then KEEP IT PERSONAL.

    wind turbines on fire. wind turbines on the Campo
  • wind turbines on the Campo

  • OllyW
    Oct 8, 07:11 AM
    As for the prediction of Android surpassing iPhone's market share -- maybe, maybe not. But if it's going to do that, it'll have to suddenly hit the 'wow' factor and also gain an international distribution, network, and support of some kind.

    I hear GOOG and VZN are in bed now but that seems U.S.-centric. To have any prayer of surpassing the iPhone, GOOG is going to have to hook up with a lot of other providers in other nations.

    They already have the major networks in Europe.

    The four major European networks, Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange, and Telefonica (O2), are all planning to launch handsets powered by the Android platform during the second half of 2009. (http://www.talkandroid.com/1364-european-networks-shift-to-android/)

    wind turbines on fire. Wind Turbines Off the North
  • Wind Turbines Off the North

  • slinger1968
    Oct 26, 11:28 PM
    I don't think Cloverton will run on standard DDR2. Kentsfield sure but doesn't Xeon REQUIRE ECC/FB-DIMM?Yeah, you are correct it would have to be Kentsfield because of the Xeon chipset/motherboard design requires ECC/FB-DIMMs.

    What you are asking for will be Kentsfield not single Clovertown.You are correct, I lumped both 4 core chips under the Clovertown name.

    I would love a Kentsfield "desktop" based tower but I don't know if Apple wants to add another product line.

    wind turbines on fire. absurdly mounted wind turbine
  • absurdly mounted wind turbine

  • Macnoviz
    Sep 26, 03:59 AM
    My bet? Specialized cores. You've got some that are optimized for floating point, some for application logic, some for media. This is where Cell gets it right, I think-- they're a step too far ahead for now though.

    Biggest problem is getting the system to know what threads to feed to what core, and to get application writers to specialize their threads.

    The Cell ? You mean we'll have to switch BACK to PowerPC ?:eek:

    wind turbines on fire. Wind turbines
  • Wind turbines

  • Eric5h5
    Jul 12, 04:16 AM
    I doubt that Apple are able to charge the "normal" Mac premium after the intel transition, since it is much simpler to compare Macs with another PCs.

    Er...have you seen the MacBook Pro pricing? The MacBook pricing? The iMac pricing? The Mini pricing? (Which went UP by a fair amount). If you're thinking that x86 processors are cheaper than PPC, you're sadly mistaken. Cheap computers being cheap has just about nothing whatsoever to do with the CPU....


    wind turbines on fire. lane or some wind turbines
  • lane or some wind turbines

  • CaoCao
    Mar 26, 12:58 AM
    Are you serious? That's a horrible thing to say. They should deprive themselves of sex because your 2000 year old book says so? That's crap. God made them born that way, for what? Just to torture them for their whole lives? I hope you understand that this makes no sense. And as for the catholic church recognizing that they are born that way and do not choose it, that's a load of crap. If you believe that, then you are seriously misguided. If god is so loving, wouldn't he have made them born heterosexual so they could live a normal life and have sex with members of the opposite gender? Why would god make someone gay? Your logic is so flawed im having a hard time expressing myself in words.
    We have no idea what causes homosexuality although we have ruled out choice.
    Prove why I should be denied the right to copulate in public
    Because it is basically unsanitary. Similar to urinating on the sidewalk (urine is sterile upon exiting the body, but it does not stay that way very long).
    If we are doing it through the fly of our pants what makes it unsanitary?
    Give me a break. Now you are just minimizing what is a violation of civil rights.

    Being able to have a "wedding ceremony" is not the issue. It's having the same rights as our heterosexual counterparts. This involves about 1000 tax benefits and simple things like hospital visitation.

    We will be equal when men are allowed to marry men and women are allowed to marry women. There was a time when a Black man and white woman didn't have the right to get married. That wrong was righted and so will this one.

    Luckily I don't recognize what the Catholic Church recognizes. So they can call themselves to chastity. As I said, they need to worry about cleaning their own house, and stay out of mine.
    heterosexual marriage is beneficial to society by the stability it provides. Homosexual marriage is only based on love and thus is unstable because things built on only love lack perseverance.
    Priests can't even follow their vows of chastity yet they expect it of Catholic lay people too—divorcees and homosexuals. Never worked, never will.

