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Saturday, May 14, 2011

whale hunting japan

whale hunting japan. Following direct action by Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace in Australia#39;s Southern Ocean, Japan is set to abandon whale hunting in the Antarctic for this season
  • Following direct action by Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace in Australia#39;s Southern Ocean, Japan is set to abandon whale hunting in the Antarctic for this season

  • JackieTreehorn
    Nov 23, 03:16 PM
    In 40 years let's see how Justin Beiber and Lady Bla Bla are selling. Rock on Beatles!
    The Beatles: Four guys who needed each other, because individually they were musical infants.

    No, thanks.

    whale hunting japan. on whale hunting imposed
  • on whale hunting imposed

  • Chimera
    Sep 14, 11:26 AM
    To further my pictures of the black nano Appleinsider also now has some beautiful and detailed pics here (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2048)

    whale hunting japan. Japan defends dolphin hunt in
  • Japan defends dolphin hunt in

  • torbjoern
    Apr 25, 11:40 PM
    Ah - but it isn't as many as 50 % of the gun crimes that are done by black men. This is just racist propaganda from a statistics-generator which has been pre-programmed to disfavour people with non-English names. The next statement will probably be that more than half of the honour killings in the United Kingdom are done by people from Pakistan or Arab countries, which will be just as absurd. In some cultures, it's acceptable (or even expected) to use violence to get what one wants, and we have to tolerate each other as we are. Dialogue and Understanding.

    whale hunting japan. A moratorium on whale hunting?
  • A moratorium on whale hunting?

  • hagakure
    Nov 7, 06:00 AM
    Hi...do you think this upgrade will solve the ramdon MB crash problems? Or do you think, as someone told me yesterday, that this problems might be already be solved?

    whale hunting japan. the effort to stop whaling
  • the effort to stop whaling

  • milo
    Sep 12, 04:22 PM
    Full screen playback of videos now has Quicktime-style translucent controls.

    You can properly tag TV shows.

    But unfortunately, it looks like there's no way to edit video info for more than one file at a time. Bummer, since I have dozens of TV episodes I'd like to have tagged correctly. I guess maybe either a future update, or hopefully a Doug's script?

    This is exactly what I'm trying to figure out: how to find the music videos I've downloaded. Ones that came with an album purchase (as a bonus) are in "Movies". Ones I downloaded separately are just mixed in with "Music" and not distinguished except by the little TV icon.

    I'm not sure how one would quickly find their music videos except for manually looking for each one and creating their own playlist with just music videos. Is there a better way?

    iTunes puts Music Videos in with music. You can change that, select your file, hit command I and select the video tab. If you want it to show up under Movies or TV, just change it in the menu that appears.

    whale hunting japan. Japan halted its hunting
  • Japan halted its hunting

  • Source
    Oct 14, 04:23 PM
    Remember something, Nipsy, i'm on your side here. I want Apple to do well just as much as you do. I just happen to believe that Apple needs to do it in a different way than you and I don't know why you needed to take this argument to insults, other than some need to always believe that you are right.

    benixau made a rash reply, without reading my posts and believed that i hate Macs, because he was blindly supporting Apple, just as you are.

    "Now, I'd love if you could quote an insult from me."

    That wasn't actually directed towards you.

    "I'm intelligent enough to know that Apple does not have the market cap to fully control their chip evolution, and you, it seems, are not."

    There you go.

    "No, but you suggested that we should rally around some cause (design chips, boycott Apple, etc.) and vocalize. "

    Where did i say we should design chips or boycott Apple? Now you're just liying and it's no wonder you have come to your conclusions, considering you fabricate things like this.

    "When we started this argument, I observed..."

    This is exactly my point! We are suggesting virtually the same thing, except you are fabricating arguments for some reason that i can't understand, unless you simply "like the sound of your own voice" as it were.

    "Without you, I'm sure they'd be gunning to slow things down. I'm sure you'll be back to tell us how this 1.8 GHz 64 bit Power4 derivative is slow compared to the 3.8 GHz PIV next year."

    Yes, that's very intelligent. [/sarcasm] See i can do it too! I wasn't saying that my suggestion in any way influences Apple, and if you were so intelligent, you would have known that.

    This is the exact reason i suggested that people let Apple know what they want. A company, one that wants to stay in business at least, will not completely ignore its customers and if you let them know what you want in large numbers, you may well get it.

    If anyone has demonstrated lack of intelligence in this whole thread, Nipsy, it's you. You lie and misinterpret peoples posts in order to get your points across. Which, in the end, seem to be incredibly similar to the very points that you are dismissing.

    I'll say it again, take your arguments elsewhere, as someone who lies, misinterprets people's posts and more importantly seems to simply want to fire up an argument that isn't there, as you do, is pointless in discussing anything with.

