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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

fruit bowl recipe

fruit bowl recipe. damask recipe card
  • damask recipe card

  • benjs
    Apr 13, 05:55 PM
    Funny how they claim it's supposed to be nowhere near final software, yet it's releasing in a month and a half. I would think this is on bug ironing stage right?

    To set the record straight, read that paragraph from Larry Jordan very carefully:

    "While the slide show was identical to the February meeting, the demo was not. Randy Ubillos, who did the demo, added more features and additional explanations on effects (see the screen shot above). However, I was told later that the build that was demoed was the same build that was shown in February - and that the application has moved significantly forward since that time.

    In other words, what we saw tonight was nowhere near the final form of the application."

    So, assume that this build is from February 23rd, the exact date MacRumors reported this invitation-only showing of FCP X. Also assume that FCP X is released on June 1st (which seems overly optimistic to me). That's still roughly a three month period between beta and final release, with a distribution model whereby Apple is capable of making tweaks as late as... well... June 1st. In addition, I would imagine the February showing was earlier than the 23rd, and the release date will be later than the 1st. Oh... there's also the fact that since this is a ground-up reinterpretation of FCP, this has probably been worked on for quite some time.

    fruit bowl recipe. at me from the fruit bowl,
  • at me from the fruit bowl,

  • YoGramMamma
    Jul 22, 11:56 PM
    I think it would be neat to not only add ebooks... but MAGAZINES!

    i mean, the ipod is a teen/young person trend for the most part anyway.... why not make Seventeen/Vogue/Vibe/XXL/Cosmopolitan for the iPod. Make it categorized like a podcast... so you scroll to what chapter you want.... then read the articles and see the images that correspond with them. You could subscribe to them like you do podcasts but the magazine companies could make you pay to subscribe. Something along the lines of what you'd pay to buy the paperback... or heck... even more since people would pay it.

    You would have to regulate the content though for what is sold in the iTMS. Sure a playboy/hustler magazine would sell a gazillion subscriptions but i dont think you could get away with selling it in the itunes store.... Just make it an open .pdf type of file (or even a proprietary kind, that incorporates .pdfs with .jpg's .aac's and .mov's) where joe schmoe can make his own for his friends... or for his business... and Hugh Hefner can make his own and sell it on his own website. This way any blame of inappropriateness would fall on an external site (ie playboy.com) not Apple.

    Think of the possibilites.

    THough i HATE DRM you could restrict the ".imagazine" file it to the 5 or 7 people who have your account enabled like they do with music. You could have a parental setting in iTunes for what grade of content was allowed....

    you could do a whole bunch.... NY times in your palm, Recipe magazines for mom.... porn for timmy.... Businessweek/ PC Mag for dad....

    ANd you would have have have to make it where one could view the paper/magazine from the computer. Maybe this could be via Bluetooth or USB.

    My mind is going cuh-razy

    fruit bowl recipe. around in the fruit bowl a
  • around in the fruit bowl a

  • hyperpasta
    Sep 4, 07:29 AM
    I trust only AppleInsider, not ThinkSecret. What they say goes, as far as I remember. Remember last year's October event?

    AppleInsider: There will be a video-capable iPod coming out next week.
    ThinkSecret: Actually, there will be no iPod coming out next week.
    ThinkSecret: Actually, there will be an 80GB regular iPod coming out next week.
    ThinkSecret: Actually, there WILL be a video-capable iPod coming out today <for it was the day of the event by the time they had finally gotten their facts straight.>

    Some of ThinkSecret's dirt matches AI's. This will come to pass. Everything else will not necessarily happen.

    fruit bowl recipe. apple from my fruit bowl,
  • apple from my fruit bowl,

  • patrickoehlinge
    Mar 12, 06:01 AM
    Austrian Store is down as well.

    Take note, that Austria is NOT among those countries (US, UK, Germany,...) who are supposed to get iPad's in April.

    Just compare the German and Austrian iPad site

    So why WHY WWHHHYYYY are they updating the Austrian Store as well ???

    fruit bowl recipe. I had in the fruit bowl.
  • I had in the fruit bowl.

