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Saturday, May 14, 2011

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  • TheSlush
    Oct 8, 11:11 AM
    Gartner's crazy.

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  • tayldn
    Oct 14, 05:38 AM
    Completely agree.

    Me too. (Gartner know nothing- pure guesses). Having lots of devices is going to be less and less important for Nokia and Android. Apple have shown that form factor is not that important (not as important as it was when everything on the inside was the same)- a good big screen with a thin unit is all most need now that the magic is on the inside. Consumers are not going to want to differentiate with form factor (outside) so much as the cool stuff inside- there's real personalisation going on...inside.

    I really used to dislike Apple (broken ipod!). But they know how to treat developers like me. The iPhone is going to take a much bigger share of the market over the next 24 months in the UK where it's coming off exclusivity with o2. The product is better and will stay better for some time. And cheaper untis are going to hit the market very soon making this accessible to everyone. Apple'll let this thing keep growing- in the future, they'll be able to make a loss on the handset...
    Reckon they've got 24 months over the other manufacturers. o2 have about 20% of the market. Apple could triple their market share quite quickly simply by going with 2 more operators. Bit rudimentary I know- but why not?

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  • beaster
    Sep 12, 06:29 PM
    Honestly though, who would want to stream HD??
    1st, if the iTV did support HD, apple would "probably" have to sell HD content - and like hell I'm downloading a 9GB movie!!

    2nd, HardDisk space disappears fast enough as it is...!

    3rd, Why??? I have an HDTV and I barely see the difference between DVDs and 720p HDTV... (1080i is another matter).

    If you cant see the difference between DVDs and 720p HDTV then you need a better TV or a better HD source. Also, 99% of the planet would be hard pressed to see much of a difference between 1080i and 720p, all else equal. Both have almost the idential # of pixels displayed per second. 720p is usually considered superior for fast-moving video, like sports (which is why ESPN, ABC, and FOX standardized on it). 1080i might have the edge on talk shows/news/etc. Now you may in fact be seeing a difference on your setup due to your particular display and/or source content, but in an apples to apples comparison, 720p and 1080i are neck and neck.


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  • appleguy123
    Apr 23, 12:49 AM
    The ad at the top is calling us out.
    >>I'm referring to an ad that says "Learn grammar punctuation."

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  • pixpixpix
    Aug 23, 02:15 PM
    Another fallout from terrible AT&T service is that in many shops and restaurants, at least in the San Francisco area, and especially Berkeley, you can't check in using location services like Foursquare or Facebook Places since there isn't adequate coverage- eg: no service, no signal etc.

    That's bad for business.

    Merchants too should press AT&T and local authorities for more towers and better connections.

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  • Caliber26
    Apr 15, 10:21 AM
    *Sigh* Think what you will about me. But I am not the one saying it is wrong for the media to project a positive message about being gay.

    In case you have forgotten, re-read your post (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12397061&postcount=41) which I responded to .

    You have no business alleging that I hate myself. Got that?? I hope you do.

    What the hell makes you think that because I'm gay I have to be 100% supportive of every little part and piece of the lifestyle? I've learned to reconcile with myself and accept the good AND the bad. What's so difficult for you to accept about that?

    Why do you have to jump at me -- like 99% of the other gays I know -- just because I had the audacity to speak my mind, and state that there are parts I disagree with? Get real!

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  • jefhatfield
    Oct 12, 05:51 AM
    Originally posted by alex_ant

    The kind of Mac that's adequate now (say an 800MHz TiBook) will probably seem quite slow in three years, whereas if you buy a top-of-the-line PC notebook today, it could easily last 5 or more. With OS X, the days of Macs lasting 5+ years are gone, at least for the moment. We do things with our computers today that we didn't do with them 5 years ago - mainly due to the trickle-down effect.


