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Saturday, May 14, 2011

hotel del coronado brunch

hotel del coronado brunch. I Love a Beach Wedding!
  • I Love a Beach Wedding!

  • abhimat.gautam
    Apr 2, 02:53 AM
    Why such a great camera on the iphone and such loser ones on the ipad?

    Because the iPad one isn�t expected to be widely used for photography, just for certain uses like Facetime or Augmented Reality stuff. Making the camera more decent on the iPad would have increased thickness unnecessarily in a product where a thinner "pad" is much more usable.

    hotel del coronado brunch. The Hotel Del Coronado
  • The Hotel Del Coronado

  • zwilliams07
    Apr 11, 12:57 AM
    In other news, Adobe Systems Incorporated feels that an income of $775M is just not adequate enough for their regular money pit parties. While I cannot/do not condone piracy; Adobe definitely knows how to alleviate a pirate�s guilt on the issue.

    hotel del coronado brunch. at the Hotel del Coronado
  • at the Hotel del Coronado

  • jaxstate
    Aug 29, 10:51 AM
    Ok, I see your point. But when does the consumer stand up and say "I DON'T WANT WINDOWS ON MY COMPUTER" and force the Dells to load something else besides Windows. If the OS was so undesirable, the consumer would have been up in arms. Dell sells computers with Linux preloaded, but I don't see Linux making any dent in anyones armor.
    You missed my point. Microsoft makes many of its billions by selling directly to OEMs, who have no choice but to buy the latest Windows OS from Microsoft. This insures that every one of Microsoft's OS releases is a automatic "success." They sell billions worth, no matter how undesirable it may be in reality.

    I'm going to stop, dont want be called a troll, just making convo.

    hotel del coronado brunch. of the Hotel Del Coronado
  • of the Hotel Del Coronado

  • dante@sisna.com
    Sep 22, 05:44 PM
    I've been reading this forum for years and have found it interesting and helpful. Thank you everyone for help and opinions. I have never joined a forum of any type until now. Well, here it goes. For the first time I feel the need to put my 2cents in. I looked at this post and I really got angry. It's not even a iTunes thing for me but a "Wal-Mart is Evil Thing". This report is of no shock to me that some WM dude is threating retaliation. They do this every day by putting Mom & Pops out of business.


    Thank you again. I feel better.
    Now I hope to join everyone in future discussions.

    Yes, Welcome!

    I agree with you -- I have seen that PBS show. Walmart is a plauge.

    hotel del coronado brunch. Hotel del Coronado and
  • Hotel del Coronado and

  • balamw
    Aug 24, 12:20 PM

    Still only 12" iBook and 12/15" PB affected.


    hotel del coronado brunch. Easter Brunch amp; Easter Egg
  • Easter Brunch amp; Easter Egg

  • str1f3
    Nov 11, 09:48 PM
    The developer behind the Facebook app says he's quit the project because off App Store policies. To TechCrunch he said:

    "My decision to stop iPhone development has had everything to do with Apple�s policies. I respect their right to manage their platform however they want, however I am philosophically opposed to the existence of their review process. I am very concerned that they are setting a horrible precedent for other software platforms, and soon gatekeepers will start infesting the lives of every software developer.

    The web is still unrestricted and free, and so I am returning to my roots as a web developer. In the long term, I would like to be able to say that I helped to make the web the best mobile platform available, rather than being part of the transition to a world where every developer must go through a middleman to get their software in the hands of users.�

    The Facebook app is one of the most downloaded apps and is well-respected. Apple cannot afford to lose really good developers because of their lousy policies. This is going to have to cahnge because clearly there is something wrong here.

    hotel del coronado brunch. Hotel del Coronado Owners To
  • Hotel del Coronado Owners To

  • Chosenbydestiny
    Nov 8, 01:52 AM
    I just want the graphics card to be more than a lame 64MB. Every other manufacturer on the planet has at least 128 in their notebooks shared or otherwise.

    I would buy a Macbook in a heart beat if they did that. Hell... With the money I'll save from buying a Macbook pro I might get two one black and one white.

    I would actually take that kind of change over an HD or RAM boost since that's
    one of the components you can't upgrade.

    hotel del coronado brunch. Hotel Del Coronado
  • Hotel Del Coronado

  • PowerGamerX
    Oct 12, 01:45 PM
    Somebody needs to clean their screen. Why'd you buy a Magic TrackPad? Do you like it? Is it really that much better than using a regular one or using a standard mouse?

    hotel del coronado brunch. to the Hotel Del Coronado
  • to the Hotel Del Coronado

  • oblomow
    Mar 3, 04:58 AM
    lone hiker

    hotel del coronado brunch. Hotel del Coronado
  • Hotel del Coronado

  • xUKHCx
    Apr 14, 10:10 AM
    I understand HP and Dell having such a huge market share because of large businesses and old people, but ACER?!...

    I'm fairly certain they just dumped 1.8 million units off their trucks this quarter and said somebody bought them...