    Lay people, snicker.
    Some priests fail, not all. We as people experience moments of weakness, priests are people too. Also you laughing at "lay people" is puerile
    Matthew 5:10-12

    Is est a subcribo of contradictio frater


    wind turbines on fire. Wind turbines convert wind
  • Wind turbines convert wind

  • nixd2001
    Oct 8, 04:25 PM
    Originally posted by javajedi

    3.) You speak of flaws of the "x86 architecture" but do not provide us specifics as to why you say this.

    The floating point instruction set architecture of the x86 (silly stack based thing) is/was a naff design decision. I don't even know whether there are alternative routes to accessing FP ops on an x86 these days, as its ages since I've been interested in that level (tad of compiler writing in my history). [Intel did always work pretty hard to get IEEE FP conformance though, which is more than most other CPU mnfs.]

    The limited number of GPRs is also a design flaw that has largely been worked around.

    Maybe the best way to get an understanding of what Intel privately thinks is good/bad about x86 ISA is to look at what sorts of x86 instructions get translated into what sort of micro-ops internally - the larger the change, the less Intel like their original decisions.

    wind turbines on fire. Wind Turbines Somerset Wind Farm In Pennsylvania. Wind Turbines Somerset Wind Farm In Pennsylvania. 3:15. The wind farm is just one-half mile south of the
  • Wind Turbines Somerset Wind Farm In Pennsylvania. Wind Turbines Somerset Wind Farm In Pennsylvania. 3:15. The wind farm is just one-half mile south of the

  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 12:46 PM
    gay behaviour was tolerated in Rome though lesbian behaviour was not.

    Not if you believe HBO! All Roman women were raging lesbians (or at least bi-sexual).
    The hunky men, not so much… *sigh*

    wind turbines on fire. turbine which would fire
  • turbine which would fire

  • CuttyShark
    Apr 12, 11:08 PM
    Hard to take anyone seriously as a professional who uses Adobe. Avid, sure, but the industry has moved to Final Cut Pro, at least the part of the industry I interface with.

    You calling this Final Cut a "toy" after it was just presented to a room full of professionals who loved it seems odd. Why the need to diminish it when it is clear that if you werent' there, there's much we don't yet know?

    Adobe Photoshop and After Effects are not 'pro'? Please explain that to me. I never said Premiere. I made the switch to FCP in 2005 after 10 years of solid AVID work, yet I still use them both - just depends what job I'm on and who I'm working for. I stand by what I say - It looks like a fun 'toy' to play with. I have my doubts when it comes to some serious sound track organization and color correction. Reminds me a lot of when someone gave me a demo of Speed Edit by Newtek. It's really interesting how alike these seem to be.


    wind turbines on fire. maglev wind turbines be
  • maglev wind turbines be

  • tigress666
    Apr 9, 01:38 AM
    You summed it up beautifully. You're not a gamer. You're what is called a time passer, which are what 99 percent of IOS games are, mind numbing time killers. That's fine. As long as Apple does not come in to the gaming market and starts trying to strong arm third party big names all is good.

    Wait, why is FFII and FFIII more a mind numbing time killer over any other game (I am getting FFIII either when it goes on a good sale or I finally finish up my other games, whichever comes first)? Or Myst or Riven for that matter (both on my phone, I've beaten Myst but haven't started Riven).

    Or Prince of Persia for that matter? Not saying I am a real hard core gamer but not completely casual either (granted not into it as much as I used to be, my last console was my PS2 but honestly, my favorite console was the Playstation). And I will admit I prefer the old style RPGs to new style (I usually don't like reflex games, prefer the more tactics focus of old style RPGs vs how quick can you react of the new style. If I wanted a more live action game I'd buy one. Honestly, the iphone is hte first time I've gotten into the more "live action" games like Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed. Don't ask me why as I will admit those are the type of games that suffer the most from the lack of physical buttons. But it's still fun regardless).