    because the way the pc software gets so overbloated so fast, any pc laptop is rendered too slow in two years and any pc desktop (with the desktop's higher specs and expandability) is rendered too slow in three years

    i can't see any pc lasting four years comfortably, unless it's an ultra sparc, sun, or silicon graphics unit

    i am assuming this for someone who would sometimes need to use photoshop, autocad, or a fifty dollar high end game


    as for macs, i give them the same time frame even though they are behind the pc speed curve

    i don't see mac software titles pushing the mac hardware off the planet like in the pc world, which is seen more as a throwaway consumer electronic

    thank god that macs are not seen or built as throwaway consumer electronics

    even the "now" lowly crt imac is a sturdy machine that will outlast, on the physical level, most pcs on the market


    when i got my ibook, even though the single usb port left me stranded peripheral wise two years later, it was built to last and last

    when i got my pc laptop, made by compaq, the thing was definitely sold as a throwaway unit

    the rubber feet fell off which i had to glue back on

    one screen hinge kept on popping off so i have to avoid touching it on that left side

    when i close the pc laptop unit, i have to do it slowly since that particular model had thin plastic latches that broke off easily and the ribbon cable connecting the lcd had a tendency to get unplugged inside the unit

    and the battery was useless after a year and wouldn't hold a charge anymore

    i never shelled out the $199 bucks to get a new battery and now i just use the short length ac adapter


    in contrast, my ibook's only deterioration has been the battery's ability to hold a 4 1/2 hour charge...the thing never got 6 hours in real world everyday use like advertised...using just word processing with the lcd dimmed way down, a reviewer got five hours on a new rev a. ibook battery

    now the laptop's battery, after 34 months of daily use, holds a 2 3/4 hour charge...actually, not bad compared to the pc laptop whose battery died after just a year


    when i looked at a computer accessories catalog, they recommended that i replace my pc model's battery after one year of part time use

    but they also recommended that i replace my rev. a ibook's battery after just one year, also...how wrong they were...ha:p

    if i still have my 300 mhz ibook two years from now, even if i wouldn't likely be using it much, i will give it a five year birthday party on macrumors...ibook's in late-2004 will be at 1.9 ghz by then if apple still has an ibook on the consumer end...this is based on average speed climb in industry

    right now, the earliest rev. a ibooks are now 3 1/4 years old, originally had os 8.5, and i bet most are still working:D

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  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 12, 11:19 PM
    Reading the comments about $299 being a pretty good deal truly makes me laugh. Ten years ago a system of such capacity would be > $50K and you're downplaying $299.

    Grow some perspective.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 30, 11:49 PM
    I already have a bunch of Adaptec eSATA/USB2 SATA enclosures that say they only work as USB2 on Macs. But I wonder if they won't work on any eSATA PCIe card we can put into the Mac Pro. How expensive are those eSATA PCIe cards anyway?

    I don't know why it wouldn't work... In fact, I'm pretty sure I've seen eSATA enclosures advertised as working with a Mac. I'll see if I can find one.

    BTW I find USB2 HD hook ups to be far less problematic and just as fast or faster than FW hooks ups. Is that true?

    I've had pretty much the same luck... Some USB2 devices struggle a bit due to the onboard USB2 chipset, but for the most part, they're equivalent to FW400 (with a max rate of 480Mbps) and USB2 handles traffic from multiple devices better than firewire. OTOH, lots of older Mac systems, especially those Powerbook G4s, struggled with USB2 and often exhibited poor performance. But overall, I think USB2 has a bad reputation that it didn't deserve to get stuck with. In my experience having owned quite a few USB2 storage devices, I find that poor performance is more the fault of the device maker than the interface itself as I've got some hard drives - like a couple of my external Maxtor units, that perform blazingly fast and in no way slower on USB2 than when connected via FW.

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  • QCassidy352
    Mar 18, 11:41 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Option 3; STOP trying to cheat the system, and START using your iDevice the way the manufacturer designed it and the way your carrier supports it. (Is it unfair? YES! Are all of us iPhone users getting hosed, even though there's now two carriers? YES)

    And while you're at it, knock off the piracy with the napster/limewire/torrent crap.

    (Yeah, I said it! SOMEBODY had to!)

    Poor thing... he doesn't realize napster and limewire are history. Also, once the data hits my device, it's mine to do with as I please. Thank you very much.


    No, that's just not true. You signed a contract saying you would only use the data on the phone. You paid for the data with the understanding that it comes with certain contractual restrictions. If you think those restrictions are unfair or arbitrary, you should have signed the contract. In no way shape or form does the contract you signed entitle you to do whatever you want with the data.

