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Tuesday, May 17, 2011


letterbox. 10 Letterbox
  • 10 Letterbox

  • gri
    Apr 17, 10:48 PM
    The real question is - will the back lit keyboard be reintroduced? I sure hope so. Couldn't care less about gaming but I want to see what I type in a meeting room (and don't get started with the whole "learn to type" BS)...:rolleyes:

    letterbox. Picture of Letter Box - Free
  • Picture of Letter Box - Free

  • Eidorian
    May 3, 08:12 AM
    The way they've been able to keep the price low while using quad-cores in EVERY iMac has been by downgrading the GPUs. The Graphics Cards in EVERY model are now mobile. In the last line of iMacs they were full powered desktop GPUs.

    So, you see, while there's an upside (the processors), it doesn't come without a down (the GPUs). At first glance I was really annoyed as the �999 one (which is what I got before the refresh) had an i5 quad core, then I saw the graphics memory and got even more annoyed, but THEN I noticed the large shiny M at the end of the GPU name. THAT's how they've been able to bring us them processors and still keep the price down. They've downgraded the GPUs. As my i3 processor practically acts like a quad core anyway and is virtually never pushed to it's limits I think I'm more than happy with what I have. The GPU may only have 256MB dedicated memory but at least it's not mobile.They have been mobile since the switch to Intel. Though the 24" with 7300/7600GT does stand out.


    The 2.5GHz and 2.7GHz models look to be Low-Voltage 65W Core i5, which is why Apple is able to fit quad cores in the 21.5" enclosure. But does that actually mean the 3.1GHz Core i5 in the 27" is actually cheaper than the slower 2.7GHz Core i5 in the 27"? Intel doesn't sell a 2.7GHz standard voltage Core i5 unless its a custom model or Apple is underclocking the 2.8GHz Core i5, which seems like an unnecessary waste of free clock speed room.Underclock and relabel is not anything new.

    letterbox. Chinese Letter Box on Pedlars
  • Chinese Letter Box on Pedlars

  • Ugg
    Apr 27, 06:40 PM
    I couldn't watch all of it but it's absolutely appalling that nothing more was done. The employees could have kicked the girls out of the store and locked the doors. The fact that they didn't do anything at all to protect the girl bodes ill for McDonald's.

    What's even more disgusting are all the hate filled comments by Macrumors members.

    letterbox. Large Victorian Letter Box,
  • Large Victorian Letter Box,

  • fyrefly
    Apr 18, 01:19 PM
    The real question is - will the back lit keyboard be reintroduced? I sure hope so. Couldn't care less about gaming but I want to see what I type in a meeting room (and don't get started with the whole "learn to type" BS)...:rolleyes:

    +1 - If the next Rev puts the BL Keyboard back in, I'll be first in line.

    While these Sandy Bridge processors are considerably faster in lab benchmarks, they offer no discernible real-world improvement for most users. Having used a MacBook Pro with a C2D and then one of the new Sandy Bridge, I couldn't tell the difference.

    Depends on what you were doing. If you're just surfing and Youtube and Facebook, then of course the Core2Duo won't matter vs. the i5.

    But if you do anything CPU intensive... convert a FLV to an MP4 to use on your iPad, etc... the i6 will smoke the C2D.

    I am exactly one of those people. I wanted a light laptop that I could game on occasionally while on travel. There is ZERO chance I would have bought an apple if it wasn't for the Air's portability and gaming potential. Hopefully I'll get many years use out of my 13" Ultimate.. but if Apple cripples the Air from a GPU perspective, I'll go back to Windows in a heartbeat on my next laptop purchase.

    These are the comments I least understand.

    Apple has basically two choices:

    1. Update the MBA sometime in 2010 with SB LV/ULV chips. The CPU will boost, but the Graphics will take a hit.

    2. Leave the MBA as a C2D/320M machine for a total of ~18 months till the right Ivy Bridge chips come out. That IGP should be almost equal to the 320M, but I there'll be much better chips than the 320M in early 2012, so I bet all the people whining about the SB IGP will be saying the same stuff about the Ivy IGP.

    But let me get this straight: You own a MBA right now. It's got a 320m chip in it that gives you jollies and plays your games. So if Apple was to leave the MBA stagnant for a year and a half, and then update to Ivy Bridge, you'd be happy, etc... but if Apple updated to SB in the middle of that cycle, you'd be pissed, throw you current laptop in the garbage and get a Windows Lappy?

    I'm not super-keen on a SB MBA either (unless it has the aforementioned BL Keyboard), but here's a message to all the SB Haters: Apple releasing a SB update to spur Back to School or Holiday Sales in no way invalidates your current MBA. It's not like all the 2010-era MBAs will suddenly explode into a puff of smoke forcing you to use the SB IGP you seemingly hate so much. You can keep using the 320m until the Ivy Bridge MBA comes out in 2012.

    What about the heat? MBP are too hot and not in a nice way.

