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Saturday, May 14, 2011

cool banner ads

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  • zombierunner
    May 3, 08:44 AM
    *sigh* Every time someone makes this mistake...

    Bear in mind that the US prices do not include sales tax of any kind. In your case Australian prices include GST which I believe currently runs at 10%? If you're anything like the UK there may be additional import taxes to pay and the cost of doing business is likely to be higher (everything from shipping costs to salaries affect the price you pay at the checkout). Add in a margain that Apple will calculate to protect themselves from changes in the exchange rate and you'll probably be very close to price parity. Just as in the UK you're paying extra for the product because of the country, not because of Apple.

    That's not to say Apple DON'T screw up on exchange rates and gouge the heck out of us non-Americans of course. The Mac Mini being the most recent, and painful, example. But you need to make sure you compare like for like before complaining.

    UK VAT is a total Bi#ch

    cool banner ads. Michelle Meredith#39;s Cool
  • Michelle Meredith#39;s Cool

  • SchneiderMan
    Oct 25, 01:44 AM
    World Peace first.

    cool banner ads. “A cool but creepy anner ad
  • “A cool but creepy anner ad

  • silentnite
    Apr 23, 10:36 AM
    another unhappy marriage, can't we all just play nice.

    cool banner ads. anner ad
  • anner ad

  • peapody
    Jan 30, 03:27 PM
    I just ordered this bag

    I really like that bag! Very nice.

    Just had Five Guys with my brother. No one in my family but me takes him there. It's become our thing :)

    http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4091/5090304078_9d874f65fa.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyjuliette/5090304078/)

    cool banner ads. Online anner ads -- which are
  • Online anner ads -- which are

  • sevimli
    Apr 21, 10:20 PM
    Go samy go!

    cool banner ads. posts anner advertising
  • posts anner advertising

  • Consultant
    Apr 15, 01:22 PM
    Any news in the latest build of Lion? When can I install it and be sure most works? :D

    (on Snow Leopard)

    1. Pay $99 to get into the Apple developer program.
    2. Download and install in new partition.

    cool banner ads. impressive anner ads,cool
  • impressive anner ads,cool

  • wordoflife
    Apr 23, 06:38 PM
    Cool. They'll need to make an iPhone that supports the T-mobile's bands if the merger goes through anyways. (right?)

    cool banner ads. Cool! A anner ad! Things Real People Don#39;t Say About Advertising - Worldnews.com
  • Cool! A anner ad! Things Real People Don#39;t Say About Advertising - Worldnews.com

  • Rogue.
    May 3, 07:36 AM
    And the specs?

    UK store still down at this time...

    So enough of the speculation, and post when you have something worth posting ;)

    cool banner ads. Ha in Facebook anner ad
  • Ha in Facebook anner ad

  • AoWolf
    Jul 24, 08:09 PM
    So it got bluetooth and a laser? Eh no thanks I have heard many bad things and have only had bad experience with this mouse. Ill keep my razer.

    cool banner ads. Ha in Facebook anner ad
  • Ha in Facebook anner ad

  • kskill
    Jul 24, 09:59 PM
    seems like a step in the right direction.
    this frees up the space of the wheel and would allow for a full screen ipod.
    pretty dope.

    now all they need to add is a 5.0 mp camera, wifi, web browser, and phone. :D

    cool banner ads. Powered by Max Banner Ads
  • Powered by Max Banner Ads

  • crackbookpro
    Sep 30, 05:14 PM
    As for the remark about big cities, everyone up here around NYC knows that Verizon takes pride in making sure there are no dead spots in their home area. Report one, and they'll fix it. They have literally thousands of mini cells on buildings downtown.

