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Saturday, May 14, 2011

newspaper article front page

newspaper article front page. Last month#39;s front page is
  • Last month#39;s front page is

  • AppleinJapan
    Sep 4, 06:48 AM
    Ive waited and waited for a year to replace my old G3 imac so I hope that Apple release an Imac with a 23 inch screen ! It would be great for animators like myself.....I was thinking of buying a Samsung screen anyway so plz Apple release it

    newspaper article front page. Newspaper+front+page+
  • Newspaper+front+page+

  • bdkennedy1
    May 4, 09:55 PM
    I don't believe it at all unless Apple completely reinvented it. 3D is a gimmick as it stand today and failed back in the 50's and 80's. It's not natural to watch.

    newspaper article front page. Does this article help?
  • Does this article help?

  • Luke7610
    Jan 11, 04:23 PM
    Anyone know what's happening/what happened with the Wireless spectrum auction?

    newspaper article front page. #39;Hot News#39; Articles
  • #39;Hot News#39; Articles

  • Lotso
    Mar 18, 02:29 PM
    Still there. They just cranked it up so that it covers all of us. ;)

    Now the question is, what is reality, and how is it being distorted? :eek:

    newspaper article front page. front page news article
  • front page news article

  • mkrishnan
    Aug 3, 08:26 AM
    So why did they use an external wireless card? The only reasonable explanation is that whatever they did doesn't work with the built-in airport.

    Yes, this had certainly occurred to me, and I think it's a fair guess. But I don't think I'd gallop off to "this is a total non-issue" from here. That's all I'm saying. Again, not panicked, but I think this should be pursued in the long term. There is a valid point in that the "seeking a network" activity of wifi cards in general offers a potential vector for exploits.

    newspaper article front page. Newspaper+front+page+
  • Newspaper+front+page+

  • NYC Russ
    Apr 12, 12:45 PM

    Really? So I guess the 920,000 people working at FoxConn are just standing around goofing off?


    FoxConn has a net income of about 2.2 billion. Their gross revenues are about $59 billion. If each worker cost them just an extra $2,500 per year ($210 per month) they would be out of business and have to shut their doors.

    And everyone here knows damn well that Chinese workers get paid much less than US workers, in other words doing FoxConn in a country with higher labor costs would mean that everything would cost a CRAP LOAD more money or it wouldn't get built to begin with.
    Uh, yes really. I deal with manufacturers professionally. Unless something is labor intensive and low value added (like clothing,) the only reason to manufacture in China is for the currency exchange rates and lax environmental laws.

    Why do you think Haier, a Chinese company, is profitably manufacturing in South Carolina?

    newspaper article front page. Frontclick on newspaper be a
  • Frontclick on newspaper be a

  • Keleko
    Mar 13, 04:57 PM
    Each Sunday I'm going to try to take a wide angle shot of some of the more interesting rooms in my church. The main building was an old mansion with some pretty interesting architecture. Some of the rooms have murals along the tops of the walls. This one is the basement which was a summer parlor and decorated as an English tavern. Those are beer drinking carvings on either side. The floor is Venetian tile.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5211/5523537951_5c39877932_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5523537951/)

    newspaper article front page. Where#39;s the FRONT PAGE!
  • Where#39;s the FRONT PAGE!

  • Gasu E.
    Apr 12, 02:07 PM
    So now Brazil is the one having "aggressive mercantilist policies"?

    Why don't you talk about the US's egregiously illegal subsidies to its orange juice, steel and ethanol industries against Brazilian imports of the same products?

    In case you don't know about them, just check WTO's website to see the rulings AND appeals that the US has continuously lost against Brazil. Or is it nice to have "free markets" only when you benefit from them?

    It's true-- the policy on ethanol, especially, is bad for US consumers. We are subsidizing US corn farmers to product ethanol that ends up using more petroleum to create than is saved in the resulting gasohol. Meanwhile, import controls are keeping out the (actually efficient) ethanol produced in Brazil. At the same time, food prices are rising all over the world due to shortages that could be alleviated if all that US corn became food, rather than fuel. Ethanol in the US has become nothing but an industrial subsidy for agrobiz. Our taxes our subsidizing a tragedy.

    newspaper article front page. The article on the front page
  • The article on the front page

  • nitropowered
    Mar 28, 09:04 PM
    I would rather Apple do iPhone5 right then be pressured to release it at the typical release cycle.