    If you are intelligent, as you so call yourself, i fear for society.

    whale hunting japan. Japanese whaling fleet vessel
  • Japanese whaling fleet vessel

  • chorn
    Aug 8, 01:45 AM
    Perhaps the Time Machine feature is built around ZFS snapshots!?!


    whale hunting japan. against a whale hunting
  • against a whale hunting

  • Stridder44
    Aug 3, 03:36 PM
    They need to really shock people with this keynote, to restore our confidence after the disaster that was the last presentation.


    whale hunting japan. for hunting pilot whales
  • for hunting pilot whales

  • emotion
    Nov 8, 09:52 AM
    In actuality, the speed increase is only 10 percent instead of 25-39 percent.

    It depends on what metric you measure the increase.

    whale hunting japan. Whale meat sold in Japan
  • Whale meat sold in Japan

  • res1233
    Apr 12, 12:01 PM
    If they build it from scratch, they could probably design the place with working conditions that don't make people as suicidal (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1104449&referrerid=51132).

    The only reason suicide rates spiked was because of this policy regarding suicides that involved reimbursing the families for their loss if their loved one suicided at foxconn, if i remember correctly. That policy doesn't exist anymore AFAIK. People were just trying to provide for their families, even in death.

    whale hunting japan. regarding whale hunting.
  • regarding whale hunting.

  • MacsRgr8
    Sep 6, 08:43 AM
    I believe the GeForce 7600 GT is on par with the X1800 GT, faster in some cases, slower in others. It's a pretty good graphics card. I would just like to see the GeForce 7600 GT bump out the 7300 GT on Mac Pro.


    So, the 7600 GT card should be a good gaming card.

    I mean, I am still looking for a replacement of my dead gaming PC, and thought the Mac Pro too expensive (don't need all 4 Cores) for my Mac needs + PC gaming needs together.
    But this 24" iMac, is en excellent computer for my combined needs! (I am sure, I am not the only one who wants the Mac for every day stuff, and a PC just for gaming....)

    whale hunting japan. to hunt humpback whales
  • to hunt humpback whales

  • X5-452
    Mar 18, 01:49 PM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Reception to the original iPod launch was mixed. Our own forum responses are interesting to look back on, 10 years later.

    At least we're all pretty consistent with our critiques of Apple product launches, hahaha.

    whale hunting japan. Japan Halts Whale Hunt
  • Japan Halts Whale Hunt

  • shadowx
    Sep 12, 04:41 PM
    Cool New iPod Sync interface!


    whale hunting japan. Japanese whaling fleet vessel
  • Japanese whaling fleet vessel

  • jlc1978
    Apr 16, 07:02 AM
    Right. When you eat off of your gear you're always going to find ways to not spend SO MUCH on said gear so you can put more food in your mouth. Which is why I really don't have an issue claiming student-ship if I am able to. I personally don't do it with certain software titles, but I will do it with Apple hardware and others. AVID Media Composer is $2500 regular price give or take a few $100s. The EDU version is $295 . . . . . okay I am going to hop on that EDU bandwagon right now.

    I agree, and am fortunate to have a legit edu connection. That said, companies vary on their proof requirements. Apple, in my experience, will give you the edu price by just saying you are a student/teacher/buying it for one. I've seen them sell a Mac at that price to grandparents, etc. Pretty decent policy. MS just requires a .edu email, but then again technet is so cheap that the edu discount pales. of course, with technet using the software in a production environment is a license violation.

    Just as the lenses you acquire in still/video photography will cost more than your body, software will be the major cost in building any rig.

    Oh ya. I have several pieces of glass that individually cost more than the body. People complain about software lock in; MS / APPLE ?Adobe et. al. have nothing on the camera manufacturers and their proprietary mounts.

    Read the comment thoroughly. ANYONE can learn the apps, any goofball like you stated yourself in the bold. I didn't put any time restraint on this goofball. But I did mention that it take far more to be a good designer.

    whale hunting japan. Japanese whaling fleet#39;s
  • Japanese whaling fleet#39;s

  • E.Lizardo
    Nov 23, 06:32 PM
    lady bla bla has some talent. you have to have some to get admitted to juliard and NYU. even madonna had a good musical education before she hit the clubs in the 1980's


    if you haven't seen this yet, it's lady bla bla a year or so before she hit it big

    I had not seen that before.It'd beautiful.Makes it all the more sad that she sold here soul to be famous.GaGa fever will probably be over in a few years.She could have had a lifetime of success and respect if she hadn't changed.So so sad.I hope in the future she looks back and thinks it was worth it.

    whale hunting japan. onto a whale hunting boat
  • onto a whale hunting boat

  • ZilogZ80
    Apr 11, 03:58 AM
    So after spending maybe as much as �8k before the member of staff has even started and you've bought their software, to be able to pay �85/m for the software instead of �1700 in one hit is a much needed relief.
    Interesting point, although what you're not factoring in is that the resale value of CS5 is substantial whereas the resale value of the subscription model is ZERO :D

    whale hunting japan. that its whale hunting is
  • that its whale hunting is

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 6, 09:07 AM
    I Am Pretty Sure It Will Support Two 2GB Sticks For A Total Of 4GB

    Yes. I think they just didn't want to scare buyers with an extra $1500 of their insane RAM prices.