    KDarling, I was wondering what these mini cells look like on buildings...

    cool banner ads. The Consumerist – Banner Ads
  • The Consumerist – Banner Ads

  • Grimace
    Oct 24, 08:25 AM
    2GB of RAM :eek:

    Wow, no one saw that one coming!!

    cool banner ads. impressive anner ads,cool
  • impressive anner ads,cool

  • Intell
    Apr 26, 03:16 PM
    Just a reminder: About 45 minutes to go and you vote must be bolded or I won't count it. Eldiablojoe I'm looking at your post/vote.

    cool banner ads. Solar Energy anner ad
  • Solar Energy anner ad

  • lbro
    Apr 18, 01:28 AM
    Okay I'll play.

    cool banner ads. The Consumerist – Banner Ads
  • The Consumerist – Banner Ads

  • argopelter
    Jun 7, 06:04 PM
    As usual American's (yeah I'm American) love to blame someone for their own responsibility. It's so weird how people on here fight for freedom from the lockdowns that Apple puts on it's developers, freedoms from the limitations and restrictions Apple puts on the iPhone (hence why people jailbreak). Yet when a parent doesn't take accountability for their absence of judgement and legal obligation to be responsible for their child, everyone goes off on Apple for not having the protections in place to prevent this?

    What people want is more choice. They're not asking Apple to disable app purchases by default, just put in some simple safeguards that make mistakes like this less likely.

    You really believe that failing to log out should be a $1000 mistake? For an app they'll never use? What if the app cost $10,000? $100,000? $1 million? Would they need to go take out a loan and pay spend the rest of their lives paying off the app loan? It's a good thing Apple disagrees with you.


    cool banner ads. More interesting anner ads.
  • More interesting anner ads.

  • malana
    Apr 8, 01:25 PM
    i live here sometimes. view from my terrace.


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  • create animated anner ads

  • SMM
    Dec 3, 01:35 PM
    People, the single worst thing that the Mac community faces in the area of security is upon us right now...

    Little security experts who cry exploit.

    Thanks to the media jumping at anything that looks like it could be a security problem with Mac OS X, we now have security experts who are willing to make half-baked claims to draw attention to themselves. But even more frightening is the fact that the Mac community isn't a target because it is a good target or an easy target... no, we are a target because it is the most notable target these days.

    So, how do we fix this?

    Frankly, I don't know.

    ...........<text omitted>............

    The only thing I can suggest (which I doubt anyone will follow) is to avoid the hysteria. When a real threat emerges, you'll most likely hear about it long before you are actually in any danger from it.

    I am with you 100%. Every time one of these 'expert reports' comes out, I see a plethora of panic posts following it. The common theme is; 'we're screwed, someone save us, why doesn't Apple do something! :eek:

    I think the majority of the security reports are motivated by ego, or most likely, profit. When companies like Network Associates funds a security vulnerability study, it is not done because they are a concerned, benevolent member of the technical community. They are out to make a buck. What they promote is fear. What they sell is reassurance. Nice gig.

    cool banner ads. bar and anner ads ready .
  • bar and anner ads ready .

  • blueroom
    Dec 31, 06:09 PM
    you gotta feel sorry for the poor abused toilet. I can imagine the reamed out plumbing.
    Oh the horror.

    cool banner ads. cool icons and anner ads
  • cool icons and anner ads

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 08:42 AM
    And that is reason enough that Samsung should be allowed to rip off Apple products? - I don't think so.

    It's not like Apple never ripped off anyone else. iPhone ring a bell :


    Let's not go claim that one side is totally white and the other totally black. These are huge corporations we're talking about. They do things for their own profits.

    And anyway, as has been shown, aside from the Vibrant and international i9000 models (those pictures everyone going "Samsung are copycats!" are trumpeting around), the Galaxy S line is quite different from the iPhone and while the icon grid looks the same, one is inside the App Drawer and the other on the home screen. The TouchWiz homescreen doesn't have the icon grid.

    This case isn't so clear cut. And now adding the Samsung counter-suit, it's even less. To claim one side is wrong and the other right at this point is quite disingenuous.

    Again, let the courts decide. Siding with one corporation or another should not be something we bother with as consumers.