    It's not a perfect analogy, but compare buying OS 10.6 and installing it on multiple machines with one license. You bought the disc, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with it. The purchase comes with terms regulating the allowed uses.

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  • joepunk
    Mar 12, 07:56 PM
    0106 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12307698): The director general of the UN nuclear watchdog (IAEA), Yukiya Amano, says he hopes the actions taken by the Japanese authorities at the power plant will be successful: "The IAEA was informed by the Japanese authorities that the explosion occurred outside the primary containment vessel at unit one and the integrity of that vessel is confirmed. The IAEA has been informed that sea water with boron is being injected into the vessel as a counter-measure to prevent possible damage to the core. I hope that the sea water will be injected successfully and that the safety of unit one will be established as soon as possible."

    0147: The legal limit for radioactivity has been passed at the Fukushima plant, AFP says, quoting Japan's Kyodo news agency.

    0152: Yaroslav Shtrombakh, a Russian nuclear expert, has told the Associated Press that it is unlikely that the Japanese plant will suffer a meltdown like the one in 1986 at Chernobyl, when a reactor exploded and sent a cloud of radiation over much of Europe. That reactor, unlike the reactors at Fukushima, was not housed in a sealed container.

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 12, 12:34 AM
    If Apple don't do some sort of Mini-tower hopefully one of the slow models (2GHz or slower) would be used as just a dual so we could have a budget PowerMac. Probably not likely, but with customers now able to make direct comparisons with PCs, it makes sense to have a cheap option. Great news though, although most of us knew it was coming.

    For those of you who want to speculate:


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  • Aduntu
    Apr 15, 12:27 PM
    Deuteronomy 22:23-24

    "If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city."

    Just to clarify: the latter passage says that if a woman is raped in a city, she must be stoned to death.

    I realize this is off topic, but I felt compelled to reply.

    You've taken that completely out of context. The point is that a person being raped, while conscious and aware of the situation, would do everything they could to stop it from happening. By not screaming, did she do all she could to keep it from happening? The verse right after that gives an example of a woman in the country, instead of in the city. She is raped, but makes an effort to scream in order to attract help from someone, but there is no one else around to hear her screams. If a person is being raped but doesn't try to resist or call for help, can she really be compared to the one that did call for help?

    This is by no means intended to be all inclusive, but demonstrates that there were in fact protections in the law for those who were raped and not those having sex while not married and claiming to be raped.

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 13, 03:45 AM
    Please, be more dramatic. :rolleyes:

    Is that a request?

    This is an amazing update. It's everything FCP has needed for a long time. And you're upset because it looks like iMovie? I swear, it doesn't matter what Apple does, whenever there's an update by Apple there will always be people like you who will NEVER be happy. I'm surprised you aren't complaining that it's not a free download. Stop acting like a victim. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to buy it.

    I see it as emblematic of the direction that Apple is taking away from the pro market. With that said, I'll likely buy it, since it looks like a nice prosumer-focused package. Three hundred dollar for what they are offering is not a bad deal at all. I just hope it comes on DVD, so I can point my bony finger at the box and tell it how it does not hold a candle to its older brothers.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 02:17 PM
    Sometimes it's the homo that's the problem.
    Sorry, I don't understand that sentence.

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  • Kissaragi
    Apr 6, 09:14 AM
    Theres alway the 14 day return period too if you dont like your mac.

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  • alfonsog
    Apr 5, 10:23 PM
    I "switched" in just barely touched os 9 because it was on there too, but I had os X 10.1 preinstalled.
    I used a cpm machine and wordstar 1.0 with a daisy wheel printer for my senior year term paper (1991.) Heavy into DOS and windows 3.xx. Used OS/2 for a long time. Eventually was forced into XP in 2001 and hated it (crashing, internet slow, viruses). I used music notation programs and decided to get an ibook G3 to try on my birthday (October) and then got the iMac G4 (the cool looking one) Jan '02 and never touched vista or 7 and from what I have seen they aren't much better than xp.

    The commands take a tiny bit of learning but everything is there somewhere. I was just so happy that to close a program was command-Q(uit) instead of Alt-F4 (why that??)