  • ct2k7
    Mar 14, 05:00 PM
    If the specs are good enough, then maybe this will be my first mac....

    fruit bowl recipe. Fruit Bowl Flavors - 2.6 lb
  • Fruit Bowl Flavors - 2.6 lb

  • ComputersaysNo
    Mar 9, 01:04 PM
    Pardon me. editted

    fruit bowl recipe. Fruit; Bowl of Oatmeal
  • Fruit; Bowl of Oatmeal

  • saving107
    Mar 25, 12:52 PM
    Is the iPad 2 Wifi modelnumber 2,1? (or 2,2 / 2,3?)

    iPad 2 WiFi - 2,1
    iPad 2 AT&T - 2,2
    iPad 2 Verizon - 2,3

    fruit bowl recipe. Easy fruit salad recipes
  • Easy fruit salad recipes

  • CQd44
    Apr 15, 03:47 PM
    I always wonder what people do to their Windows 7 installs to make them crash.

    On my desktop: I've put my windows 7 install through a lot but had to reinstall it around two months ago when my tweaking of WMP went awry. No biggie, boots up REALLY quickly thanks to 2 SSDs in RAID0. Nothing strange to report... also uses an ASUS motherboard, which has.. been through a lot to say the least. All of it was my own doing (overclocking-related...), but it hangs in there.

    My laptop: ASUS U43J, revision X. Best laptop I've ever owned. 10 hour battery life (with wifi on), NVidia 310m, Optimus technology, 4 GB ram, windows 7 64 bit. Absolutely a wonderful experience.

    I wonder if Apple would ever consider using ASUS motherboards.

    fruit bowl recipe. Chorizo Breakfast Bowl
  • Chorizo Breakfast Bowl

  • Kristenn
    Oct 2, 03:19 AM
    I'm really tempted to get this and go play it on my friends Xbox 360. I keep hearing a bunch of good things about. Some say it is even better than Halo 1. I wont know this till I try it as Halo 1 is my favorite out of the three but who knows, I might be very surprised!

    fruit bowl recipe. fresh fruit is the perfect
  • fresh fruit is the perfect

  • *LTD*
    Apr 14, 09:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    This was expected.

    fruit bowl recipe. blue and white Fruit Bowl
  • blue and white Fruit Bowl

  • kresh
    Sep 4, 08:38 AM
    1) I don't use eBay - but how many iPods are sold there?
    2) How many iPods are sold - through regular outlets - every hour?
    3) iPods are made in China
    4) If you don't even know the market share how do you know they are threatening iPod sales?

    I can't really. It's just anecedotal evidence at best, but...

    1) If a manufacturer that can build 2 million per month goes on backorder plus every body and their brother is

    fruit bowl recipe. pear in my fruit bowl.
  • pear in my fruit bowl.

  • SMM
    Nov 27, 12:40 PM
    They banned songs like Lucy in the Sky and Ticket to Ride... (not to mention Metallica's Seek and Destroy) because the songs reminded people of the event.

    I see. I wonder who conducted this sorely-needed poll? I bet they banned "Ahab the Arab" too.

    fruit bowl recipe. Can#39;t wait for this recipe to
  • Can#39;t wait for this recipe to

  • IJ Reilly
    Nov 27, 10:50 AM
    I don't think either of those albums exhibit that -- the first four British albums in stereo do, but they've never been available on CD in stereo, just mono. Rubber Soul has a few songs that don't work well in headphones (eg Girl) but Revolver is mixed well!

    My point is, the ping-pong effect, when it was used, was deliberate. It does sound strange now, but I remember when these albums came out people listened to them on headphones and thought the effect was cool.

    I'm no Beatles historian by any means, but correct me if I'm wrong: weren't the first albums recorded in mono? The stereo versions were later, rather crude simulations of stereo, which is why they never made it to CD.

    fruit bowl recipe. I#39;m a total fruit fanatic and
  • I#39;m a total fruit fanatic and

  • slb
    Oct 27, 01:10 PM
    I'm definitely staying away from this update for now. Something about it actually just kind of scares me. It helps that my week 21 MacBook has only had the mooing issue and nothing else (so far). That issue has gone away with SMC Firmware Update 1.0, and I've had a great laptop ever since.

    I feel rather lucky. :)

    I don't get people who avoid important updates. I'd install it just to avoid future problems from forming. My MacBook runs fine with the update, and the fans are coming on less often as well which is appreciated.

    Isn't everyone assuming here that the root problem is a heatsink issue? Has Apple ever announced that it was? Perhaps it isn't at all, or that's only part of the equation, and it is in fact an SMC control problem. There's a lot of FUD here - people saying they've had extra screws drilled in their MacBooks which is total BS.

    I wouldn't try second-guessing Apple engineers. If they've released an update recommended to make the MacBook more reliable, I say use it.