    What I am saying is I'm confused on what you consider not just some petty mind numbing game if you consider everything I listed as one.

    Yeah, some of those are good for short burst of time killing (the little puzzle games like Boxed In and Sudoku). And I'll agree a lot of those games more unique to the iphone are ones you usually download, play a bit, and then never touch again (though some are still pretty good that you do keep going back to them too). And after a while they get so old you won't even download them for free (on a bunch of free app lists which end up having a lot of those games and these days I look, go, Oh one of those, and pass them up. Though you do find some true gems amongst those games that do last more than just a short bit).

    Honestly, I haven't gotten back into gaming until recently when I've been finding a lot of actual good games and not just good for time killing for the iphone (mostly discovering Gameloft games and when Squaresoft started porting some games over on the iphone. I really want FFVII on my phone and I'd love to see some more jrpgs, if you can't tell, those are my favorites. I like a good story with them though).

    (What I'm really hoping is that Square finds the iphone lucrative and we get a lot of stuff from them *grin*. Though I'm finding I really like Gameloft's offerings a lot too and GL really seems to understand how to get things to work best on the iphone despite the lack of buttons and the fact that many of their games they port over would do better with buttons).

    wind turbines on fire. Wind turbine destroyed by fire
  • Wind turbine destroyed by fire

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 11, 11:27 PM
    I wonder I they put a Xeon in a Mac will it come with Intergrated graphics :confused: ;)

    I sure hope Apple don't put intergrated graphics in the Mac Pros as ANY sort of an option......

    wind turbines on fire. wind turbine installed 10/08 by Morton Energy in Warrenton IN. Polk Residence - net metering. You can see it from the Log INN parking lot. (see map option).
  • wind turbine installed 10/08 by Morton Energy in Warrenton IN. Polk Residence - net metering. You can see it from the Log INN parking lot. (see map option).

  • thatsallfolks
    Apr 5, 09:40 PM
    I'm was a complete Mac virgin when I switched a couple of months ago but some of the small things that still annoy me.

    1. Pressing delete when you've selected a file in finder doesn't delete the file. You've gotta use the context menu or <gasp> actually drag it to the garbage.

    2. It's kinda' weird that the menu bar shows at the top of the screen and not the window. When you have alot of windows open I sometimes go into the menu bar thinking it belongs to another program than what I intended.

    3. There's no ".." button in finder(i.e. go one level up a directory structure)

    4. Not having an actual uninstall program procedure kind of makes me paranoid.

    I do love the magic mouse and obviously Macs look slicker than PCs so overall I guess I'm satisfied and I'm sure any reasonable person would be as well but from what I've seen of Windows 7 I would think most reasonable people would be happy with that too.

    wind turbines on fire. compact wind turbine that
  • compact wind turbine that

  • Doc750
    Mar 18, 11:22 AM
    you people who think being charged for tethering is justified, exemplify what is wrong with this country. You would bend over and take anything up the rear end, just b/c it was written in a contract.

    contracts are crap .. they mean nothing. Many of them don't hold up in a court, despite what they say. They are intentionally written in a manner to screw the consumer. They do this for as long as they can, until a court or a law tells them otherwise.

    you deserve all the ******** these corporations are feeding you.

    losers ....

    I'm going to plug in my phone, and let netflix run for the next 4 hours, as a nice big FU to AT&T, and all you uncle tom's.

    wind turbines on fire. wind turbine.
  • wind turbine.

  • tangodiva
    Aug 26, 04:11 AM
    Had drop call issues with my iPhone 3G ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. Not kidding. Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Indiana, New York, New Jersey . . . you get the picture.

    Now with my iPhone 4, it is WORSE. I get dropped 3 or 4 times during a 15 minute conversation.