    Give me 4" screen, NFC, dual core A9 and a gig of ram. LTE is not a huge deal since it will probably not be deployed widespread.

    newspaper article front page. article on the front page
  • article on the front page

  • Chaszmyr
    Sep 4, 07:54 AM
    I just cancelled my MacBook+iPod-order... The folks at Apple couldn't say if the back to school-offer would still be valid if I switched iPods so I'm placing a new order on Tuesday so I can save 200 bucks on the iPod :)

    When new products are released, the existing promotional deals don't always apply to them.

    newspaper article front page. News Article from the front
  • News Article from the front

  • OMGteh.nterweb
    Aug 3, 10:08 AM
    Herr go an ABC news story where it's mentioned.

    Experts Discuss Wireless Vulnerability (http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=2266507)

    newspaper article front page. Front page of the sports
  • Front page of the sports

  • FreeState
    Apr 25, 09:26 PM
    It's not an issue in other black communities, for instance Kenya, or Nigeria, or many others including Zuid Afrika.

    You really think less than 50% of gun violence is committed by black men in those countries? You might want to go look at the demographics of those countries.

    Why does gun violence effect the black communities? Prejudice, poverty and lack of access to societal goods others have among many other reasons.

    PS: your "joke" is racist and not a joke. Not only is your premiss racist its sexist as well. One does not need positive roll models of both sexist to be non-violent, one needs love and acceptance.

    newspaper article front page. formula 1 newspaper article
  • formula 1 newspaper article

  • jackmac13
    Oct 15, 03:27 PM
    The earbuds thing would make a great commercial. Imagine the earbud guy leaving with a girl while the other girl is still waiting for the guy to download. Now, no girl wants a guy to finish early but she doesn't want him to take forever either. It could be pretty funny.:D

    newspaper article front page. with the large front-page
  • with the large front-page

  • Friscohoya
    May 5, 11:07 AM
    The iPad, no matter how parasitic it is, is still a real computer. :rolleyes:

    And wow at all the people "finding problems" with OTA updates. Android has been at it for years on many carriers and with many different data caps in place, rooted phones, phones with custom ROMs, etc.. and yet none of those guys whine about OTA updates. The Apple crowd really needs to get with it. It's optional people, it is for Android, no reason it wouldn't be for iPhone.

    Options are good.

    How can it be a real computer and you cant even turn it on without syncing it to a real computer? So basically to buy an ipad you have to own another $500 piece of hardware to use an ipad. I love my ipad and it has basically replaced my laptops, but its a shame that you cant manage your music, sync your apps or update your OS without being connected to a real computer.

    newspaper article front page. National Gazette Article
  • National Gazette Article

  • linux2mac
    Apr 14, 10:37 AM
    And all the Apple haters claim the "iToys" are responsible for the immense growth. Nah, people just want a PC that works and its called a Mac!

    newspaper article front page. Both news articles and
  • Both news articles and

  • sixth
    Sep 6, 07:50 AM
    WOW! a slient upgrade to the C2D....no big annoucements...thats amazing! good to see too! that means the macbook pro should be next with out any big issues....cant wait should be soon !!!!

    newspaper article front page. The News article can be read
  • The News article can be read

  • mohaukachi
    Aug 24, 12:51 PM
    know what i find disturbing. this gets front page on cnn.com with a big picture and gloom and doom headline while dell gets a... oh by the way... dell recalled 4.1 million a few weekes ago but greased our palms so we wouldnt make a big stink about it. seems like a damn vendetta to me.

    newspaper article front page. Macomb Daily front page
  • Macomb Daily front page

  • gigi1701
    Apr 12, 02:32 AM
    I give it one more year, and Adobe's products will be entirely replaceable by App store Apps that will be SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper. Developers will be making their money, the apps will be cheap enough that piracy won't be as big of an issue, and everyone will be happy (except Adobe....and those heavily invested into their software model, and business).
    God, I hope so. I have been looking for a Dreamweaver replacement, not found anything yet. I have been using Pages to make epub books, like it for that more than I do InDesign. All of Adobe software is bloated, the new versions barely bring anything I need to the table, case in point, I upgraded to InDesign CS5 for the epub features and am instead using Pages, having to copy and paste the content over, but it works so much better and the price is so much better. I can't see upgrading any Adobe products again.