    The 2011 MBPs all added 10W to their TDP while keeping the same form factor. That's why there's heat issues across the board. The chips we're talking about in this thread are 17W chips - that's the same or less than the current TDP on the LV9400/9600+320M which should keep the heat issues at bay.

    letterbox. Letterbox is a practical and
  • Letterbox is a practical and

  • nsjoker
    Jul 28, 05:00 PM
    "We do need a more consistent experience,",,,, introducing the Zune Blue Screen.

    :/ i've yet to see a blue screen from xp. i'm sure it's out there. but if you run sp2, xp is a pretty solid and reliable OS. zune won't beat the ipod, but it sure as hell won't fail.

    letterbox. modern letterbox
  • modern letterbox

  • ultravioletfly
    Apr 22, 04:34 PM
    I just want to say that when the iPhone 4 pics first leaked, there was a huge howl about how ugly it was.


    letterbox. letter boxes. silent doug a
  • letter boxes. silent doug a

  • AlphaBob
    Jan 30, 05:31 PM
    I can only suggest you look at the history of other nations, it happens quite often that complete economic systems collapse. Try Mexico, Argentina, Germany or any war torn nation. In these nations those with gold maintained their wealth, those without had to start from scratch.

    None of those examples had any impact on the larger global community and had no long-term impact on the price of gold.

    Thinking that gold is some sort of hedge against a collapse of the US economy is ignoring the larger reality. When the US catches an economic cold (like we have now), the rest of the globe catches the flu. Just read the statements made by all the European leaders who tried to explain why their stock markets were down so much this month. They blamed it on the US housing market. Where will you go to sell your gold? The answer is nobody will be buying because the global economy will be devastated.

    But the bottom line is whatever gives you comfort in uncertain times has a value in itself. If spending your money buying gold gives you peace of mind, then it might be worth it. As you say, when the eventual collapse in the price of gold happens, at least it will have some value ($350 an ounce), which is more than you can say for Enron.

    letterbox. Mask Brexistone Letter box
  • Mask Brexistone Letter box

  • lironl
    Apr 24, 03:32 AM
    It surely can't be that hard to add support for T-Mobile's network to the iPhone. All you need are three thing:

    a) Support for the 1700/2100MHz AWS frequency bands
    b) Support for 3G
    c) Putting it all together and adding it in.

    The frequencies are already there. One part of the AWS frequency band is within the European 2100 MHz 3G band, which the iPhone already supports. The other part is within the 1800 MHz European GSM band, which the iPhone also already supports.

    The support for 3G is already there, that goes without saying.

    All you have to do is put them together (and that's already half done, see above) and make sure that it all works from an engineering point of view, then add a bit of software to support the extra capabilities, and you're there.


    letterbox. SK7918 : Postman Pat letterbox
  • SK7918 : Postman Pat letterbox

  • dexthageek
    Apr 13, 03:08 PM
    No HDMI, and it will cost 2K...but oh boy will it look great on a wall!

    It will support HDMI, BUT it will require the DisplayPort -> HDMI Adaptor (Not Included).

    letterbox. of Apex letterbox in blue
  • of Apex letterbox in blue

  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 25, 12:44 PM
    Phew! For a second there my heart sank- I thought I read that Apple was delaying shipment of the refreshed iMacs.

    Can't wait till next Tuesday!

    letterbox. Corroded letterbox in
  • Corroded letterbox in

  • Yvan256
    Jul 28, 09:37 AM
    iTunes, iPod, Music Store, TV Shows, etc.....

    Apple's efforts have been just as long term as Microsoft's. Apple just seems more segmented because they don't disclose info ahead of time. Apple had the advantage of being the first with all of these.

    In think the main point of view of many people here is that when Microsoft makes long-term plans, it's because they're planning to drive the competition to the ground with the help of a big pile of cash instead of innovation and good products.

    The fact that they started this whole new thing by dropping their own PlaysForSure DRM isn't a good indicator (for the users AND commercial partners - they have to switch hardware again).

    Apple, on the other hand, has switched three times (68K->PPC, OS 9->OS X, PPC->Intel) and has always tried to keep compatibility with the previous system. A first generation iPod can play iTMS-bought tunes, too (unless I'm mistaken).

    letterbox. Paris letter box in Green
  • Paris letter box in Green

  • copykris
    Jan 30, 07:42 AM
    There is NOTHING wrong with grown men playing Pokemon...

    if you say so...

    letterbox. Letter Box cartoon 1 - search
  • Letter Box cartoon 1 - search

  • D4F
    Apr 28, 09:42 AM
    They can always try.
    Please can we have some rumors abour iOS5 maybe?

    letterbox. cartoon letter boxes.
  • cartoon letter boxes.

  • rmwebs
    Apr 28, 04:39 PM
    It was on a slope. I used a guide line in Photoshop and rotated the original photo 0.9 degrees CCW to remove the slope. Check my photo vs. the original.

    (Updated my post, not sure if you saw it)

    Photoshop will enhance/correct photos when levelling so by rotating it you are distorting the image, thus making the results invalid. Its simply not possible to get an accurate result on an image you've had to distort.