    Talked my friend into an iPhone (it is GREAT for everything except being a phone) and she, in 3 days, has had to return 2 phones that were defective. She, a tech industry executive, asked AT&T and Apple what their failure rate was, and they replied, "We can't tell you that." Go figure. Also learned that there is one side of the band on the iPhone 4 for telephone and the other side for data. Having your hands directly on either side will diminish the reception. Using a headset does help (keeping hands off phone)

    My iPad hasn't seemed to have so many problems connecting on the go, but it does run a little slower sometimes. Have to say it rules, except the flash thing (best surfing anywhere?????), but another thread:D

    wind turbines on fire. The Smith-Putnam wind turbine
  • The Smith-Putnam wind turbine

  • fpnc
    Mar 18, 05:23 PM
    So, if I use PyMusique, and Apple cancels my account, thereby forcing me to use some other music store, or P2P service, Apple comes out ahead how, exactly?

    No one's account is getting cancelled...
    Yes, Apple might cancel your account, so go ahead and be the first to try. Thus, if they have to cancel one, or ten, or a thousand accounts to protect their service you really don't think they will do that? It wouldn't be any big deal if they lose a few thousand accounts over this, since that would likely be only a few thousand dollars in revenue (if even that), less than a day or two's legal fees for a half decent lawyer.

    In that case, it won't take people very long to learn that they shouldn't use such obvious methods to violate the iTunes Music Store Terms Of Service (TOS) and (possibly) the DMCA.

    Note: iTunes Music Store TOS -- that legal statement that you said "Yes" to when you signed up for the iTunes service.

    Everybody relax.
    Exactly, that's why I said in my previous post that this doesn't really mean much.

    Edit: replaced EULA with iTunes Music Store TOS.

    wind turbines on fire. of wind turbine burning at
  • of wind turbine burning at

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 12, 02:27 AM

    Please stop speculating about the situation of the Japanese nuclear reactors, protocols, and regulations, or how they--those specific ones--work.

    Unless you are an expert with a background in chemical/nuclear engineering, and an expert not only on just nuclear reactors but also Japanese nuclear regulations, then you aren't really in a place to criticize from halfway around the world. We derive 30% of our power from nuclear reactors, we know what we are doing. We aren't unnecessarily paranoid about nuclear power like the west is.

    We know very little about the situation with the Japanese reactors, and even less about the reactors themselves.

    Comparing them to the 30+ year old standards of the impoverished USSR is rather inappropriate.

    Phht...I guess you're new to the internet on this side of the world. You should check NewsVine...where every American is an expert in politics, science, engineering, sociology, pschology, blah blah blah...oh, yeah...the most popular field "economics" in these past years. And Digg...forget about it...that one extends down to the gutter expertise! ;)

    Keep it clean, this isn't the time to be joking, and it's pretty tasteless, about as bad as CNN's Godzilla jokes; sometimes I wonder if it just doesn't register with people just because it didn't happen to them.

    I wouldn't take it personally. This is just how people are. I mean, when September 11 happened, I'm sure nearly everyone in the Middle East thought it was somewhat funny and joked a lot about it. It's just that most of them didn't have internet access. And then we wiped those smiles off their face by dropping 500 lb bombs on their "brothers"! :p

    wind turbines on fire. Wind Turbine cartoon 3
  • Wind Turbine cartoon 3

  • spillproof
    Apr 13, 12:25 AM
    I love me some timeline! I wonder what the student pricing will look like because as of now, I can pick up the full FCS for $300.

    wind turbines on fire. Damaged wind turbine
  • Damaged wind turbine

  • levitynyc
    Apr 8, 10:37 PM
    I got far more enjoyment out of Infinity Blade for 6 dollars than I did out of Pilot Wings Resort 3DS for 40 dollars...just sayin.

    wind turbines on fire. burning wind turbine was
  • burning wind turbine was

  • Backtothemac
    Oct 9, 12:22 PM
    Tell you what. I am setting up a Dual 867 for the Mall store with 256 MB Ram, and this thing is installing Windows under VPC faster than the PIII 733's that we have here. They are not SLOW! They may not have as fast a clock speed as a PC but who really gives a crap!

    Macs have again taken the lead in my opinion with OS X and the Dual 1.25.

    No one will ever change my mind. Call me a zealot, but that is what I think.

    Aug 30, 11:36 AM
    And don't forget, Groovey, that only a small percentage of Americans are considered more of the hard-line political peeps.