    From the report:

    Acer was affected by continued turbulence in EMEA, its biggest market. Moreover, the vendor is stilling feeling the pullback in the Mini Notebook and Consumer space, while its upcoming tablets have yet to fill in the void. In the U.S., Acer also ceded its place to a surging Apple in the US

    hotel del coronado brunch. the Hotel del Coronado has
  • the Hotel del Coronado has

  • Fofer
    Mar 22, 02:16 AM
    suspicious for a planted PR stunt

    Uh yeah. Because Apple wants everyone to return their iPads with silly reasons on a Post-It note... :rolleyes:

    hotel del coronado brunch. Photo courtesy of Hotel del
  • Photo courtesy of Hotel del

  • genovelle
    Nov 13, 07:52 AM
    I can totally understand his frustration. His job is to make his application better. When there is a big bug that sneaks into the application but isn't caught before the release of the app. You discover it after several people complain (and several in FB terms is probably thousands) but you can fix the problem in an hour. But then you need to wait 2-3 weeks for the application to be approved by apple. In the mean time you can't do jack **** because the app store is completely controlled by Apple. Oh and the user has to deal with the bug until Apple approves the update which at the current rate can be anywhere from a week to three weeks (or more as noted below).

    His job is made harder because of Apple's BS. Why would you want your job to be harder than it needs to be? Of course you don't want your job to be harder. So why say that his job should be any different than your own.

    Nevermind the other developers out there like Cerulean Studio's who haven't heard a single peep from Apple about their Trillian app for the iPhone for over 3 months. THREE MONTHS.

    It's pretty clear that while one developer has the capability to be reassigned to better things, not all developers are. As a result he chose to make his life easier. Others can't, but my guess is that if they had the choice they too would switch away from the App Store.

    Look at Steven Frank (from Panic) who tried to ditch the iPhone for philosophical reasons as well. He wasn't able to leave. But my guess is his success rate would be higher now with the newer Android devices (Droid and Droid Eris/Hero).

    This isn't just one developer having problems. It's a LOT of big developers who are seeing issues. meanwhile more fart apps, flashlight apps and trash are loaded up on the store for no good reason. But those who actually want to make your life easier are getting nothing but grief (or in the case of Cerulean Studios' NOTHING).

    Look at the bigger picture is what I'm saying.

    It could have something to do with the fact that Apple actually review the apps to some degree. They review more apps in a week as some of these platforms have available on their phones after a year of trying. Keep in mind that he worked for Facebook and if they are relying on one programmer for this app then thats their failure.

    This guy is just trying to draw attention to himself so that whatever he has been working on in his spare time will be noticed more easily. Give it a little time. He will have a start up of his own of some kind and will use this as a soap box to get everyones attention as the guy who Apple made mad because he didn't like the process of writing for an app that wasn't open sourced on a embedded device.

    If he was writing for the Wii, Xbox, or even VERIZONS none Andriod phones this process would have been far more restrictive. If Apple allow these cry babies to force them to make there phone less secure the making it a free for all or even changing the policies that clearly make it a superior platform, shame on them. Stick with what works! One developer at one company is not a great loss. There is a price to get to play with the best of anything, if you can't play by the rules you should leave.

    hotel del coronado brunch. {The Hotel del Coronado}
  • {The Hotel del Coronado}

  • kingtj
    Mar 23, 02:17 PM
    While for me, $500 is a "pretty big wad of cash to throw down", there's more to it than strictly looking at the dollar figure. EG. Do you have a kid or kids that might benefit from being able to use the new iPad you're about to purchase? Do you have legitimate uses for it that go along with EARNING more money, or maybe even the ability to write the whole purchase off as a tax deduction the next year? When you spend $20 on some beer or a few bucks on some food, it's a consumable you use once and throw some trash away, and then you have nothing to show for it.

    One thing I know about myself is, I'm very hesitant to spend much on "instant gratification" type of entertainment. I practically never spend money on tickets for sporting events or concerts, and maybe buy a movie ticket once a year. I've often skipped summer vacations completely because my employer didn't want me to take time off when they had important projects going on, and I just opted to get paid for the days instead. I don't even have cable or satellite TV at home, because I hated watching $60 or more per month just vanish into thin air, with nothing concrete to show for it later. So when I do spend my money? It tends to be on bigger-ticket items I know I'll get a lot of use out of for years down the road.

    So frankly, in my relationships, "respect" is just as much about my partner respecting my ability to make sensible purchasing decisions and NOT demand I consult with her first, simply because it's something a lot more expensive than a fast food order.

    The basis for any good relationship is communication. And I am not sure what kind of money you make, but $500 is a pretty big wad of cash to throw down and it should merit a conversation with your spouse. Its not like you threw down a $1 on a cheeseburger, or $2 on a scratch off, or heck $20 of beer. You spent $500, thats like a whole months utilities. Thats a car payment. Thats a few hours of tuition for your kid's college one day. Its no chump change.

