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Saturday, May 14, 2011

food safety and sanitation

food safety and sanitation. Personal Hygiene amp; Food Safety
  • Personal Hygiene amp; Food Safety

  • jimN
    Nov 8, 07:49 AM
    You got that right. lol
    However, due to the almost lack of changes in the MBP, why would the MB get any serious changes other than processor and memory bumps?

    I'm not complaining. Truth be told I'd be happy with the GMA but then i'm not in the market for a new comkputer at the minute (as much as i'd love to buy one).

    Looks like a slight price drop in the UK - black macbook for under 1000. Bet they shift a lot of units.

    food safety and sanitation. Sanitation engineering
  • Sanitation engineering

  • mulletman13
    Aug 4, 01:33 AM
    Ah yes, thank you for telling me =)

    Heh... should've looked first =) (http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/quartzextreme/)

    food safety and sanitation. Food Safety Magazine
  • Food Safety Magazine

  • nsbio
    Nov 8, 09:47 AM
    Can anybody guess whether the new C2D Macbooks will be hotter/cooler?

    food safety and sanitation. Food Safety and Sanitation
  • Food Safety and Sanitation

  • altogether
    Nov 3, 03:57 AM
    It was all smooth sailing til tonight and my Macbook had a random shut down. I've had the firmware upgrade since the day it came out. I noticed this time I couldn't just try to power back up by pressing the power button. I had to either take out the battery and put it back in or plug it up to external power for atleast the start up.

    Bleh, I was so relived that I wouldn't have to send it in with the firmware thingy, so much for that. :(

    So everyone elses are doing fine?

    food safety and sanitation. A Food Safety Mini-Unit amp; DVD
  • A Food Safety Mini-Unit amp; DVD

  • QuarterSwede
    Mar 25, 05:00 PM
    I have no doubt's that this will be resolved in time. In the mean time, I don't have any of the problems that the new IOS 4.3.1 fixes on my Verizon iPhone. ;):apple:
    I'm guessing iOS5 (most likely in June) will put them in sync for releases.

    food safety and sanitation. Jay Neal is a food safety
  • Jay Neal is a food safety

  • Lesser Evets
    Mar 29, 09:34 AM
    If Apple holds back on the iPhone 5 for the fall or winter, then I would expect we're going to see a fairly major change in the same basic iPhone4 form.


    I can't imagine some Rubik's-Cube type form or a LOLicopter or something. It's always going to be generally the same form with minor tweaks.

    As for FUNCTION... I am surprised how they spread out the tech and update. iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad all have closely similar tech. The only reason to spread them out is for price and sales of immediate-cool and price of parts. Logically, you'd think all those items would be launched together.

    iPad3 might launch in Sept/Oct with iPods in order to smack down another slate device emerging on market at that time. It would be beneficial for Apple to save up all the tech and release everything all cranked up to maximum function at the beginning of the school year.
    Should be:

    June--MacPro and OSs
    Dec--notebooks & software suites

    'Course, they don't have to do that at all and can keep to other plans, but I get the logic of it all. People will survive and thrive with iPhone 4 another 3 months.

    food safety and sanitation. Gerry Stine of Food Safety
  • Gerry Stine of Food Safety

  • rovex
    Apr 12, 02:37 PM
    They make cars in the US, and domestic cars are typically less expensive than foreign ones. This argument really doesn't fly.

    Stop making excuses for US companies that build their products elsewhere. We CAN manufacture things in this country; we used to do it a lot more and the products were affordable.

    My Apple IIe says "Made in the USA" on the bottom. It's sad that we never see that on computers anymore.

    But do Americans REALLY want to be building laptops/ipods/ipads? i think society in developed countries such as the states has vigorously changed since 20 years ago.

    food safety and sanitation. cheap Food Plant Sanitation:
  • cheap Food Plant Sanitation:

  • ogdogg
    Nov 12, 04:32 PM
    I wouldn't know who Joe Hewitt is without the iPhone app. Enjoy this final moment of attention Joe, you are now nearly irrelevant. I wonder how many Twitter followers he's lost in the last 24 hours...

    food safety and sanitation. ·Creepy Chinese Food Safety
  • ·Creepy Chinese Food Safety

  • one1
    May 4, 10:43 PM
    I would rather Apple optimize the current iOS to make the iPad run faster and more efficiently. If iOS 5 hits the mark, we can go back to adding more hardware. So far firmware upgrades have been for ADDING features rather than speed tweaks.

    Apple put the worst iphone 2g camera they had in the iPad 2, which was disappointing, but we live with it because it is still "ok" in bright light. We know it will get a camera upgrade for iPad3, not much to debate there. This is a good upgrade.