    You can delete, use command-delete; you can move up by command-clicking on the current directory in the title bar (no need to worry what .. or . means unless in terminal); no need to really know where anything is anyway cause spotlight works so well; NO REGISTRY; also for common apps I just have them all startup on bootup and set them up in different spaces depending on type and I don't really close apps and I rarely shut-down anyway so everything is running and on windows it would all come to a grinding halt and crash miserably (at least it used to, not sure now). Also get a SSD machine or aftermarket install one like I did. Also look at my sig, my computer is 5 years old and is still a beast, yes it was $$ but its still perfectly fast and my mom was still using my iBook G3 from 2001 until I just bought her a mini last november.

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  • latergator116
    Mar 20, 07:30 PM
    What is unfair and unjust about DRM? It's your $.99, if you don't like DRM, don't bitch about it - just spend it elsewhere! :rolleyes:

    I wasn't talking about DRM or iTunes.

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 12:06 PM
    Really? ;)

    So I can have same-sex sex and it is just as OK (in the eyes of the Catholic Church) for me and my partner as it is for a straight couple to have sex?


    I don't think so� But nice try anyway.
    Ah, semantics.
    Of course most people (and I am sure good Catholics) equate it with sexual abstinance.

    What are you talking about? Don't blame your ignorance on semantics. Try understanding what you read first.

    If you are talking about an unmarried straight couple, then yes, you can have same-sex sex and it's "just as OK", i.e., equally not OK.

    Oct 29, 11:30 AM
    i wouldnt truly worry about that till it happens. one thing i have learned over the years is that roadmaps never hold up. if they had, we'd all be running dual core 6GHZ G5 or G6 right now, with 10GHZ in production readying themselves for 2007. Intel would have a oentium 5 or something out or their 64 bit itanium with consumes 200W of power. just a year ago, we had laptops with pentium M that wre as fast or faster than pentium 4's. who knows where we'll be in a year or 2 from now. i wont worry about laptop performance until we are behind, not what some roadmap says. years ago clock speed was all the rage, today its multiple cores. what will it be tomorrow? who knows.

    Exactly. Roadmaps are just projections based on what current technology and market trends seem to indicate. Back when Intel and AMD were both deadlocked in the MHz race and were pushing to break the 2GHz barrier, we were hearing claims of 4GHz within a year and 10GHz by '07. Well, '07 is almost here and 4GHz is still just a pipedream in most situations and not something we see without overclocking and aftermarket cooling options. The only thing that we can rely on is that both AMD and Intel have become quite reliable when they officially announce a product is in development and production and they are usually good about when it will arrive and what it will do. Often only missing a release by a matter of a few days to a week or two, even though it was announced nearly 8 months or more in advance. But upcoming products on their roadmap mean little. Nehalem may not even happen... There's been several tentative chip products over the years that appear on a roadmap, only to be replaced by something else later. I think at this point, all those future entries on the roadmap mean is that it's something being investigated. There could be a significant breakthrough tomorrow in nanotech that allows for 28um production industry-wide within the next two years and then you can bet that Intel, AMD and IBM will throw their current roadmaps out the window. So it means nada until they officially start development and testing on a new product...

    Aug 29, 01:33 PM
    You make an interesting point. My counter: Why are Apple not releasing the full list of regulated substances? Do they have something to hide?

    Because it's not required, and not the law. If Apple was not complying with current EPA regulations, they'd be investigated by the US Government. Greenpeace is asking them to go beyond current laws, which are quite stringent as is.

    Apr 10, 08:20 PM
    I'm not sure sure what you mean when you say "for the things it is good at." What do you mean? What things?

    They've been all over this thread, but you've been focused on the negatives.

    Mac hardware: Multi-touch gestures. Yes, some PCs have "multi-touch" trackpads, but none are as smooth (literally and operationally) as that on a MacBook. Macs generally value quietness. This is a plus for anyone who works with audio or requires concentration. Minimal fan noise and such. Magsafe. It's a dumb little thing, but I've dumped my laptop plenty of times with the power cord before. It's nice to know I have some protection and it's saved me many times. You pretty much have to try a unibody machine to feel how different they feel than a typical plastic OEM box. Whether it's in your bag, on your lap or on your desk they feel solid with no little pieces to break and fall off. While YMMV, the glass over the display has been great for me with kids who love to poke at the screen. A micro fiber cloth brings it back to mint condition. I've also gotten so used to the darn MBP keyboard that I had to get one for my iMac and also use an Apple KB on my desktop PC. (Sad I know).