    ;) I agree that it's crazy to pay full price. Everyone has to know someone in college or who can at least get an educational discount. I mean of several hundred bucks, make a friend.
    FYI, Adobe still considers you a pirate if you buy an educational version and you personally are not a student or faculty. So if you are going to be a pirate why bother buying a student version at all?

    newspaper article front page. Article on the front page of
  • Article on the front page of

  • mrcammy
    Oct 15, 06:04 PM
    Typical machead responses on this thread:

    microsoft wireless media player - aww that's sooo stupid...
    apple wireless media player (when it comes out) - aww that's sooo cool...

    now go drink your kool-aid everyone...:)

    Oct 12, 03:50 AM
    I think you're over analyzing this situation. It is one that is purely BUSINESS.

    Intel has AMD as direct competition, causing a "space race" sort of 'speed race', they keep topping eachother in speed and proccesses. Both are forced to innovate to remain competitive; and even in the PC world, it is a hard choice whether to choose Intel or AMD for your processor.

    With Apple as their primary and only customer for the Mac specific chip, Motorolla has no need to innovate, there is no fire under ass, so to speak.

    Basically, they don't care because they don't have to. And it is not Apple's "fault", but rather a credit that they have standerdized on one processor; but that is a convenience and a privelage for Apple, only because there is no other maker at the moment. I'm sure if there was, there would be court cases similar to Microsoft is in about anti-competiveness of Motorolla :P.

    Motorolla has a pure monopoly on a private platform; if Apple were still licensing, and you could buy Umax, SuperMac and other Mac Clones, I'm 100% positive There'd be 4Ghz Macs by now, because those companies would strive to compete with Apple.

    Aug 3, 01:24 AM
    I just saw the video about the hack in cNet. David Maynor used a third party wireless card to do the hack. My question is Why did he used a third party card?

    Why use a third party card while the Macbook has built-in wireless already. Can he hack the built-in wireless card? It looks like that he cannot hack the built-in card so he used a third party card. My other question is Who would buy a third party wireless card for the MacBook? By doing so, makes no sense. I would like him to show us a video hacking the Macbook using Macbooks airport card.

    Apr 13, 01:16 AM
    To be honest, I'm from Germany and I would never ever pay an extra cent for a product manufactured in the US. The caption "Made in the USA" just suggests "Don't buy me, I'm going to suck". All these products I bought that were made in the US were overpriced and mostly of far worse manufacturing quality than comparable products from Asia or Europe. Just my experience, not that I hate Americans or anything, I like their ideas, creativity, inspiration and stuff, but the rest is better done by other people.

    What about something made in Germany? ;)

    Not sure people would jump the gun on an Audi R8 had it been made in Asia! :D

    Sep 4, 11:51 PM
    I have been wanting to move from Windows to an Imac, but I was looking to join up with Apple finally moving to more competitive machines in terms of speed. With the Merom being Apple's choice instead of the more upgradeable Conroe I am wondering what we will all be thinking 6 or 8 months from now when Windows will be running on potentially 4 core machines while we are all stuck with 2 and no headroom. Probably not a concern for current Mac devotees that see the OS as plenty of reason to stick with Apple, but in my mind, instead of the first generation of "faster" Macs we may be buying into just another generation of Macs that run significantly behind the power curve.

    Sep 12, 05:22 PM
    Holy moley, you mean it starts downloading cover art without asking or letting you turn that off? I don't want cover art, and I sure as heck don't want to use up bandwidth on my connection for cover art downloads, much less send out reports on what I care to keep in my playlists.