    Apr 29, 04:25 PM
    I just love Amazon. They truly are earth's most consumer-centric retail store, as their slogan states.

    Here's an example: I had to replace my new 17" MBP 4 times (!!) before finally getting an Apple laptop without issues. First one had serious screen leakage, second had terrible construction (non-adonized aluminum, almost felt rusty), third was great for a week, until it stopped turning on. Fourth seems ok so far, I hope it'll stay that way.

    If I had to go through the Apple store, they'd be fixing and fixing the device while I was left with nothing at hand. Had I wanted to return it, I'd probably have paid a restocking fee.

    With amazon, I get to keep the first laptop until the replacement arrives.

    With amazon, I didn't have to pay the sales tax (not really Apple's fault), plus the item's price was 150$ cheaper than MSRP.

    Two-day shipping was free, 1-day shipping was 4$. Again, cheaper than apple.

    Amazon actually paid for the return shipping of the laptops. That's 70$ each time!

    I think Amazon is poised to become the world's biggest player in retail and beyond. Cloud storage, EC2, S3, free video on demand for prime members, App store for Android, and oh yes - selling virtually anything I am interested in buying.

    Oct 29, 11:48 PM
    right now its reformatting into a RAID, boss wanted to RAID it. lost 2 frames no biggie. here's what i got before that

    [22:05:44] pleted 2500 out of 250000 steps (1%)
    [22:54:37] Completed 5000 out of 250000 steps (2%)

    so thats about 50 mins per frame. i was thinking maybe that was due to the clock speed being 2.26 or the HT. the old 3ghz MP does a frame in the low to mid 40s

    wont get to test until tomorrow

    I run this:./fah6 -bigadv -smp 16 -localwhich works all 16 cores/threads, check activity monitor to see how many cores are running, there should be 16 total. The first time I started it there were only 4 running so I shut it down and restarted with the -smp 16 in it and that did the trick.
    I don't want to be ignorant, but I thought that HT was all about utilising the unused portions of each core. But if you're running F@H shouldn't those cores be fully utilised anyway? 2.26 to 2.66 shouldn't make that big of a difference and I didn't know you could even turn HT off, even if you wanted to.

    Sep 30, 11:46 AM
    Been with O2 (UK) for many years I never had a dropped call � until I bought an iPhone.

    My signal is good, full bars on 3G and 2G. Dropped calls, calls failed happen regally.

    I also hate sitting on a train, everyone else who does not have an iPhone has full-good reception, iPhone displays "No Service".


    Apr 28, 11:49 AM
    The market share data needs to be looked at in a more nuanced way than "Apple Wins!" or "Android Wins!".

    The iPhone's market share *right now* is okay - enviable even - because, when combined with the interests of people who are buying iPhones *right now*, it means that developers have more incentive to make apps for iPhones than for Android...and the better app availability for iPhones makes the platform even better. (And to some extent the Touch and the iPad play a role here)

    The *trend* of the iPhone's market share is more concerning, though, and anyone interested in the future of the iPhone should pay attention to these numbers. (I'm sure Apple is). If the iPhone's marketshare drops too far, or stays too low for too long, there is a risk that developers may shift their resources to developing for Android first. Which will further undercut the iPhone's advantages.

    But these trends are certainly not fixed in stone...I know a lot of people (non-techies) who recently bought a 3GS...$49 for that phone is a steal. But $49 for the iP4 when the iP5 comes out will be even more of a steal...and, presumably, the old iP4 will be available on both AT&T and Verizon. And as more Verizon users come off of their contracts, there may be some additional iP uptake.

    I really see no reason why - with $49 phones available from both Verizon and AT&T, the iPhone market share shouldn't go up to 50% or beyond.

    Apr 22, 09:40 AM
    Not sure I understand, I've had 4G on my Evo for over a year now...


    wimax is not 4G. it even shows up with the wifi icon when it's connected. LTE is a real ITU standard that will eventually pave the way for real 4G