    Either way, this is a pointless argument/analysis as its impossible to tell without being able to physically put a few iPhones from different batches together to get a real physical comparison.

    letterbox. Thinking Outside The Box
  • Thinking Outside The Box

  • twoodcc
    Oct 27, 08:43 AM
    If you only have 4 cores and I have 8 that isn't very much of a difference even taking into account the mhz discrepency. It might be worth trying to see if my 920 would be ok at stock speed with bigadv units.

    well at stock speed it takes my 920 about 43 min per frame. Not bad, but I think that barely gets a bonus. But it is definitely worth it though

    letterbox. Letterbox
  • Letterbox

  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 04:20 PM
    Well, there's someone else saying something else. Great. :rolleyes:



    letterbox. What is Letterboxing?
  • What is Letterboxing?

  • MacSlut
    May 4, 04:03 AM
    I qualify for a full upgrade on 6/25/2011, I bought the iPhone 4 on launch day, 6/24/2011. So there's some other reason why this guy isn't qualifying for the upgrade. AT&T treats upgrades differently based on monthly plan, how long you've been a customer, and if you've paid your bills on time.

    AT&T likes me, so I always get a full upgrade early. They really like my sister. She also upgrades yearly and loses or destroys an iPhone mid-year, and still gets upgrades both times.

    That being said, I've seen nothing but speculation and baseless rumors about a Fall launch for the new iPhone.

    letterbox. Letterboxes
  • Letterboxes

  • GilGrissom
    Jul 25, 10:18 AM
    Under System Requirements it doesn't mention Windows. Does this mean......?
    You're right, it doesn't.

    Could just mean they haven't put that info in yet, but I'd say it's a fairly good guess that because this is now bluetooth that it won't work with XP. I think this is a bad move if true, what about all those XP users on their Macs thanks to Boot Camp? (Not sure if it would work through Parrallels).

    If I didn't already buy this normal Apple Wireless Mouse I'd order one now....grrr.

    letterbox. Edward VII wall letter box
  • Edward VII wall letter box

  • robkot
    Apr 22, 04:27 PM
    It is know that apple has serval prototype iPhones. This is interesting at the least but seeing 3G at the top kinda sucks. We need a 4g faster device.

    Dec 1, 08:29 PM
    I do not agree that lower our demands for Apple with regards to security expectations. Now is Apple's chance to prevent getting an image that their competition has, with regards to holes in security. Apple themselves have advertised that Spyware, viruses, etc, are not part of the OS X experience (http://movies.apple.com/movies/us/apple/getamac_ads1/viruses_480x376.mov). In my opinion, that may be received as a challenge, or incentive for someone to make that argument a fallacy.

    Perhaps you missed me saying "Now, certainly, these issues should be looked at with all due diligence"? Again, I agree that Apple needs to keep on top of these vulnerabilities. With a little luck, we'll see a new security update within the next week or two that will patch most, if not all, of these. My objection was not to wanting Apple to fix these vulnerabilities. My objection was to the tone that suggested that if we didn't mount a public outcry, Apple would ignore these altogether, and by January 1st there'd be as many viruses on OS X as on Windows. It's the alarmist nature of so many of the posts here that I found objectionable. Give Apple the credit it's due, and trust that they are working on patching all of these vulnerabilities right now. How hard it is to patch them will determine how long we'll have to wait for the security updates.

    I'm still waiting to hear that someone--anyone--has actually been exploited by one of these "exploits."

    Yes, actually they're vulnerabilities, not exploits. There's a big difference. Determining a way to utilize a vulnerability as an exploit is no small challenge. And I'm with you. While I'm eager to see Apple plug these holes, I'm not worrying about the boat sinking until I see some water start to come in... ;)

    Apr 25, 12:11 AM
    I have seen some transgenders, and I have nothing to say to them.

    That's pretty messed up. Just because you feel uncomfortable with someone who doesn't identify as their birth gender doesn't mean they're somehow not worth your conversation.

    Is it because of your religion? Christian perhaps? I wonder if Jesus would have been so dismissive of trans people too.

    Apr 25, 11:29 AM
    What about a screen bigger than 21.5" but less than 27"?

    Skint at the moment but exactly the above.

    I was looking at the 24" and held off for the update when they did the 21.5 and 27.

    21.5 is too small for me really and 27 is too big.... 24 would have been the ideal size really so I held off and in the end didn't bother.

    Will probably get a 24" monitor and a henge dock or maybe a mac mini instead

    Jul 10, 03:11 PM
    Not true :rolleyes:
    I used Pages to do a college term paper which was over 40 pages long. My lecturer commented it was the best presented he had seen for years.

    But how much of that is Pages? Not trying to knock you down, but my last short story was 27 pages, double spaced, and used a 12 pt. Times New Roman font. There's not much room for pizazz there. I don't see how Pages as it exists right now could have helped.

    Mar 17, 10:48 AM
    Heard Brea had only 9 iPads today. Anyone confirm? Over 100+ waiting in line. Crazy.

    Brea had 15 wifi only.
    125+ people.