    OS X: Display PDF is built in. This allows all apps to generate PDFs trivially, WYSIWYG works far better than on Windows and the Preview.app tool can edit PDFs in ways that require tons of software on a PC. Expose. Spaces. Xcode. Each of these has a near equivalent on the PC, but for many of us the advantage is to OS X's implementation. If you want to develop iOS apps, you should really do that on a Mac. Time Machine. Not perfect, but really nice for unattended wireless backup. Unix inside. For those of us who are technical at any level or who also appreciate Linux it's nice to be able to have a fully functional Unix environment just under the surface. iTunes works 100% better under OS X than the Windows port. For those of use with large libraries that matters. System wide scripting. Most Mac OS X apps can be scripted using Applescript or automated using Automator.. It's far simpler and more pervasive than under Windows.

    The whole package. Battery life. Mac laptops running OS X tend to last a whole lot longer than their Windows counterparts. Power management just works. (I've had tons of problems with start up, sleep, wake, hibernate, shut down, etc... in Windows for years, and I see it hasn't improved with my wife's one year old Lenovo from work). I've also had PC notebook batteries that won't even last a year, but have never had to replace a battery in any of my Macs.

    That's just off the top of my head and what is important to me.

    If you gave it a chance you might find something that is important to you. If you don't you certainly won't.


    Mar 18, 03:05 PM
    It's a great convenience until the RIAA gets pissed and either changes their mind about downloadable music or tells Apple to hike their prices.

    We shouldn't worry though, Apple will defeat this in no time.

    Really?. how?. Regardless of what apple does, it might be even easier for DVD Jon to break their new programming than for them to come up with new programming. Think about it. A company with a lot of paid developers getting outwitted by a guy with time on his hands. I think he wins everytime. Their cost to defeat him is astromnomical compared to his cost to defeat them.

    Although it's an eye opener to know that itunes itself is what wraps the music with DRM. I'd have thought the music was already DRM'd on the server. But I can see why apple chose that route, so that to get DRM'd songs onto an ipod, you would have to use itunes. I bet they never thought someone would bypass the itunes interface (kind of shortsighted if you ask me, this should have been anticipated).

    One way around this problem would be to store the music in an encoded format and have itunes decode the music and wrap in DRM.
    Unfortunately, that can be bypassed too. A competent enough person (example DVD jon) could intercept the process between decode and before DRM wrapping and deliver the music. Another way would be for itunes server to request itunes to send a key and then use that key to add DRM to the music on server before delivering to user, although then you could build a player that intercepted the key and uses it to remove the DRM.
    I'm sure for every solution apple can think of, DVD jon can think of a way to defeat it. There might be no technical solution to the problem at all.

    Anonymous Freak
    Oct 7, 10:28 AM
    Yeah for now... But I'm sure we'll see 3GHz and faster as they increase production. All depends on when I finally decide to make my purchase. But the 2.66GHz is probably it... I may go with the 2.33GHz if the price on the 2.66 is to far out of line, but we'll see. Right now, the current 3GHz Mac Pro is $800 more, but to me that would be worth it for that extra edge on my renderings.

    Yeah, from what I've seen, it's very likely that Woodcrest (dual-core) and Clovertown (quad-core) could easily make it to the mid 3 GHz range on the current production process; and might even see 4 GHz. (Although 4 GHz would be toward the end of next year at the earliest.) With 45 nm production, we'll see bigger L2 caches, four cores as 'standard' on workstation/server chips, (four fully integrated cores, the way Woodcrest is two fully integrated cores now.)

    But I in raw GHz, we'll be stuck at about 4 GHz as the max for quite a while. Remember, "Moore's Law" didn't predict GHz, it predicted 'number of transistors or cost per transistor'. As long as we're doublling the number of cores each 1.5-2 years, we're keeping up with Moore's Law.