    Absolutely. I'm a bit surprised at all the misinformation (nobody is drilling a friggin' screw in your MacBooks, people).

    fruit bowl recipe. blue and white Fruit Bowl
  • blue and white Fruit Bowl

  • gauchogolfer
    Aug 29, 02:52 AM
    If these reports turn out to have any basis in reality, please let's not hear any more complaining about how expensive OSX is.

    My $129 dollar investment in Leopard is going to look like even more of a steal ... :D

    fruit bowl recipe. the fruit bowl that needed
  • the fruit bowl that needed

  • sconnor99
    Apr 13, 04:11 PM
    It's nice to see the generally positive comments on this forum, other forums for "professionals" are not so happy!

    Personally I can't wait to start working with it.

    fruit bowl recipe. in your fruit bowl?
  • in your fruit bowl?

  • PCtoMAC?
    Sep 29, 04:56 PM
    I don't play Halo multiplayer for a couple of reason. The main one being that i suck at it. But the other reason is the wait time to get into a game and then out of it to get into another. I dont have that problem with Modern Warefare 2 so I am just wondering if its me and my crappy connection or what?

    fruit bowl recipe. the fruit bowl looked like
  • the fruit bowl looked like

  • Machead III
    Sep 6, 08:26 AM
    I guess this means that the event on the 12th will be iPod/Media device + movie store only.

    What does this update mean for MacBook C2Ds?

    fruit bowl recipe. in your fruit bowl.
  • in your fruit bowl.

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 7, 05:13 PM
    However, I can't agree that the Bible is "neutral" or relative in that it can correctly be interpreted in any way someone chooses. The Bible is clear in it's express purpose as God's revelation of himself to mankind. The Bible is judged and interpreted against itself using the literary and textual tools of interpretation that we have available to us.

    Of course not any interpretation is valid; however, the Bible is very complex and contradicts itself in places. There is no set interpretation that can said to be right, rather a spectrum that can be justified. "Clear" is not a word I would use.

    Like all communication it can only be correctly interpreted in light of the intended meaning of it's original author. This is where faith comes into the process. Followers of Christ hold to the belief that it is God's inspired and inerrant word. The living God is it's author and he inspired men to write within their own historical and literary context to specific audiences at a specific time. All of these contexts become clues that help guide us to His intended meaning.

    This is obviously where we part ways. For me the Bible is the product of man. Nothing more.

    God's word calls us to "love one another" and to be servant leaders in bearing one another's burdens. Westboro seeks to judge, spread hate, and cause dissension. Sure they quote scripture and hide behind an illusion of faith, but they take verses out of context and aren't living out God's commands.

    However, you are still using one interpretation that you have chosen. There is no way to know if you are right. I agree that WBC are at the extreme end, but the overall message of the Bible doesn't seem to be clear. Just look at the issue of homosexuality- many "normal" (you know what I mean!) Christians find homosexuality difficult to justify, whilst others have no issue with it. The Bible states many times how "wrong" homosexuality is but other passages suggest otherwise. Both interpretations seem to be possible without stretching the facts.

    So whilst it may be possible to say the WBC aren't living out God's commands, it's not possible to say whether the Christian that is uncomfortable homosexuals is living out God's commands or not. I would hope God would have no issue with homosexuality, but that hope is based upon an extrinsic sense of morality.

    Sep 12, 02:52 PM
    Pretty disappointing, although I was the ONLY PERSON on macrumors and apple insider to call the LAME GAME update, which doesn't even work on the current 5G iPOD Video (at least this is what I read somewhere earlier today). I would call that pointless.

    Movies... eh... I will still be buying DVDs and pulling them on.

    Do current video iPODs support the new movies and TV Show formats?

    It was nice of them to show us that they are planning on having an iTV unit.

    ugh... I gotta go teach... we'll talk later.

    May 4, 11:16 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    I don't know about a 3D display but Apple was trying to get the third gen iPad out around the same time as the next iPhone, so Septemberish.

    Sep 3, 05:31 PM
    OMG!!! $400 !?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Now that I am done doing that. The only thing I don't like about people saying you can wait the OS out is that I don't think Apple makes security fixes to those OSes one the newer one comes out. Am I wrong?

    Apr 7, 02:20 PM
    If atheism has any future, its needs some type of unified, agreed upon code.
    No. No it doesn't.

    Apr 2, 05:11 AM
    i know this is stupid and I'm going to have a lot of sarcasm comments but i would love and optical zoom at least 5x :) right now iphone camera for me is awesomeeeeeeeeeeee!:D but with you zoom in not so great :/