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Thursday, May 19, 2011

garden gnome pictures

garden gnome pictures. Garden amp; Whistling Gnome
  • Garden amp; Whistling Gnome

  • Chrispy
    Nov 8, 09:18 AM
    Apple store in Indy has them in stock today :)

    garden gnome pictures. A GARDEN GNOME

  • cuse7284
    Mar 11, 09:08 PM
    lol good instinct. It is a hoax and it has been discussed... ad nauseum. Someone from here went and gave 9to5 a "tip" to see if he'd post it, and he did, so we know to discount everything that ever comes up on that website. Have a good flight.

    sorry to push this further but can you link to where this person "from here went and gave 9to5 a tip to see if hed post it and he did"? The way this played out interests me.

    Thanks ahead of time.

    garden gnome pictures. Smiling garden gnome
  • Smiling garden gnome

  • Unspeaked
    Nov 28, 02:09 PM
    :confused: This whole forum is about Beatles music being on iTunes!

    Woops, when you said "Mashup" I thought it was some third party mashup - I didn't realize it was a new Beatles album that came out!

    Have to pay closer attention to those new releases...


    garden gnome pictures. These garden gnomes garden
  • These garden gnomes garden

  • Pared
    Mar 28, 02:06 PM
    All the stores (Walmart,Target, Best Buy) in Minot ND have Good stock of iPad 2's 3+ of each model in most cases and it has been that way for a week or 2 now.

    Every single one of those stores have none in stock currently. No idea what you're talking about.

    garden gnome pictures. Garden Gnome Portrait Royalty
  • Garden Gnome Portrait Royalty

  • Celtic-moniker
    Apr 2, 07:18 AM
    Wirelessly posted (MAUI_WAP_Browser)

    Yeah, bring on Carl Zeiss. Those lenses work majic even on dedicated cams.

    Several Nokias have Zeiss lenses.

    And while we're at it, Nokia has a 12mp camera phone already.

    It's the photographer, not the equipment, that makes a great photo.

    garden gnome pictures. back onna garden gnome.
  • back onna garden gnome.

  • gugy
    Sep 22, 12:51 PM
    they are just afraid. Well competition is a good thing. they better adapt, if not, that's their problem.
    I can careless for Walmart.

    garden gnome pictures. Garden Gnomes - Black Hills
  • Garden Gnomes - Black Hills

  • Signal-11
    Mar 18, 06:47 PM
    No kidding -- kinda reads like the iPad comments from last year, except instead of six pages there are probably hundreds for iPad. Weird looking at those forum posts and not recognizing any of the posters and seeing some labeled as "guest".

    I recognize Capt Crunch.

    I really hope that the Classic stays until we have a competing 128-256 GB iPod with physical buttons for at least play, fast forward and rewind. Thunderbolt would be a very nice bonus.

    Apple hates physical buttons. No Apple device in the past ten years has ever moved backwards in the drive to eliminate physical buttons.

    Button to open laptop display? Gone.
    Latches for batteries? Gone.
    Trackpad button? Gone.
    Physical buttons on the iPod? Six.
    Buttons on iPod Touch? Two (Four if you count the volume.)
    Buttons for ejectable drives? Never existed.

    Dude, you will never again see physical buttons for these things on an iDevice itself.

    Because iPod Classics use a standard 1.8" ATA-66 hard drive, they can be upgraded with the right tools. I recommend getting one now and upgrading the drive later if it gets too small.

    Why buy new if you intend to void the warranty? This is something I'll probably do in the coming few weeks myself. I think 1.8" HDD development's more or less plateaued as well.

    garden gnome pictures. garden-gnome
  • garden-gnome

  • digitalfrog
    Mar 4, 05:37 AM
    Superhero ... or maybe not ...


    garden gnome pictures. Papaver Garden Gnome
  • Papaver Garden Gnome

  • GFLPraxis
    Mar 29, 09:08 AM
    BS. 3G was fully matured at the time of release of the first Iphone. It had been commercially adopted for over 5 years at that point in time.