    And household income should be considered just that, household. It does not matter who makes more money, it should be community, and if you're spending $500 on an iPad, then you're lady should be able to spend $500 on a coach purse. How would you feel about that?

    Non-necessities, expensive purchases should always be discussed. There is a need for open, honest communication in a marriage. If you don't have that, and you are running around buying ipads without consulting them, well unless you got a fad wad of cash, you likely wont stay married long.

    Its about respect. If you don't respect your wife enough to discuss a $500 purchase with her, then you don't deserve to have the companionship of a female.

    hotel del coronado brunch. Tea at Hotel Del Coronado
  • Tea at Hotel Del Coronado

  • torbjoern
    Apr 26, 01:46 PM
    It has nothing to do with any characteristics inherent to Africans. It has everything to do with socioeconomic status, prejudice and politics. The culture of violence in urban, poor communities is only connected with race in that it is a symptom of prejudice.
    Like I said - nothing genetic.
    In the US there are far more white people with guns than blacks, and far more "anti-intellecutal" whites (c.f. the Tea Party) than blacks, and far more poor, uneducated white people committing crime than blacks. If you place white people (or any ethnicity for that matter) in the same sociopolitical/socioeconomic environment, the same crime problems result. Many rural areas in the American south or Appalachia that are almost exclusively white are every bit as poor, uneducated and crime-ridden as any urban black ghetto.
    I'm sure this is correct. AFAIK, this thread is about the UK, though.

    hotel del coronado brunch. Hotel Del Coronado in Coronado
  • Hotel Del Coronado in Coronado

  • Mr Lizard
    Nov 7, 02:05 AM
    Nothing different except C2D at same speeds, 3GB option, 160GB and 200GB HD Offerings.


    Only the CPU has been changed, to a C2D.

    hotel del coronado brunch. of the Hotel Del Coronado,
  • of the Hotel Del Coronado,

  • EricNau
    Oct 26, 07:09 PM
    I've been very disappointed with these MacBooks. All of the problems I've had and all of the problems I've heard about have proven, in my opinion, that Apple's quality is no longer what it used to be.

    Apple charges a nice premium for their machines, one which I am willing to pay, assuming I get a better quality computer, but I don't believe this is the case.

    Apple's reluctance to replace problematic MacBooks just adds to the issue.

    I would suggest that Apple implement some quality control for their MacBook line, but we all know what happens when they do. ;) :rolleyes:

    hotel del coronado brunch. Is Hotel del Coronado your
  • Is Hotel del Coronado your

  • Tones2
    Mar 21, 01:35 PM
    Don't be too thrilled. His wife now might made him sell it for the $1000+ dollars he can get on ebay. :)


    hotel del coronado brunch. At the Hotel Del Coronado.
  • At the Hotel Del Coronado.

  • -SD-
    May 5, 03:42 AM
    Unless we're talking R2-D2 style 3D projections, I'm not interested; everything else is just a Jedi mind trick.


    hotel del coronado brunch. of the Hotel del Coronado
  • of the Hotel del Coronado

  • GGJstudios
    Nov 23, 09:26 PM
    All this proves is that Beatles fans like to waste their money repurchasing music they already own just because it's available in a new format. I bet that most of the albums and individual songs sold were purchased by people who already own that album/song.
    It's not wasting money. Buying a digital copy results in higher quality than ripping the original vinyl albums, and buying remastered releases results in better quality than original releases.

    Just because you don't have the ability to understand the importance or the appeal of Beatles music doesn't mean those who can are wasting money by buying what they like. It's really amazing how many posters like to criticize something, just because they don't personally like it. That's why millions of musicians can be successful, because there are so many musical tastes.

    Like what you like. Buy what you want. But don't be so infantile as to attack those whose tastes differ from yours.

    Mar 12, 06:16 AM
    guys i just think that all the shops are down..but lets hope something comes out later..

    Sep 12, 04:40 PM
    Have you all seen the incredible ugly ugly ugly graphics of the UI in itunes 7?!!??!?!?!???!!

    Holy moly. looks like next gen Windows!!!

    Nov 7, 05:42 AM
    Hopefully it will come out within a fortnight otherwise it will be a long wait to MWSF :( I envisage just increased HD and possibly 1GB ram standard if it comes out within the fortnight. But if the C2D Macbook comes out MWSF there better be some decent upgrades! Maybe dedicated graphics card or at least the X3000.

    That's exactly the same hope I'm living in. I'd guess the update is just around the corner. They're just itching to get their hands on our money before christmas. And also that way we can keep whining about the lack of a GPU. But a tiny bump on RAM and HD wouldn't be bad! :)

    Nov 1, 07:47 AM
    Yeap, they drilled a hole in the center of the macbook and added a screw.

    Mine had a screw there when it was brand new.

    Nov 3, 04:05 AM
    Mine was doing fine until a couple of days ago, when it shut down for the first time. Applied the firmware update, hasn't happened since.