    A 3D screen, not so much a need and really not a want for many. Just make it faster, make it better, don't worry with 3D bells and whistles just yet. Make it awesome, then make it any way you want. Right now with a 2g camera in the front, no flash or autofocus, and a processor that is good, but not GREAT there is still much to do before moving on.

    food safety and sanitation. Food Safety Consultants
  • Food Safety Consultants

  • lostngone
    Apr 2, 01:29 PM
    Doesn't most of the internet use flash?

    Not on mobile devices...

    I would not feel so strongly about this if Adobe could write a stable, fast, less vulnerable version of flash for the Mac.

    However as of today Adobe has shown they could give a rats ass about Apple and Flash is proof. It is buggy, it crashes a lot, even with hardware acceleration it is still a cpu hog and it seems every time I turn around another security exploit has been found.

    Apple please keep Flash off of your iOS products and keep moving forward with html5.

    food safety and sanitation. Food Sanitation and Regulation
  • Food Sanitation and Regulation

  • kavika411
    Apr 26, 07:02 AM
    Is it that the welfare system in Sweden, or for that matter the US, isn't enough to adequately shift the strictures of poverty

    I don't want to derail the thread, but you have me wondering where welfare systems have been successful in shifting the strictures of poverty on an ongoing basis. But may be left for a different thread.

    food safety and sanitation. Food Safety and Sanitation « Dr. Joy cracks an egg
  • Food Safety and Sanitation « Dr. Joy cracks an egg

  • kresh
    Aug 8, 05:40 AM
    I don't mean to sound dumb, well to be honest I can't help it :p

    But just how much space is this time machine going to eat up?

    If it stores a backup of everything, that's going to get huge in a hurry. For example. What happens if I have a 400 MB video file and I make 20 changes, and save the file after every change.

    I could see this growing to be a storage monster if it keeps every iteration of everything that I do. That 400 MB video would take up 8GB in my time machine, with 20 copies of it. Do that 100 times over a couple of years and that just gets nuts

    Is it only going to store the actual changes and not the whole file again? This is making my head spin, could someone explain how it's going to store backups physically? I know it's not even out yet, but I figure that one of you really smart people already know how this will work. (You're all smarter than me hehe)

    Thanks in advance :)

    food safety and sanitation. Food Safety and Sanitation « Dr. Joy cracks an egg
  • Food Safety and Sanitation « Dr. Joy cracks an egg

  • ilovethisgame
    Mar 28, 07:37 PM
    I just called two of my local Radio Shack's here in NYC and both said that I would be REQUIRED to purchase AppleCare AND a case if I wanted to buy an iPad 2 tomorrow morning. That is ******** and hopefully Apple won't allow it.

    food safety and sanitation. experts in food safety,
  • experts in food safety,

  • gkarris
    May 4, 10:12 PM
    Nintendo you can turn the 3D off....

    It's an Apple device - people will camp out and wait in line for hours for one...


    food safety and sanitation. Food Safety News
  • Food Safety News

  • SactoGuy18
    Mar 25, 09:43 PM
    650 MB download to update my 4G iPod touch.

    607 MB download to update my iPad 2.

    THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE, in my humble opinion. http://www.en.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/negative.gif

    Why can't Apple design their updates so you no longer need to essentially download the whole iOS code? Even Microsoft in their Service Packs for Windows XP/Vista/7 "polls" the system to determine the actual Service Pack download size, so in many cases the download is actually quite small. Of course, I'd like to see Apple allow for incremental updates like how Google does it with the Chrome web browser--done in the background and unobtrusively.

    food safety and sanitation. FOOD SERVICE SAFETY

  • peapody
    Oct 25, 06:53 PM
    http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1414/5108858842_80b9fec111.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyjuliette/5108858842/)

    Alright yall... figured out the brand of this case for the many you who have asked me/pm'd me.

    Brand is Avenues USA, and it is a black zip folio. Bought it at Staples for $15.99. I just brought in my mba to test on all the folios and this one was perfect. I might be selling mine if I sell my MBA for the new 11.6" haha. Might go for something smaller since I would be able to!

    food safety and sanitation. the Food Safety/Sanitation
  • the Food Safety/Sanitation

  • SMM
    Nov 27, 12:33 PM
    Geez, this is a MONEY LOSER if there ever was one.
    I loved the beatles when I was 6.
    But, these days who's going to be buying these tracks!!!

    Steve must love the Beatles, because this is a gift.
    And will hardly be a profitable venture.

    Yes, the stereo effect on the early albums is hard on headphones.
    The drums ONLY in the Right ear.
    The Guitars ONLY in the Left...