    3G did take more battery life at the time of the release of the original, and the iPhone was enough of a battery hog with its unprecedented screen size and CPU power that it was something of a concern. Still should've had it, but I remember that turning off 3G could significantly extend your battery life on the iPhone 3G.

    garden gnome pictures. the garden gnomes have a
  • the garden gnomes have a

  • whatever
    Nov 27, 11:54 AM
    Sweet! I have a shortage of my favorite Beatles songs on my iPod. Most of my Beatles CDs had at least one scratch that prevented proper ripping into iTunes.

    Apple, you have that fixed in iTunes yet? I'd like to see the Cancel button actually work and also the ability to selectively rip or bypass any one song I want to on my disk.

    What are you talking about? For starters you don't have to rip an entire album, duh!

    Also if a disc is scratched, try this before you abandon ripping it, go into Advanced; choose Importing; check off Using error correction when reading Audio CDs. This will slow the import, but all CDs have redundancy build in, which allows for scratched discs to work.

    garden gnome pictures. Garden Gnome Figurines (CY1017
  • Garden Gnome Figurines (CY1017

  • MSUSpartan
    Mar 14, 07:11 PM
    @Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davecsparty/5527915104/)


    garden gnome pictures. Garden Gnomes - TH - Merlin
  • Garden Gnomes - TH - Merlin

  • leekohler
    Apr 4, 12:29 PM
    Do we atheists need our own "Good Book"?

    No- how ridiculous. Atheism is not a religion.

    garden gnome pictures. Garden Gnome Painting
  • Garden Gnome Painting

  • Digitalclips
    Jun 28, 02:07 PM
    Who wants to be touching a vertically standing screen all the time, that's tiring!

    But of the screen is laid down so you can play it like a piano keyboard ... :)

    garden gnome pictures. banning garden gnomes on
  • banning garden gnomes on

  • Nsutton
    Jul 5, 10:08 PM
    Cool Idea. Horrible implementation. Why put it in a imac or any desktop!? The angle would hurt like hell and it could never be used in a productive setting (at an office where you have to type all day) also if it only has an iOS layer then how much will it be utilized is it worth to touch the screen to open safari then use the mouse for everthing else.

    maybe it would be cool to have like an iOS crossover that replaces dashboard and has an app store but not touch screen..

    garden gnome pictures. Garden Gnome by Nate Baertsch
  • Garden Gnome by Nate Baertsch

  • EdwardMoffet
    Mar 28, 12:06 PM
    There's pretty much none in Oregon, and I heard from one of my local walmarts that, the last they knew, they weren't going to recieve any shipments until june! It's ridiculous. Limited supply+scalpers+huge demand= SNAFU.

    garden gnome pictures. Garden Gnome 02
  • Garden Gnome 02

  • starlabs
    Oct 26, 11:01 PM
    Is that possible? You're booting from an external and applying the firmware update to your mac right?

    Yes... I had bought a 160gb drive to replace the 60gb that my MacBook came with. After installing the new drive, I put the old 60gb into an external USB SATA enclosure. However, since I was about to meet a tech at the local genius bar, I swapped out my upgrades (the 160gb HD and 2gb RAM) to the hardware my MacBook originally came with (60gb and 512mb RAM).

    Long story short, I booted up my external HD - now running my 160gb HD - and installed the firmware update to that drive. Note that keeping the option key down upon reboot after installing from the firmware pkg won't work. You install the pkg, have it reboot, and let it run (you'll see a progress bar). Once the progress bar finishes, your MacBook will reboot again. At this point, keep down the option key to boot from the external drive.