    It's possibly a waste of money, though. The 32-bit Napa chipset might make it impossible to use most of the top GiB.

    But I'm sure somebody will put 4 GiB in one of these soon and tell us the real story!

    (more at http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=2800136&postcount=82)

    whale hunting japan. A Japanese whaling ship
  • A Japanese whaling ship

  • GeekOFComedy
    Oct 12, 05:04 PM
    On my Flickr I have them tagged!



    Entertainment Setup:



    Desk From Front:


    Desk setup:





    FLICKR Set with Tags:


    whale hunting japan. Japan halts whale hunt after
  • Japan halts whale hunt after

  • 6-0 Prolene
    Mar 11, 07:31 PM
    YEP I'm ready too....i5/i7 would be a great refresh - the politics with upgrading every tuesday kills us all. PC's are far ahead right now in terms of processors. I went through the models and upgrade strategies here (http://macreviewz.blogspot.com/2010/02/quad-core-mac-book-pro.html) on my blog.

    I'm willing to bet money that there will be no quad-core i5s or i7s in the MBPs this time around.

    And do you really think that Apple is worried that dual-core mobile i5s and i7s are going to cannibalize Xeon-based Mac Pro sales? That's one of the craziest things I've ever heard.

    Apr 18, 12:15 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    My 3 year old grandson asks to use"grandpa's toy". He gets the toys r us angle totally...

    Sep 18, 09:46 PM
    Just like you said about the Jet Pack, the Armor Lock can be really great, but you have to use it correctly. If you are all by yourself, trying to use it in a 1v1 encounter, then no, you aren't using it correctly. Using it as a distraction while teammates flank people gawking at you, using its EMP effect to disable vehicles, or using it to survive heavy weapon fire? That is correct.

    Yeah, you're right. All the power ups need to be used correctly to be effective and are good in their own right.

    Personally i favour the jet pack for most maps.

    Aug 3, 11:41 PM
    why would u really need a better resolution for the iSight?

    Use it as a video/security/iChat/Games camera.
    Use it for higher quality still shots.
    Have improved video chat quality when real broadband speeds available. I have 1meg up 8meg down, that should be fast enough for some decent video.

    its stupid


    all most people do is take funny pics of them-selves and do iChat

    Because the current quality is so low...
    And I think you'll find that people do more than that.
    And even if thats all they do why not have a higher resolution? Seems plenty of people are doing these things.

    if u increase the quality of the iSight for iChat, then it slows the video down
    it also will be jerky because the file is large

    If you have average machines and broadband yep it does. Whereas if you have more potent dual intel machines, mpeg4 and decent ADSL2+ etc, then you can get better quality video...iChat can already support 4 people communicating now, so 2 communicating with higher bandwidth should be easy *sigh*

    and a wireless iSight will just make iChat even slower

    Really? How fast is wireless...mmm...up to 54mbps...how fast is decent broadband...1-2mbps up stream...gee wireless is like 25x faster than it needs to be to keep the frame rate up for broadband. Even at range it should be faster.

    And there are PLENTY of high end (Axis etc) wireless security cameras out there right now using G to pump back MPEG4 video wirelesly. I even have one.

    Maybe you should do some research first before calling people stupid ;)

    Apr 13, 07:44 PM
    Back in the final days of Logic Pro 7 I was considering buying it. It was incredibly powerful but really deep and with a clunky GUI to boot. My procrastination paid off.

    Within months Logic Pro 8 came out and they simplified the GUI to be like GarageBand (and oh how all the "Pros" did moan...but only for awhile) and cut the price from $999 to $499. I jumped on it and never looked back.

    And now the same sort of thing is happening to FCP. All the power (fingers crossed) but with a much better GUI (yes, sort of like iMovie but only on the surface....just like with Logic Pro and Garageband).

    Jumping into this will be a no-brainer for me whereas with the old FCP I would have never "bit".

    Give the "Pros" time to come around. A lot of the resistance evaporates over time. Yes, there are actually some people who like difficult programs because then they join the "priesthood" of "those in the know" and get all puffed up.


    Chris Bangle
    Jul 23, 07:12 AM
    does anyone else feellike the ipod needs to be quicker? some times it takes like five to ten seconds for it to start playing songs of movies, maybe the interface is so simple that i tell it what to do too fast and get ahead of it? also if you listen to music and browse your pics some times the music skipps. maybe the nvidia chips will cure this?

    I feel the same... My sisters 5g takes days to play a video... My mini on the other hand takes splitseconds.