    My nieces and nephews, ages 15-20, love the Beatles, Stones, Floyd, Zeppelin, Who, etc. They listen to their own genre too, of course. Beatles music is timeless. It is rather amazing when one considers the album "Meet The Beatles" is well over 40 years old.

    food safety and sanitation. in sanitation, food safety
  • in sanitation, food safety

  • tekmoe
    Sep 4, 09:09 AM
    When new products are released, the existing promotional deals don't always apply to them.

    not always but usually...

    ex: mac pro

    food safety and sanitation. Food safety in local fishing.
  • Food safety in local fishing.

  • apb3
    Oct 16, 10:23 AM
    I said the same thing, basically, way back in this thread:


    "As far as sharing in your range. Again a waste of battery to support this. I have what I wnat ton hear for the most part. I don't much care to drain my battery searching other users' libs (that will come and go as they wander around and in and out of range - oh great, I found a cool Streets video I don't have!! Oh wait he just left range!!!), it's short-lived enough already."

    Steve should hire me when I get back.:D

    Sep 6, 09:31 AM
    Much faster. Even the 7300GT is significantly better.

    Anyway, of the two NEW edition to the lineup, the 17" GMA iMac is much more important to Apple's well being. Why? Volume. They're going to sell ten of them for every 24". The 24" is a silver bullet machine. It's really cool looking, but I don't see many plunking down $2000 on a family computer. It's not going to really appeal to professionals or prosumers either because of its feature set.So you think the $999 model will be a home run? What about all those extras you get for only $200 more? Seems to me the $999 model just gets them into the store where a sales person sells them on the upgrade to the $1199 model.

    On the top, I have to say that you will be so much better off with a 3GB - third party ram - 2GHz Mac Pro and a Dell 24" screen for a total of about $3k. And if you have a screen already, then it's even more of a no brainer to buy the 2GHz Mac Pro. My slant.

    Oct 15, 04:38 PM
    Yes, it would be rare for two people who hardly know each other to go start sticking icky things into icky parts of each other's bodies :rolleyes: :D

    If they both need a Zune to share the music i'm sure both have there own earbuds, the girl or boy can use there own earbuds so there's no body fluids being shared and it works between an iPod and a Zune and all the rest. Wifi sharing is useless.

    Apr 17, 01:40 PM
    Toys R Us? Seriously? What a bizzarre place to buy a tablet PC. I guess we'll be seeing them with the Fisher Price laptops.

    I guess you're too young to remember Children's Palace or the Sears Christmas catalog :) Used to be that's where you'd go to browse, play with, and buy your Atari 400 or Vic-20.

    Back to the present: hold on to your hat, this is going to blow you away, but Toys R Us already sells...the iPod Touch!!!!

    I don't know why you would expect them to not also sell its big brother, the hottest toy / gadget to be found? It's for kids, you know?

    Apr 8, 03:59 PM
    I think what you said is very interesting and insightful. I have a big problem with the concept of original sin, or that people need saving in some way.

    If I could just pick out some small thing?

    I'm not sure everyone is born strictly neutral. There is a lot of evidence to show morality is, in part, evolutionary. I'm not saying people are born to be automatically wonderful, but if there was no structured society people would not all become mass murderers. Therefore I'd say people (with a few exceptions) are born with very basic morality already in place. However, upbringing and society can add or detract from this.

    Of course, this is viewed by a modern standard, and as you suggested- what is "good" and what is "bad" without a standard to judge it by? My head hurts! :confused:Monotheism was invented by priests in exile: they needed to acquire leverage over a scattered population. How better than to tell everyone they were damned by default and could only be saved through the intercession of God's Go-Betweens™. In the Good Old (Polytheistic) Days, you could play one god off against another.

    A is jump
    Nov 27, 02:08 PM
    If you think the stereo mixes are good, you NEED to find a copy of the mono mixes. They are much better, and much more in keeping with the original vision of the songs. The Beatles (and Martin/Emerick/others) largely ignored the stereo mixes until the late 60s' because it wasn't a popular format. In some cases, the mono mixes are drastically different than the stereo. And THAT was the way the songs were originally intended.

    The word "remix" has taken on a bad connotation lately. The songs shouldn't be "rearranged" (as is the common understanding of "remix"), but the actual elements need re-balancing, mostly in the area of placement in the stereo field (as others have pointed out). Plus the actual sonic quality of the CDs is poor, and the mixes, as they stand today, need to be remastered in higher quality digital.

    I agree and disagree.
    agree that the mono mixes are better. but leave the stereo ones alone. they can remaster them if they want... but I dont think the actual mixes should be messed with. I certainly dont trust Sir Paul to be sitting in front of the mixing console saying to George martin "hey, can we turn up the sap?" if all the beatles were alive, maybe. but I'd rather them release the albums with both Stereo and mono mixes on them. like Beach boys did with Pet sounds (and its still only 12.99)