    BTW I've been running my MacBook at full tilt (using the random shutdown test tool) for > 30-40 minutes and not a shutdown in sight. I've also put my MacBook to sleep and it awakens fine. Looks like this update has fixed the random shutdown issue for me. One word: AWESOME! :D

    garden gnome pictures. Neat Things: Garden Gnomes
  • Neat Things: Garden Gnomes

  • JBot
    Aug 9, 10:46 AM
    Yeah, but their presentation was extremely poor. If it was to show that ANY system could be hacked, why choose a set up that is EXTREMELY improbable and unlikely? It weakens their case and encourages folks to dismiss them.
    How come it is extremely imporbable and unlikely?
    They presented there script against a mac because the mac strives on the claim that they are the safest pc out there.
    They said in there interview they targeted the mac because they hate the commercials.

    Explain how that makes there presentation poor.

    garden gnome pictures. store - Garden Gnome
  • store - Garden Gnome

  • Raid
    Mar 29, 03:06 PM
    Yep, poor ole' Saddam, just an innocent bystander. :rolleyes: ....So if Saddam was such a baddie, why didn't Bush Sr. finish the job? Oh yeah, they thought he could be controlled after that. :rolleyes:

    In my opinion, the current political leaders have little choice in the current involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Regardless of the reasons for getting into those conflicts, simply packing up and going home is just irresponsible. A transition of power and a peace keeping force will provide the population with more stability and security; and help change those nations in a democratic fashion rather than leaving a power vacuum in volatile situations.

    garden gnome pictures. Solar Garden Gnome
  • Solar Garden Gnome

  • Chef Medeski
    Sep 6, 09:06 AM
    Forgive me if this isn't new, but I just noticed that you can order the BT keyboard and mighty mouse as a package for $60 ($54 edu discount). Given that the BT MM alone is $69, this is a great deal.
    So, does anyone want to buy this option with their mac and I'll pay the $60 for both of them. Ok... $70 for your time and shipping. ;)

    something[/i], right? ;) :D As it stands now, since Merom is technically the "mobile chip", Apple has 5 mobile solutions (2 mobile MB/MBPs, 3 not-so-mobile iMacs) and a workstation solution (Mac Pro), so where is the desktop solution? :p :cool:

    Well, lets see where would they put it? Between Mac Mini and iMac.... you know in that $200 difference. Or maybe between iMac and Pro Mac.... in that what $300 difference. It seems like the Mac Mini bump and iMac expansion have left no room in the line-up for another Mac. Even with conroes... all speeds, sizes, prices are covered. There isn't room for a Conroe Mac. Period.

    They probably aren't even going to use Conroe chips because I bet its a lot more work to redesign the iMac to use Conroe and then set up another supply chain just for Conroe chips when they could just use Merom and Woodcrest solely, it seems to fulfill their line-up well and makes it simpler for logistics.

    I bet you a BT Might Mouse we won't see a Conroe Mac in the next 4 months.

    Apr 17, 03:40 AM
    Why is this on the front page? It's like saying that WalMart is now selling a junk tablet. Except this article says that Toys R Us and Best Buy is now selling iPads. This isn't front page news.

    Because it is hard to come by an iPad 2, and lots of people are interested in getting them, so when two national retailers run special promotions making them available it is of interest to a lot of people.

    The better question is why did you post in this thread if it was no interest to you... It is not hip or cool... it is just wasteful and ignorant.

    Nov 8, 07:38 AM
    And.... Monday wasn't even a holiday. :p

    Nov 8, 09:06 AM
    Store still down? Annoying or what?Yes very annoying! I'm trying to figure out the specs/prices for these. Btw, does anybody think the Apple would allow me to swap the MBs at Admore rather than going back to Christiana Mall in Delaware?

    Nov 7, 08:28 AM
    Yet another Tuesday without an MB C2D. Good luck next Tuesday, waiters (people who wait not serve). :)

    I keep thinking of Dane Cook...dream it, you ****ing dreamers.

    Nov 13, 08:29 AM
    Palm and Android both allow this if I recall.

    Yet still both platforms aren't nearly as good as the iPhone in general terms. As far as their application distribution, not nearly as good either. Just search the web for all the hate that people give Android Market.