    Mar 24, 09:56 PM
    Could you cite examples of mainline Catholicism lynching homosexuals, burning cross on their lawns, bombing their houses etc?

    Aside from what Iscariot just wrote, you are ignoring the point.

    The problem is believing that certain people are inferior and offensive just by virtue of their existence.

    The problem is demonizing people who are living living their lives in ways that cause no harm to the person condemning them, nor to any other identifiable person.

    The problem is condemning people for that which they did not choose and cannot change about themselves.

    But most importantly, the problem is feeling so entitled as to believe that prejudice entails the right to subjugate another person, to deny him the right to live according to his own conscience and best interests and to instead force him to live according to those of someone who despises him.

    It is at this last point that that the bigot crosses the line no one is morally obliged to tolerate. It is the firing of the first shot, the first act of antagonism taken against someone who did not initiate a confrontation.

    The fact that the Catholic Church does not need the same tactics to pursue such an agenda against homosexuals as the KKK used against black people is not strictly relevant. The immorality of the doctrine of subjugation is the same.

    Chupa Chupa
    Apr 28, 08:04 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    As for too many people buying iPad 1 for Christmas, thus denting iPad 2 sales, well, all previous iPad 1 sales are included in these numbers, are they not?

    No, they are not. This report is for the Jan-March '11 quarter. Christmas sales were reflected in the Oct-Dec '10 quarter.

    Sep 26, 07:37 AM
    im hoping that apple has optimized leopard to be able to assign certain applications to certain cores. just like what some of the other posters have said

    4 cores for Cinema 4D
    1 core for internet and mail
    2 cores for photoshop
    1 core for quicktime dvd playback

    Apr 10, 01:10 PM
    This is Apple of and this is the iPad and iOS.

    Entirely, entirely different ballgame from any other handheld on the market.

    Your right, it is a entirely different ballgame, other handhelds are dedicated for gaming, the ipad and iphone is not.

    As far as the limits of touch-based gaming goes . . . come back in 2-3 years and *then* keep telling me about limits.

    There are limits to touch based gaming and always will be

    The same way the Xbox 360 controller is more limited than the PS3 controller with 6 axis

    The same way the Wii controller is limited at with many types of games compared to the Xbox 360 and PS3 conventional button based controllers

    Interesting how Apple is turning non-gamers in to gamers, and we're not hearing about the alleged horrid limits of touch-based gaming.

    Sort of like what Nintendo did with the Wii. With its excellent libary of good games, oh wait it has a few good games and a large amount of shovelware. Compare that to something like the PS3 or XBOX 360, a lot of good games and some shovelware

    Yes, and touchscreens on smartphones will *never* replace physical keyboards. We all know how that turned out, right?

    Yes we have, they haven't replaced physical keyboards. They may have become more popular than keyboard based devices, but keyboard based phones are still released.

    Fear of change? It's thick in these forums.

    There is good change, bad change and what many people want on here change for the sake of change

    In January 2010 people looked at the iPad and didn't quite understand what was going on. Didn't know where to put it, what category to fit it into. To some it was amusing at best. To others it was ridiculous and redundant. To a few it was total genius.

    Considering tablets had been around for many years before the ipad but never really made it into the consumer realm. It is understandable why many would assume it a failure.

    Many people on here are more tech minded, something like the ipad would not look like a successful product due to its limited capabilities, compared to what they want from a device

    Today it's a household name and a device millions upon millions of people have and use every day - many of them just average, non tech-savvy folks. And it's the device that drives the post-PC era. And demand by both consumers and developers and content providers is exploding, and will continue unabated for the foreseeable future.

    Ipad is for general consumers, the same way the netbook was. Good for consumption of the web, ebooks etc (better than the netbook for ebooks and reading due to form factor). Limited uses for real work though.

    PSP Slim? DS? LOL is all I have to say. Like the Palm Centro and Cli� before the iPhone. These aren't even a factor anymore.

    Your right they are not factors anymore. It is now 3DS, PSP NGP, HP veer and Pre 3.

    Today iphone tomorrow something else. There is nothing stopping Apple from failing. It is sheer blind stupidity to think they can't fail and that they will always be successful.